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                              田润德 编译文/图 2020-08-23  20:36



  威廉·普利姆罗斯(WilliamPrimrose 1903-1982)      
Scheda integrale: https://goo.g//SVLS4v
摘要:II 威廉姆·普里姆罗斯与大卫·斯蒂默一起演奏钢琴曲:Polonaise di L。

Scheda integrale: https://goo.g//SVLS4v
Regia: Israel Berman
Casa di Produzione: Viking Film
Anno: 1946
Abstract: II violista William Primrose accompagnato al piano da David Stimer esegue brani da: "Polonaise" di L.
van Beethoven, "Ave Maria" di F. Schubert, "Capriccio" di N Paganini
Ente di conservazione: Archivio Centrale dello Stato
ascha Heifetz - violiln


1903年8月23日,英国中提琴家:普利姆罗斯( Primrose,Willian) 诞生于格拉斯哥。
威廉·普利姆罗斯(WilliamPrimrose 1903-1982)苏格兰中提琴家,就学于伦敦市政厅音乐与戏剧学校,幼年从父,后又师从卡米罗·里特。普利姆罗斯被认为是中提琴演奏家中的最杰出代表,他的演奏,无论音色、技巧还是表现能力都堪称一流。最精彩的演绎除了巴托克的中提琴协奏曲还有柏辽兹的《哈罗德在意大利》。


