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                                田润德 编译文/图 2020-08-26  20:36


  雅克·费雷尔·马萨斯Jacques Fereol Mazas1782~1849)      
  林耀基 讲解 马扎斯第一册特殊练习曲      

1888年7月26日,法国小提琴家、作曲家:马扎斯( Mazas,Jacques Fereol)1849年8月26日逝世于波尔多。
【马扎斯】Jacques Fereol Mazas( 1782~1849)法国小提琴演奏家、教育家。
French violinist, composer and pedagogue Jacques Mazas died on this day in 1849.
A student of Pierre Baillot, Mazas is remembered in history for his technique-building studies, etudes and duets.

马扎斯小提琴特殊练习曲,能使我们学生最枯燥的练习变得轻松愉快起来,孩子在学习练习曲的过程中也能感受到音乐乐趣。循序渐进地建立良好的音准概念和规范的演奏习惯。让教师和家长从繁琐冗长的陪练中解脱出来。 马扎斯法国小提琴家、教育家、作曲家。1802年入巴黎音乐学院学习,后赴欧洲各国旅行演出。1829年返回巴黎后,在几所音乐学院任教。马托斯创作过许多小乐曲,练习曲,其中《马扎斯小提琴练习曲》作品36号(共分三集:第一集《特殊练习曲》,第二集《华丽练习曲》,第三集《为艺术家创作的练习曲》)是马扎斯最优秀的作品之一。它摈弃了练习曲教材枯燥乏味的机械式练习,巧妙地将各种类型的技巧融合在优美的旋律之中。尤其是《特殊练习曲》和《华丽练习曲》是专为中级程度学生创作的练习曲,特别有利于改善学生的发音和提高学生演演奏优美旋律的能力。

今日视频:林耀基 讲解 马扎斯第一册特殊练习曲

  雅克·费雷尔·马萨斯Jacques Fereol Mazas1      
  Today in the history of music               
French violinist and composer Mazas (Jacques Fereol) died in Bordeaux on 26 August 1849.
【 Mazas 】Jacques Fereol Mazas(1782~1849), French violinist and educator.
He learned the violin as a young man from the famous violinist Baillot and later graduated from the Violin class at the Conservatory in Paris.It has many violin pieces and etudes and enjoys a great reputation in France.Among the works, no. 36 of The Melodic Etude of Lesson 75 and Advanced Etude is the most famous. According to the degree, the book is divided into three sets: the first set, Special Etude 1-30, is generally practiced at the same time as Little Dente.Second lesson 31-57 magnificent etude, generally with the clay that atzel etude practice at the same time, the third set "for the artist etudes" lesson 58-72, with "paganini 24 caprices" practice at the same time. Lift of etude features are: left hand, right hand bowing strict training, with beautiful music feeling and GeChangXing melody playing method, combined with each other, it is every good orchestra violinist must study and research of excellent teaching material.
French violinist, composer and educator Jacques Massas died on this day in 1849.Mazzas, a student of Pierre Bellot, is remembered in history for his technical construction studies, etudes and duets.
French violinist, composer and pedagogue Jacques Mazas died on this day in 1849.
A student of Pierre Baillot, Mazas is remembered in history for his technique-building studies, etudes and duets.
Maaz Violin Etude is a book published by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House in 2003. The author is Zhao Shuusheng.Since its publication, the book has been deeply loved by teachers and students, and occupies a very important position in the violin teaching system.
Maaz special etude for violin can make the most boring exercise for students become relaxed and happy, and children can also feel the fun of music in the process of learning the etude.Step by step to establish a good concept of intonation and standard playing habits.Free teachers and parents from the tedious and tedious practice.French violinist, educator, composer.In 1802, he went to Paris Conservatory of Music to study, and then went to various European countries to perform.After returning to Paris in 1829, he taught at several conservatoire.Matos composed many small pieces of music and etudes, among which, op. 36 of The Violin Etudes of Mazzas (divided into three sets: the first set of special etudes, the second set of Magnificent etudes, and the third set of Etudes for artists) is one of the best works of Mazzas.Instead of the boring mechanical practice of the etude textbook, it skillfully fuses various types of techniques in the beautiful melody.In particular, the Special etude and the Magnificent Etude are specially created for intermediate level students, which are especially helpful to improve students' pronunciation and enhance their ability to perform and play beautiful melodies.
Video of the day: Lim Yao-ki explains the first special etude of Mazzas.          
  雅克·费雷尔·马萨斯Jacques Fereol Mazas1)小提琴特殊练习      
  雅克·费雷尔·马萨斯Jacques Fereol Mazas1)小提琴特殊练习      
  雅克·费雷尔·马萨斯Jacques Fereol Mazas1)唱片封面      
  约瑟夫·米卡马扎斯特殊 练习专题讲座      
  雅克·费雷奥·马萨斯:练习曲。 36/1 第二小提琴部分由约瑟夫·米卡演奏      
  Jacques Féreol Mazas: Etudes speciales op.36/ 1 with the second violin part composed by Josef Micka      


