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                                田润德 编译 文/图 2020-08-02 19:36


  恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso 1873-1921)      
  卡鲁索 圣洁的阿依达 全程头腔哨音 莫纳科 帕瓦罗蒂的偶像 录音史以来最好版本 威尔第歌剧选      


恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso 1873-1921)意大利男高音歌唱家。1873年2月27日生于那不勒斯,1921年8月2日卒于同地。童年在教堂中歌唱,为该市著名歌手。后从师G.韦尔基内和V.隆巴尔迪。1894年在那不勒斯首次登台并不成功。尤其是1901年在该市圣卡洛剧院演唱《爱情的灵丹》遭受冷遇后决心永不在该市演唱。1902年在蒙特卡洛与N.梅尔巴同台演唱G.普契尼的《波希米亚人》获得成功,同年又在英国科文特加登歌剧院演出G.威尔迪的《弄臣》,由此声名大噪。此间还到过西班牙、德国、奥地利、法国、南美等地演出。1902
卡鲁索1921 年8 月2 日在索莲托逝世,享年48 岁。

今日视频:1、卡鲁索 演出威尔第歌剧选录音史以来最好版本 );2、

  恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso )在书房欣赏自己为自己所画漫画      
   恩里科·卡鲁索(1873年2月25日- 1921年8月2日)是意大利歌剧演唱家,也是历史上最著名的男高音之一。卡鲁索也是20世纪头20年里任何流派中最受欢迎的歌手,也是录制音乐的先驱之一。卡鲁索的流行唱片和他非凡的声音,以其范围、力量和美丽而闻名,使他成为他那个时代最著名的明星之一。
在他的职业生涯中,恩里科·卡鲁索录制了将近260张唱片,他的每分钟78转的唱片卖了几百万美元。尽管卡鲁索曾在世界上许多大歌剧院演唱,包括米兰的斯卡拉歌剧院和伦敦的考文特花园歌剧院,但他最出名的还是在纽约大都会歌剧院担任男主唱长达17年之久。指挥家托斯卡尼尼(Arturo Toscanini)曾指挥过卡鲁索在大都会歌剧院演唱的一些歌剧,他认为卡鲁索是与他共事过的最伟大的艺术家之一。
1873年2月26日,卡鲁索在圣乔瓦尼保罗教堂接受洗礼,一天前他出生在意大利的那不勒斯。1894年,他在那不勒斯开始了自己的职业生涯。1898年11月17日,在米兰的利里科剧院(Teatro Lirico),他创造的第一个主要角色是身穿佐丹奴浅顶软呢帽的罗瑞丝(Loris)。1902年11月6日,在同一家剧院,他在西里亚剧院的《阿德里亚娜·勒库维尔》中创造了莫里齐奥这个角色。
1903年,在他的经纪人银行家西蒙内利(Pasquale Simonelli)的帮助下,他去了纽约。同年11月23日,他在大都会歌剧院(Metropolitan Opera)首次演出威尔第的《里戈莱托》(Rigoletto),扮演曼图亚公爵(Duke of Mantua)。第二年,卡鲁索开始了与维克多语音机器公司的终生合作;他与大都会和维克多的明星关系一直持续到1920年。卡鲁索亲自委托蒂芙尼公司(Tiffany & Co.)生产一款24节的电动车。金牌与他的侧面,作为纪念品(PER RICORDO),他的朋友,他的大都会表演。
卡鲁索是第一个录制了大量唱片的歌手。在20世纪的前20年里,他和唱片唱片相互促进了彼此的发展。他在1902年录制的《Vesti la giubba》来自Leoncavallo的《Pagliacci》,这是世界上第一张销售了100万张的留声机唱片。许多卡鲁索的唱片自一个世纪前发行以来一直在印刷。
1910年12月10日,他在纽约大都会歌剧院的普契尼的《西部的幻想》的全球首映式上饰演迪克·约翰逊。他在大都会的最后一次演出是在1920年12月24日哈雷维的La Juive中扮演Eleazar。
  恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso )的舞台形象      
  恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso )      
  恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso )天才艺术家,天生演员气质,让很多大师崇拜不已。1897年,普契尼为《艺术家的生涯》演出面试演员时,试听卡鲁索之后,作曲家惊讶地说“是谁派你来的?难道是上帝吗?”是年,卡鲁索在里沃那初演《艺术家的生涯》时,爱上了饰唱咪咪的、已婚的女高音阿达·贾凯蒂,俩人同居,生有两子。不过,卡鲁索婚姻生活并不愉快,阿达·贾凯蒂和妹妹里娜·贾凯蒂同是大美人,麻烦的是,卡鲁索同时爱上了她俩人,感情纠缠不清。11年后,阿达·贾凯蒂带两个儿子离家出走,使得卡鲁索一生内疚。      
  Enrico Caruso was a talented artist, a natural actor, and admired by many masters.In 1897, when Puccini was interviewing actors for a performance in The Artist's Life, after listening to Caruso, the composer said in surprise, "Who sent you?Is it God?"In that year, while caruso was making his debut in Livona in An Artist's Life, he fell in love with Ada Giachetti, a married soprano who played Mimi. They lived together and had two children.But caruso's marriage was unhappy. Ada Giachetti and her sister Rina were both great beauties. The trouble was that Caruso fell in love with both of them.Eleven years later, Ada Giachetti and his two sons left home, leaving Caruso with a life of guilt.      
  关于恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso )的漫画铺天盖地,这一幅漫画比较形象的反映了卡鲁索的性格      
  Enrico Caruso's character is reflected in this cartoon, which has been widely published      
  Today in the history of music
On August 2, 1921, the incomparable Tenor Enrico Caruso died in Naples at age 48.A good performer, he once said, "is a big chest, a big mouth, ninety percent of memory, ten percent of wisdom, a lot of hard work and a little affection in the heart."
Enrico Caruso (1873-1921) Italian tenor.Born in Naples on February 27, 1873, died in the same city on August 2, 1921.He sang in church as a child and was a famous singer in the city.The late teachers Were G. Verguiney and V. Lombardi.Its debut in Naples in 1894 was not a success.In particular, he was determined never to perform in the city after being snubbed in 1901 at the SAN Carlo Theatre.He became famous for his performance of G. Puccini's The Bohemian with N. Melba at Monte Carlo in 1902 and g. Wildy's The Fool at The Opera House in Covent Garden in England the same year.Also has been to Spain, Germany, Austria, France, South America and other places to perform.1902
It was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City until 1920.He played 36 roles in more than 600 performances in the theatre.He rarely returned to Italy, but took part in two benefit shows in 1914 at the Costanzi Theatre in Rome and 1915 at the Verme Theatre in Milan, where he played Canio in The Harlequin.
Caruso's early high-pitched areas were not at ease, and he sometimes had to use falsetto or shift the score;But it also led him to develop an excellent half voice, which, along with his slightly baritone timbre, set it apart from other tenors.His voice is rich and brilliant, lyric-forced tenor, both the general tenor beautiful and melodious qualities, but also can sing a fierce dramatic passion.In his heyday, his thundering voice of extraordinary power, combined with superb breath control and a brilliant half-voice from his early years, made him at ease singing such melodramatic Ladames in Aida and Nemorino in The Panacea of Love.When Canio breaks down in tears in "Harlequin", or when a calm and graceful duet is sung in the dungeons in the final scene of "Aida", it can strike a deep chord in the audience.He was once asked what a great singer needed, and he replied, "A full chest, a big mouth, ninety percent of memory, ten percent of intellect, a lot of hard work and something in the heart."He was affectionate, humorous, frank, warm and generous.He sang earnestly and tried to give his all to the audience.To do otherwise, he thought, was a betrayal of art.
Caruso acted in more than 50 operas during his lifetime.He is very accomplished in singing art songs and Neapolitan folk songs, and his achievements in singing have an important influence on the development of the world vocal art.He was the first Italian tenor to record more than 250 records and is regarded as the outstanding tenor in the history of vocal music.Caruso was the first member of the Bel Canto school to rise up and abolish the convention.He refused to succumb to the traditional way of singing that made the words her slave. He sang about the meaning of the words themselves, expressing their feelings and meaning.He listened to the dictates of his heart more than the influence of skill, and his feelings were the only teacher of his singing.
The human voice is expressed by colors such as happiness, sorrow and happiness in the world, which cannot be expressed by the pronunciation of an instrument.Caruso's magic was the pathos of the world, and his song penetrated to the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to hear it.Contemporary tenor Luciano Pavarotti summed up his assessment of Caruso, saying: "Caruso is indeed a role model, all tenors should look to him as a teacher.His voice is second to none.He maintained a clear, rounded tone.Not only that, but his extraordinary phratics and incredible musical passion gave him access to the true meaning of music more than anyone else, and no one else."
Caruso died on August 2, 1921, in Sorrento at the age of 48.

