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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译文/图 2020-09-18  20:36



  斋藤秀雄(Saito,Hideo 1902-1974      
  斋藤纪念管弦乐团在小泽征尔松本音乐节演出音乐会 2019 Saito Kinen Orchestra/Diego Matheuz2019      
西尔维斯特Revueltas: Sensemaya
莫扎特:D大调第35交响曲,K. 385《哈夫纳》
Diego Matheuz, conductor
Silvestre Revueltas: Sensemayá
Mozart: Symphony No. 35 in D major, K. 385 “Haffner”
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 “Pathétique”
Tchaikovsky: Polonaise , from ' Eugene Onegin '
2015年开始,名称变更为“小泽征尔 松本音乐节'' (Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival)
Saito Kinen Orchestra 斋藤纪念管弦乐团

斋藤秀雄(Saito,Hideo 1902-1974),日本的西洋音乐教学之父,同时也是日本的指挥教父。斋藤秀雄是日本有名英语学者斋藤秀三郎的次子,12岁时就显现了对音乐的兴趣,开始演奏洋琵琶;16岁时开始学习大提琴,之后进入上智大学,但由于想专心于音乐而中途退学。斋藤秀雄22岁时随日本当时有名的作曲家、指挥家近卫秀麿留学德国。归国后,斋藤秀雄在日本新交响乐团(NHK交响乐团的前身)担任大提琴演奏和乐团指挥。1930年,斋藤秀雄留学柏林,成为大提琴家费尔曼(E.Feuermann) 的得意弟子;这对斋藤秀雄的演奏生涯产生了极大影响,对演奏或指挥德国作曲家的作品有相当大的偏好。
他不但是大提琴家、指挥家,也是日本杰出的音乐教育家,创办桐城学园音乐系,着眼于音乐训练是须从幼年即开始的音乐扎根教育;他有着很多训练学生的独特方法,其中包括巴黎音乐学院所实行的“视唱”(Solfege) 训练方式。战后,斋藤秀雄与井口基成、伊藤武雄、吉田秀和等人成立“为孩子开设的音乐教室”,与以后桐朋学园一系列音乐学科的开设有很大关系。此后,斋藤任教桐朋女子高校、桐朋学园大学、桐朋学园短期大学等,将毕生精力献给了音乐教育事业。1964年,斋藤成立桐朋学园弦乐合奏团,并成功进行美国公演;并于1967年出任日本指挥者协会会长。1974年9月18日,斋藤秀雄因癌症去世。

