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                                  田润德 编译文/图 2020-08-25  20:36


  拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik,1941 —1996)      

 【纪录片/中字】 拉斐尔·库贝利克:肖像


Rafael Kubelik: A Portrait


拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)生于捷克比霍里,其父扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)是著名小提琴家、作曲家。1928-1933年就学于布拉格音乐学院,次年即指挥捷克爱乐乐团首次登台。此后至1936年他经常指挥乐团为父亲演出其六首小提琴协奏曲的其他小提琴和乐队曲伴奏1936-1939年任捷克爱乐乐团执行指挥,1942年升任艺术总监。1948年捷共接管政权时,库贝利克正在英国参加爱丁堡音乐节,由此脱离捷克,次年赴美国指挥芝加哥交响乐团。1955年就任柯文特花园歌剧院音乐监督,1957-1958年指挥纽约爱乐乐团。1961-1979年间出任巴伐利亚广播交响乐团首席指挥。
拉斐尔·库贝利克于1914年出生在捷克的皮霍里。他的家庭是一个典型的音乐世家,父亲扬·库贝利克曾是19世纪末到20世纪初的世界著名小提琴家,在当时是著名的塞夫契克小提琴学派的代表人物。拉·库贝利克出生在这样优越的家庭音乐环境中,确实获得了许多使他终身受益的因素。他从14岁开始进入布拉格音乐学院中学习钢琴、小提琴、指挥和作曲。19岁从音乐学院毕业以后,便于第二年与捷克爱乐乐团合作进行了首次登台指挥。在其后的两年多的时间里,他多次随父亲外出旅行演出,并指挥乐队为他的父亲伴奏。 1936年,22岁的库贝利克担任了著名的捷克爱乐乐团的指挥,正式开始了他一生繁忙的指挥艺术生涯。在这个举世闻名的大乐团中工作了三年以后,库贝利克接到了布尔诺民族歌剧院的聘书,并于1939年至1941年担任了这家歌剧院的常任指挥。 1941年以后,库贝利克重返捷克爱乐乐团,与上次不同的是,这回他已是这个乐团的首席指挥了。库贝利克在这个乐团中整整工作了七年,为这个历史悠久,又具有着光荣传统的乐团的继续发展,起到了十分重要的作用。 1948年,库贝利克辞别了祖国,来到了大洋彼岸的美国。在美国,库贝利克进行了广泛的活动,力图在这里显露出他的指挥才华,1950年,他终于如愿以偿,上任担任了三年美国芝加哥交响乐团的常任指挥。然而就在他在美国展开他的活动范围之后,英国著名的皇家科文特花园歌剧院又向他频频地招手了,这使得他于1955年重又回到了欧洲,担任了这家在世界上与斯卡拉歌剧院齐名的大歌剧院的常任指挥,在这段时期里,库贝利克指挥该院演出了大量的歌剧作品,其中还包括许多具有纪念性意义的演出,比如他曾指挥该院在英国首演了雅那切克的歌剧《耶努法》和柏辽兹的歌剧《特洛伊人》,而这些重要的活动经历,都使得他逐步获得了越来越广泛的世界声誉。 1961年,库贝利克又来到了德国,在这里,他担任了另一个著名乐团—慕尼黑巴伐利亚广播交响乐团的常任指挥,他在担任这个乐团的常任指挥期间,曾多次率领该团出国访问演出,为这个乐团赢得广泛的世界影响,起到了不可低估的作用。到了20 世纪的70年代,库贝利克又开始重返美国,他在1971年到1974年间担任了纽约大都会歌剧院的常任指挥,他在就职以后,力尽艰辛,克服了重重的困难,终于使这个剧院恢复到了正常的轨道上来。 1974年,库贝利克辞去了大都会歌剧院音乐指导和常任指挥的职务,来到了位于中欧的瑞士,并最终加入了瑞士国籍。此后,库贝利克又以捷克—瑞士双重指挥家的身分,继续活跃在国际音乐舞台上。