林耀基是我国著名的小提琴演奏家和音乐教育家,是当代小提琴教育界的杰出代表人物,受到国内同行和国际音乐界的高度评价,被西方誉为“伟大的小提琴教育家”。 生于1937年,卒于2009年3月16日。广东省台山市人。1954年至1960年在中央音乐学院随马思聪学习小提琴。1960年毕业于中央音乐学院,后赴前苏联莫斯科柴科夫斯基音乐学院深造,师从小提琴家杨柯列维奇(Yankelevich),专攻小提琴演奏与教学法,Yankelevich曾预言,林耀基将会为中国的小提琴教育事业做出巨大贡献。1963年回国后一直在中央音乐学院任教。多年来林耀基先生潜心教学,重视学生的音乐素养和艺术水平,经常为艺术团体,院校作有关小提琴演奏与教学的学术报告。他的学生遍布全球各洲。自1980年起,他的学生开始在各大国际小提琴比赛中脱颖而出 。如:第四届芬兰"西贝柳斯国际小提琴比赛"第五名及比利时"伊丽莎白王后国际小提琴比赛"第四名的胡坤,第二届日本国际音乐比赛第三名的薛伟、美国曼纳格国际弦乐比赛首奖获得者徐维聆等。 刚刚12岁,拉的曲目是圣·桑的《引子与随想回旋曲》和萨拉萨蒂的《流浪者之歌》, 其声音柔美自然,热情奔放,透出音乐的成熟。其著名的学生还有刘扬、郭昶、柴亮、李传韵、贾宏光、陈允、张堤、谢楠、陈音来、顾文蕾、陈曦、杨晓宇等等。林耀基先生除了潜心教学外,还多次当过十多个国际小提琴比赛的评委 。美国迪雷教授观摩林耀基的大师课后,对他的授课赞誉很高。 是的,林耀基不愧为音乐领域的采矿大师和冠军教授。
  Lin Yao-ji (1937 -- 2009), male, taishan county, Guangzhou, famous violin professor of Central Conservatory of Music, world-renowned outstanding music educator, national member of the 8th, 9th and 10th CPPCC.From 1954 to 1960, he studied violin with Ma Sicong at the Central Conservatory of Music.He graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1960 and went to the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, The Former Soviet Union, where he studied violin playing and teaching by violinist Yankelevich.On the early morning of March 16, 2009, he died at his home in Beijing at the age of 72.
Lin Yao-ji is a famous violinist and music educator in China. He is an outstanding representative of contemporary violin education, highly appraised by his peers in China and the international music industry. He is also known as the "great violin educator" in the West.Born 1937 and died March 16, 2009.Taishan city, Guangdong Province.From 1954 to 1960, he studied violin with Ma Sicong at the Central Conservatory of Music.After graduating from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1960, Lin went to the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, the Former Soviet Union, where he studied violin performance and pedagogy under violinist Yankelevich. Yankelevich predicted that Lin would make a great contribution to violin education in China.He has been teaching in the Central Conservatory of Music since he returned to China in 1963.Over the years, Mr. Lin yao-ki has devoted himself to teaching and attached great importance to students' musical quality and artistic level. He often gives academic reports on violin playing and teaching for art groups and colleges.He has students from all over the world.Since 1980, his students have been competing in major international violin competitions.For example, Hu Kun who won the fifth place in the 4th Finland Sibelus International Violin Competition, Belgium Queen Elizabeth International Violin Competition, Xue Wei who won the third place in the 2nd Japan International Music Competition, and Xu Wei Ling who won the first prize in the Manag International String Music Competition in the United States, etc.At the age of 12, Ra's repertoire includes Saint Sang's "Introduction and The Rondo of Random thoughts" and Salasati's "Song of the Wanderer," with a soft, natural, passionate voice that exudes musical maturity.Its famous students are Liu Yang, Guo Chang, Chai Liang, Li Chuanyun, Jia Hongguang, Chen Yun, Zhang Di, Xie Nan, Chen Yinlai, Gu Wenlei, Chen Xi, Yang Xiaoyu and so on.In addition to his dedicated teaching, Mr. Lam has also been a judge for more than ten international violin competitions.American professor D 'Leh watched Lin Yaoji's master class and spoke highly of his teaching.Yes, Lam yao-ki is a mining master and a champion professor of music.
  田元八岁时接受林耀基教授的指导,受益匪浅。田元九岁考入中央音乐学院附小,师从汤伟剑老师学习小提琴,10岁在家乡哈尔滨音乐厅举办独奏音乐会,之后在一些国际比赛和地区比赛获奖,以及中央音乐学院的比赛中获奖。曾经受到林耀基老师精心指导,并受到盛中国老师的赏识和推荐, 以全额奖学金考入美国费城天普大学师从著名小提琴大师爱德华·施密德教授的班上继续深造学习小提琴。      


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