今日视频:1、斋藤纪念管弦乐团在小泽征尔松本音乐节演出音乐会 2019 ;2、齋藤秀雄改编巴赫恰空管弦乐版 - 小泽征尔指挥。

  斋藤秀雄(Saito,Hideo )在指挥中      
  “小泽征尔 松本音乐节'' (Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival)      
 2015年开始,名称变更为“小泽征尔 松本音乐节'' (Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival)                     
  松本音乐节由小泽征尔先生于1992年创办,以此纪念他已故的良师益友斋藤秀雄 (Hideo Saito),并向世人证明斋藤教授至今仍对古典音乐有着巨大的影响力。该音乐节因斋藤纪念乐团 (Saito Kinen Orchestra) 的成功而发展起来。
  斋藤秀雄(Saito,Hideo) 和小泽征尔      
  Introduction to Saito Hideo's "Tutorial on Conducting"      
  In modern Japanese conducting teaching, there are various kinds of textbooks, and the Conducting Method Course written by his wife Hideo Saito occupies a special position. Mr. Saito is a famous music educator and performer, who is respected by people in Japan.
Hideo Saito was born in The 35th year of the Meiji period in Japan. His father was a well-known English scholar who wrote the Japanese English dictionary. Hideo Saito graduated from the Economics department of Sophia University in his early years.Due to his interest in music, he began to practice cello automatically and later went to Germany to study.After returning home, he joined the New Japan Symphony Orchestra (the predecessor of the current NNK Symphony Orchestra) as a cellist.That is the level of Music in Japan, "below the standard," as Seiji Ozawa puts it.Faced with this situation, Mr. Saito and other wise men, determined to educate, set up several specialized music classrooms, including piano and cello, which later developed into schools covering a variety of music disciplines.Under saito's strict academic policy, the university has produced a large number of talents, attracted more and more attention, increased the number of students and expanded the university from strength to strength, until it has developed into today's Tongpeng Gakuen University, which enjoys a good reputation in music education.
As a member of the orchestra, Saito has carefully observed the different conductors and techniques, and has first-hand experience of conducting gestures and the psychological effects of the performers.The above-mentioned ii is some of the most intimate gestures of a conductor, which prompted him to begin an in-depth study of the command technique, and there were few books on the command method at that time.Some European conductors thought that conducting could not be taught.The basic motivation for Saito's book is how to make this emerging technology widely known and learned.Based on many years of teaching accumulation, combining a large number of student notes, and with the help of the enthusiasm of many students, a textbook of conducting law was produced.Later, it was modified by some students who became excellent conductors according to their practical experience and formed the current Course of Conducting Law.
The Tutorial is divided into two parts: the basic part and the application exercise.
In the "basic part", the author expounds his own views on various issues of command, and analyzes the theory of command gesture movement theoretically.In particular, He has a unique view on the classification, contact movement, direct movement and application diagram of command technology.According to Saito, the whole principle of directing gesture movement consists of the process of acceleration and deceleration, which forms the pre-point preparation, point and post-point movement through acceleration and deceleration.Since this principle is in keeping with the rhythm of people's inner senses, people can sense speed and rhythm from it, and command gestures have evolved other techniques based on it.
Mr Saito's teaching is guided by the principle of using the hand instead of the mouth, and of using technology to get the orchestra to produce music that suits him.The techniques of conducting are discussed in detail, and the techniques are given names according to people's natural feelings.For example, Saito divided command technology into indirect motion and direct motion. Indirect motion includes: hitting, average motion, acceleration and deceleration in arc motion;Direct movement includes: instantaneous movement, first in method, pull up, lead to hang.Different techniques indicate different musical effects.The exposition of these techniques not only makes the technique of commanding theoretically, but also makes the reader have a clearer understanding of the technique of commanding conceptually.By mastering and using these skills, the conductor can give clear instructions to the players according to the changes of the music and his own handling, thus better controlling the whole orchestra and greatly increasing the expressive power of his hands on the music.In order to master these techniques, the author not only discusses these techniques, but also puts forward effective practice methods, especially in how to use muscles to make the arm relax and freely complete these technical movements has great practical value.Through years of teaching practice, Mr. Saito has selected 8 pieces of music to guide the "applied practice" section step by step and beat by beat.The eight songs are short, but including several different types (such as: GeChangXing, bouncing, extremely slow, waltz, etc.), require the use of the "basic" skills to command, to achieve through intensive training, mastering their purpose, tracks by beginning to use a single technique to direct simple music gradually deepen to the integrated use of various methods of music command is relatively complex, rich change.It will take about a year to conduct the eight pieces of music according to the book's requirements.