  William Primrose at age 2 in Glasgow, seated in a chair with a book.      
  The old Guildhall School of Music, John Carpenter Street, London.      
  Primrose's father, John, taught violin and played in the Scottish Orchestra. He bought William a 1/4 size violin when William was about four. John eventually arranged for William to study with Camillo Ritter, an Austrian national who had studied under Joseph Joachim.
"Willie" progressed rapidly under Ritter's instruction. The picture at the left is Primrose at age 12 at his first public performance. (He played Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto.) He performed at the local Congregational Church, at local schools, and at Glasgow's Palette Club.
  年轻的威廉·普利姆罗斯(WilliamPrimrose )      
毕业后,普里姆罗斯成为了一名专业小提琴手,但仅仅两年之后,他的梦想就破灭了。普里姆罗斯前往比利时,师从年迈的小提琴大师尤金·伊萨伊。伊萨伊给 普洛姆罗斯提供了新的动力,帮助他改进了他的技术。另一个变化来自威廉与大师相处的时间。
  While still young Primrose heard violinists such as Eugene Ysaÿe, Jan Kubelik, Mischa Elman, Fritz Kreisler, and Josef Szigeti. He also heard the London String Quartet, which he would become a member of years later.
In 1919, William and his family moved to London where he had received a scholarship to attend the Guildhall School of Music. He began to study violin under Max Mossel. Although he received a gold medal, the Guildhall's highest honor, at his 1924 graduation, but was not inspired by the theory classes there. (Years later he realized that he really should have put more effort into his studies at Guildhall.) What he could do, though, was continue going to performances by the likes of Fritz Kreisler, Jascha Heifetz, Toscha Seidel, Vàsa Príhoda, and Pablo Casals.
Upon graduation Primrose became a professional violinist, but after just two years he became disillusioned. Primrose travelled to Belgium to study under the aging violin virtuoso Eugene Ysaÿe. Ysaÿe provided Primrose wiith new motivation helped him improve his technique. Another change resulted from William's time with the master.
As a child Primrose had been fascinated with the viola, and as a young man, had secretly played his father's viola and had discovered that he preferred its sound to that of the violin. After three years of study under Ysaÿe, Primrose, with his mentor's encouragement, decided to switch to the viola.
Primrose made the move from violin to viola in March, 1930, when he became the violist of the London String Quartet. "Joining the LSQ marked a demarcation line for me," he wrote. "I had become a violist full-fledged. I had burned all my bridges. I had walked the Damascus road, seen the light, repented of past transgressions, and turned to the viola."    
  功成名就的威廉·普利姆罗斯(WilliamPrimrose )在演奏中      
  威廉·普里姆罗斯在展示她曾经用过的两把名琴1735 尼古拉·加利亚诺小提琴和1697年“普洛姆罗斯”瓜奈利。      
  William Primrose displays two of her famous 1735 Nicolae Galliano violins and the 1697 plomus Guarani.      
  William Primrose playing on one of the approximately 70 violas on the exhibit by comtemporary luthiers, sponsored by the American Viola Society, 1979.      
  2012年,塔里西奥Tarisio被要求出售世界上最著名的中提琴之一:“ “普洛姆罗斯”瓜奈利。 它带有1697年的安德里亚·瓜纳里(Andrea Guarneri)的原始标签,是安德里亚与他的儿子朱塞佩的合作作品,并且是少数幸存的 瓜奈利中提琴之一。 它建立在安德里亚·瓜纳里(Andrea Guarneri)完善的“ contralto”模型的基础上,该模型在过去300年来一直受到制造商和玩家的青睐。
中提琴是苏格兰中提琴家普洛姆罗斯20年来的主要音乐会乐器。 后来,它属于柏林爱乐乐团的主要演奏家之一乌尔里希·弗里兹(Ulrich Fritze),他将其形容为“世界第一中提琴”。
  ‘Primrose’ Guarneri viola of 1697      
  In 2012 Tarisio was asked to sell the one of the world’s most famous violas: the ‘Primrose’ Guarneri. Bearing an original label of Andrea Guarneri from 1697, it is the collaborative work of Andrea with his son Giuseppe and is one of only a handful of surviving Guarneri violas. It is built on the ‘contralto’ model perfected by Andrea Guarneri, which has been favored by both makers and players for the past 300 years.
The viola was the main concert instrument of Scottish violist William Primrose for 20 years. It later belonged to one of the principal violists of the Berlin Philharmonic, Ulrich Fritze, who described it as ‘the number one viola in the world’.
The viola sold for over $4 million, the highest price paid for a Guarneri family instrument at auction and the highest publicly recorded price for a viola of any type.
  Today in the history of music
On August 23, 1903, English violinist Primrose, Willian, was born in Glasgow.
WilliamPrimrose was a Scottish viola player. He studied at the guildhall school of music and drama in London. He studied at his father's school and later with camillo primrose.Primrose is considered to be the most outstanding representative of viola players, and his performance, in terms of timbre, technique and performance, is first-rate.The best performances besides Bartok's viola concerto are Berlioz's "Harold in Italy".
William Primrose was a Scot.My father was a viola player.Primrose was taught the violin by his father at an early age and later by Camillo Ritter.At the age of 20, he gave a brilliant performance of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor.His musical ability is undoubtedly very high.At 16, Primrose won a scholarship to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, and three years later, in l923, he played elga's violin Concerto successfully.Although he was a brilliant violinist, he was increasingly attracted to the viola.He had broad shoulders and big, strong hands, and was made for the viola.When he told Isay about the idea of switching to the viola, Isay approved and encouraged him to do so.Primrose gained fame in subsequent touring shows in Africa and became an outstanding viola player.He joined a string quartet in London.