拉斐尔·库贝利克:肖像 ;2、拉斐尔·库贝利克指挥马五;3、 杨·库贝利克1902-1913年间历史演奏的原声录音。                                            


  年轻的拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)      
  Today in the history of music
On August 25, 1961, Kubellick: requiem in Memory of my Wife premiered in Lucerne.
Rafael Kubelik was born in Bihori, Czech Republic, the son of Jan Kubelik, a renowned violinist and composer.He studied at the Prague Conservatory of Music from 1928 to 1933, conducting the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra for the first time the following year.From then until 1936, he often conducted the orchestra for his father to perform six violin concertos for other violins and the accompaniment of the orchestra music. From 1936 to 1939, he was the executive director of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1942, he was promoted to artistic director.When the Communists took over in 1948, Kubelic was attending the Edinburgh Music Festival in England and broke away from the Czech Republic to conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in the United States the following year.He became music superintendent of the Covent Garden Opera House in 1955 and conducted the New York Philharmonic orchestra from 1957 to 1958.From 1961 to 1979, he was chief conductor of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Raphael Kubelic was born in Pikhoi, Czech Republic in 1914.His family was a typical musical family. His father, Jan Kubelic, was a world-famous violinist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was a representative of the famous Sevcik violin school at that time.Born into such a privileged family music environment, La Kubellick certainly gained many factors that benefited him throughout his life.He began studying piano, violin, conducting and composition at the Prague Conservatory of Music at the age of 14.After graduating from the conservatory at the age of 19, he made his debut conducting with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra the following year.Over the next two years, he traveled with his father many times and played in orchestras for his father.In 1936, at the age of 22, Kubelic began his busy conducting career as conductor of the famous Czech Philharmonic orchestra.After three years in the world-famous orchestra, Kubelic received an offer from the Opera house of The Ethnolpe brno and became its permanent conductor from 1939 to 1941.When kubelic returned to the Czech Philharmonic after 1941, he was now the orchestra's chief conductor.Kubellick worked with the orchestra for seven years and played an important role in the continued development of a group with a long history and a proud tradition.In 1948, Kubellick said goodbye to his homeland and moved across the pond to the United States.In the United States, Kubellick undertook a wide range of activities in an effort to demonstrate his talent as a conductor, and in 1950 he finally succeeded, taking up the post of permanent conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for three years.However, after he began his campaign in the United States range, a well-known British royal families, covent garden opera house was waved to him frequently to again, which made him again returned to Europe in 1955, for the big and opera in the world famous opera house permanent command, in this period, the library bailey g command it to perform an opera a lot of work, which also includes many performance of monumental significance, such as he had command of the premiere in Britain, the chuck's opera "Mr Law and Berlioz's opera" Trojan ", and these important activity experiences,Gradually, he gained more and more worldwide fame.Library and bailey came to Germany in 1961 and, here, he served as another famous orchestra in Munich Bavarian radio symphony orchestra permanent command, when he was during the permanent conductor of the orchestra, has repeatedly led the delegation to visit abroad, won widespread influence in the world, and for the orchestra played a role cannot be underestimated.In the 1970s, Kubelick began to return to the United States. He served as permanent conductor of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York from 1971 to 1974. After taking office, he worked hard and overcame many difficulties to bring the theater back to the normal track.In 1974, Kubelic left his post as musical director and permanent conductor at the Metropolitan Opera to move to Switzerland in central Europe, where he eventually became a Swiss citizen.Since then, Kubelic continued to be active on the international music stage as a Czech - Swiss double conductor.
Today's video: : 1. Raphael Kubellick: Portraits.- Mozart                          

  拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)的指挥英姿      
库贝利克的名字对于专业音乐工作者和音乐爱好者来说应该是并不陌生的,他是20 世纪中非常活跃和有影响力的著名指挥家。除了以上提到的那么多一流乐团的音乐指导与常任指挥以外,他还是一位异常繁忙的世界性客席指挥,在他的指挥生涯中,曾经担任过包括欧美各国和世界上其它国家和地区的交响乐团的客席指挥,足迹遍布之广是使很多人都望尘莫及的,因此有的资料上曾说他在客串指挥方面是仅次于卡拉扬的第二号人物,这种说法准确与否我们先另当别论,但他是20 世纪中最繁忙的客席指挥之一,则是肯定无疑的了。
  拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)      
  著名小提琴家杨·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)——拉斐尔·库贝利克(Rafael Kubelik)的父亲  
  扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)      
  扬·库贝利克(Jan kubelík)在1880年7月5日生于布拉格附近的米什列。父母均为捷克人。他五岁开始从父亲学小提琴,父亲以园艺为业,业余从事音乐。库贝利克八岁时在布拉格第一次登台,演奏维厄当的协奏曲和几首维尼亚夫斯基的小曲。后来他从韦贝拉、昂德里奇卡和斯尔斯内学琴,每年换一次老师。真正的老师是他在布拉格音乐学院师事六年之久的奥托卡·舍夫契克(1852-1934)。舍夫契克的学生据说先后数以千计,因为他在欧美各地的教学生涯长得出奇。学生中有埃里卡·莫里尼、埃弗雷姆·津巴利斯特(在奥尔以后),弗朗茨·昂德里切克、雅罗斯拉夫·科齐安,玛丽·霍尔和莱奥诺拉·杰克逊。
  扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)      
  扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)和夫人      
  扬·库贝利克(jan kubelík)在美国      
  In 1902, Kubellick made his first sensational visit to the United States.He was called "The Heir of Paganini," and, as paganini once did, the shop Windows were filled with "Kubellick" shoes, hats, scarves and other items.For a time, the concert sold out faster than Paderewski in Chicago.The girls at the party vied with each other to propose to him.Within a few years, visits to the United States brought in more than half a million dollars, which was a lot of money at the time. (In 1905, Chrysler made 400 dollars for two concerts with the New York Philharmonic!).
The piano accompanist on kubellick's first visits to the United States was Rudolf Frimle, later known for his lovely operetta.
Of course, victory is not absolute.German musical standards are conservative and austere, and Kubelic's reputation has been lukewarm.In an article written in 1909, Henry Fink, a famous American critic, expressed his unequivocal disappointment with the Czech's performance.He justly likened paganini's concertos to those of Rossini and Donizetti, but said they were "old fogies...Only the style of decoration is too subjective.Fink's musical tastes are clearly at odds with the magic of classical Italian opera.
In 1903, Kubelic married countess Zaki Sel of Hungary and became a Hungarian citizen. They had five sons and three daughters, one of whom was the famous contemporary conductor Raphael Kubelic.In 1915, Kubellick retired from the concert stage to concentrate on his compositions of six violin concertos, many ditties, arrangements, melodies and a symphony that are now unplayed.His return to the stage in 1921 no longer evokes the enthusiastic reaction of the naive early years of the century.Kubelic died in Prague on December 5, 1940.

[拉斐尔·库贝利克 BRSO 马五]Symphony No. 5 (Mahler) - Rafael Kubelik,


  ·库贝利克1902-1913年间历史演奏的 原声录音      
帕格尼尼-我心惆怅 (心如止水) 
帕格尼尼:随想曲第 6 号
  D'Ambrosio: Serenade
 Drdla: Serenade
 Saint-Lubin: Sextet from Donizetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor"
 Wieniawski: Garden Scene from Gounod's "Faust"
 Sarasate: Habernera from Bizet's "Carmen"
 Sarasate: Chanson Boheme from Bizet's "Carmen"
 Paganini: Nel Cor Pui Non Mi Sento
 Bazzini: Dance of the Goblins
 D'Ambrosio: Serenade
 Nachez: Hunganian Dance
 Wieniawski: Mephisto Variations from Gounod's "Faust"
 Paganini: Variations on "God Saves the King"
 Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
 Saint-Lubin: Sextet from Donzetti's "Lucia di Lammermoor"
 Drdla: Serenade
 Schumann: Traumeri
 Bazzini: Dance of the Goblins
 Hubay: Zephyr
 Wieniawski: Scherzo-Tarantelle
 Raff: Cavatina
 Sarasate: Zapateado
 Fibich: Poeme
 Sgambati: Serenata Napolitana
 Drdla: Berceuse
 Saint-Saens: The Swan
 Kubelik: Cadenza to Paganini Concerto No. 1
 Paganini: Caprice No. 6
 Randegger: Pierrot Serenade
 Randegger: Pierrot Serenade
 Wieniawski: Mazurka (Op.19, No. 2)
 Sarasate: Zapateado
 Ries: Perpetuum Mobile
 Mozart: Romance
 Gluck: Melodie
 Tchaikovsky: Canzonetta from Violin Concerto
 Drdla: Souvenir
 Dvorak: Humoresque
 Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen
 Wieniawski: Finale from Violin Concerto No. 2
 Sarasatre: Spanish Dance (Op. 26, No. 2)


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