There are a lot of teachers who conduct instruction in Tongpeng University. They use different methods and procedures to conduct instruction according to their own viewpoints and the situation of students.But in its early stages it was largely based on Mr Saito's "Tutorial in Conducting".Through the training of the course and under the guidance of Mr. Saito, Toeppon produced a group of outstanding conductors with international influence, such as Seiji Ozawa, Hiroyuki Yeoncheng, Akiyama and Kei kei.As the statue of Hideo Saito, given by his students to The University in memory of Mr. Saito, says: "As the founder of The University, Hideo Saito opened a new era in the history of Japanese music through rigorous and orthodox education, the fruits of which are now being known to the world."
There are other views on the evaluation of the Conducting Course, mainly the view that it is not necessary for conductors to be taught as written in the Course.But as a textbook, his scientific and systematic nature is widely accepted.
With the rapid development of music education in China and considerable achievements made today, it is necessary to know and study more typical educational viewpoints and methods in the world.
斋藤先生的教学中始终贯彻着如何用手代替嘴,通过技术手段驱使乐队奏出与自己内心相符合的音乐这一原则。在书中对指挥的技术进行了细致的论述,对各种技巧根据人们的自然感受起了相应的名词。比如斋藤将指挥技术分为间接运动和直接运动两大类,间接运动包括:打、平均运动、弧线运动中带加速减速;直接运动包括:瞬间运动、先入法、上拔、引挂。不同技巧指示出不同的音乐效果。通过对这些技巧的论述,不仅使指挥的技术理论化,也使读者从概念上对指挥的技巧能有更为清醒的认识。掌握和运用这些技巧,指挥者可以根据音乐的变化和自己的处理给演奏员以明确的指示,较好地控制整个乐队,同时也大大增加了自己的手对音乐的表现力。为了是读者掌握这些技术,作者在论述这些技巧的同时,还提出了有效的练习方法,特别是在如何运用肌肉能使手臂放松、自如地完成这些技术动作方面有着较大的实用价值。斋藤先生通过多年的教学实践,精选出了8首乐曲在“应用练习”部分中逐节逐拍地进行指导。这8首乐曲都短小,但包括几种不同的类型(如:歌唱性的,跳跃的,极缓慢的,圆舞曲等),要求采用“基础篇”中论述的技巧来指挥,以达到通过集中练习,掌握它们的目的,曲目由开始用较为单一的手法来指挥简单的音乐逐步加深到综合 运用各种不同手法指挥较复杂、富有变化的音乐。按照书上的要求指挥完这8首乐曲约需要一年的时间。
在桐朋大学指挥任课的教师很多,他们根据自己的观点和学生的情况,用不同的方法和程序进行指挥教学。但在最初阶段大都是以斋藤先生的《指挥法教程》作为 基础的。通过《教程》的训练并在斋藤先生的指导下,桐朋产生了象小泽征尔、延城宏之、秋山和庆等一批具有国际影响的优秀的指挥家。正象他的学生们为了纪念斋藤先生,集体送给桐朋学园大学的斋藤秀雄的塑像上写的那样:“斋藤秀雄作为桐朋学园大学的创始人,通过严格正统的教育,开辟了日本音乐历史的新时代,其成果正被世界所知道。”
对于《指挥法教程》的 评价也有其它 观点,主要是认为指挥没有必要象《教程》中写的那样去教。但作为一部教科书,他的科学性、系统性还是受到普遍的承人的。
  Today in the history of music
Japanese conductor, cellist, educator: Saito (Hideo) died on September 18, 1974.
Hideo Saito (1902-1974) was the father of Western music teaching in Japan and the godfather of conducting in Japan.Hideo Saito, the second son of the famous Japanese English scholar Hideuro Saito, showed an interest in music and began playing lute at the age of 12.He began studying cello at the age of 16, and then entered Zhi University, but dropped out because he wanted to concentrate on music.Saito show male 22 years old with Japan then famous composer, conductor Nearly Wei Xiu Mo study abroad Germany.Upon his return, Hideo Saito played cello and conducted the New Japan Symphony Orchestra, the predecessor of NHK Symphony Orchestra.In 1930, Hideo Saito studied in Berlin, where he became the pupil of cellist E. Felmann.This had a great influence on Saito's playing career and he had a considerable preference for performing or conducting the works of German composers.
He was not only a cellist and conductor, but also an outstanding music educator in Japan. He founded the Music Department of Tongcheng Gakuen Academy with the focus on music training, which should be rooted in music from childhood.He has many unique methods of training students, including the "Solfege" training at the Paris Conservatory.After the war, Hideo Saito, Takeshi Iguchi, Takeo ITO, Hideo Yoshida and others established the "Music Classroom for Children", which had a lot to do with the opening of a series of music disciplines in The Tongpo Academy.Since then, Saito has devoted his life to music education by teaching at Tongpeng Women's College, Tongpeng Gakuen University, And Tongpeng Gakuen Short-term University.In 1964, Saito founded the String Ensemble of Tongpeng Academy and successfully performed in the United States.He became President of the Japan Commanders Association in 1967.On September 18, 1974, Hideo Saito died of cancer.
Today's videos: 1. Saito Memorial Orchestra at Seiji Matsumoto Music Festival 2019; 2.2. Soo Saito adapted Bach Chachan orchestral edition - Seiji Ozawa conducting.


  齋藤秀雄改编巴赫恰空管弦乐版 - 小泽征尔指挥
比较罕见的非 Stowkowski 版管弦恰空,这个版是齋藤秀雄改编的,由小泽征尔指挥。


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