Between 1930 and 1935, he toured the world with the group.After arriving in the United States, Primrose expanded his repertoire.He continued to give recitals while serving as principal viola player in the NBC Symphony Orchestra under maestro Toscanini.In 1942, he went full steam on the road as a soloist.Bartok's viola concerto was commissioned and premiered by him.Primrose died of cancer on May 1, 1982 in Provo, Utah.
William Primrose (1903--1982) American viola player.Born on August 23, 1904 in Glasgow, the United States, the son of a violinist.He took violin lessons at the age of 4 and began playing in church and school at the age of 12.In 1919, he moved to London with his family and entered the GuildhallSchoolofMusic to receive formal violin education. He won the school's gold medal with outstanding achievements.After graduation in 1924, he was praised by Chrysler and others in some performances.From 1926 to LeZoute, Belgium, he joined the EugeneYs?(ye) further my studies, but I haven't been able to make more progress.He switched to the viola in 1930 and became a viola player for the LondonStringQuartet.The quartet toured North and South America before being disbanded in 1935 due to economic difficulties.In 1937, he joined the NBC Symphony Orchestra (NBC) led by Tuscanini. He was highly regarded in the orchestra and had many solo performances. In 1939, NBC asked him to form a Primrose Quartet named after him.
To participate in performances
In 1941, William primrose accepted an offer from the famous tenor RichardCrooks for four years of touring with considerable success and a career as a soloist.Since then, he has collaborated with orchestras in many cities in North America and Europe, including Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.During the tour, he also worked closely with famous conductors, such as barberoli, beauchum, bolt, kowuschevsky, CharlesMunch, toscanini, furtwangler, abravanel, sargent, etc.As a soloist, he traveled throughout Europe and South America.The audience was astonished by his charming viola tone and his incomparable skill on the instrument.
William Primrose also devoted a lot of energy to chamber music. Besides the London Quartet and the Primrose Quartet,He is also the Festival Quartet, the Heifetz-Primrose-FeuermannTrio, the Heifetz-Primrose-PiatigorskyTrio, and the Schnabel-Szigeti-Primrose-FournierpianoquArtet).
Primrose's successful performance of Elga's violin Concerto in 1923 stood out as a brilliant violinist.A student of Isay, he switched to playing the viola and joined the London Quartet, with which he toured the world between 1930 and 1935.He moved to the United States in 1937, where he was first principal viola with the RCA Orchestra and gave solo concerts. He toured as a soloist from 1942, where Bartok composed viola concerto for him.
The teaching work
In addition to playing, William primrose worked in music education, accepting an offer from zimbalist to teach at the CurtisInstituteofMusic in Philadelphia.From 1961 to 1965, he taught with Hafez and Piatigorsky at the University of Southern California.He taught at Indiana University from 1965 to 1972.He was a visiting lecturer in the department of music at BrighamYoungUniversity from 1979 to 1982.He sometimes teaches at the Juilliard And Eastman Schools, as well as schools in Toronto, Geneva and Tokyo.He is the author of several books on music teaching, such as TechniqueIsMemory (Oxford, 1960), and PlayingtheViola (PlayingtheViola, Oxford, 1988).
Personal Honorary Editor
Premium rose won a Elizabeth ii in 1953 awarded the medal of the British empire (CommanderoftheBritishEmpire).In his later years he wrote an anthology, A Walk in theNorth (WalkontheNorthSide, 1978), which traced his career.Mozart symphony in E flat major, RCARedSeal56778.
Work evaluation editor
The repertoire of Primrose was immense.He played not only works written specifically for the viola, but also works transplanted from other instruments."The viola's properties," he observed, "make it less apt to show off than to express the profoundest thoughts of music, which the violin cannot possess.I chose the viola because it has a way of expression that I like."The Amartya used by Primrose was almost like a small cello, and he thought it was the ideal size for a viola. Although it was larger than the average violin, it was very comfortable to play, had an unusually responsive voice, and had a bright, rounded tone.
"Many players have some special ideas about the size of the viola," Says Primrose.At one time they thought they should use instruments as large as they could carry.As far as I'm concerned, the seventeen inches are already heavy. The ideal size is somewhere between sixteen and sixteen and a half inches."Primrose's playing style is enthusiastic and full of vigor, and he expresses and USES these two different artistic conceptions freely and politely.He can play convincingly, whether in violin-like melodies or pathos and depth.Primrose has been recognized as an outstanding representative of viola players in terms of color, skill and expressiveness.
Recommend record: Berlioz: "engravings in Italy" premium rose once said, the first thing to do before learning viola is to see if the learner's hand broad strong, because when playing the viola hand heavy burden than a violin, so a good viola home turned to play the violin, no difficulty, as long as after a minute of adjustment on the intonation.
1. William Primrose and David Stilmer play Beethoven, Schubert and Paganini;2. Hafez and Plomus play Mozart's Symphony Concerto in E Flat Major.

  【Heifetz x Primrose】Sinfonia Concertante KV 364      

 威廉·普洛姆罗斯- 中提琴

  Jascha Heifetz - violiln
 Willian Primrose - viola


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