Today's video: 1. Caruso's Selection of Verdi operas (the best version ever recorded);2. [Documentary] Voice of the Century -- Tenor Enrico Caruso.


Enrico Caruso and Helen Keller, courtesy of Atlanta History Kenan Research

Center, ca 1915, Underwood & Underwood

  乔纳森恩里科·卡鲁索(意大利语:Enrico Caruso,1873年2月25日-1921年8月2日),意大利著名男高音歌唱家,被认为是有史以来最著名的男高音。不单在歌剧方面发展,卡鲁索在20世纪头两个年代还演唱当时的流行曲,而且还是那个年代的录音先锋。卡鲁索有力、宽厚和优美的声线,通过他的录音传遍大西洋两岸,成为当年最著名的明星,因此被誉为“一代歌王”      
  Enrico Caruso (Enrico Caruso, 25 February 1873 -- 2 August 1921) was an Italian tenor, widely regarded as the most famous tenor of all time.Not only developed in opera, Caruso also sang popular songs in the first two decades of the 20th century and was a recording pioneer in that era.Caruso's powerful, generous and beautiful voice, through his recordings spread across both sides of the Atlantic, became the most famous star of the year, so as to be known as the "generation king."      
  2014年11月6日,一张由维纳·委拉斯开兹(Vina Velasquez)亲笔签名、写给意大利男高音恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso)的明信片在伦敦克里斯蒂拍卖行拍摄      
  A postcard written to Italian tenor Enrico Caruso and signed by Vina Velasquez is pictured at Christie's auction house in London, on November 6, 2014      
它说她是卡鲁索已故朋友De Taz先生的女儿,但没有说她的年龄。
但他选择将他与住在波士顿的朋友兼早期赞助人Antonino Perrone fu Antonio的通信留下,可能是因为它的丑闻性质。
  London (AFP) - The passionate love letters of the great Italian tenor Enrico Caruso, which shed light on his complicated love life, have been revealed ahead of an auction in London.
The letters are among an archive of personal correspondence which is expected to fetch up to £250,000 ($400,000, 320,000 euros) when it goes under the hammer on November 19.
The papers date from 1897-1908 and 1912-1921 and contain more than 700 letters and telegrams to and from the star, one of the finest opera singers of all time.
Including material right up to his death in 1921 at the age of 48, the archive comprises 22 letters and postcards, seven telegrams and cache of photographs of his mysterious Argentinian lover Vina Velasquez.
Her correspondence is written in Italian, Spanish and French, and sometimes all three in the same letter.
"A thousand strong kisses on your beloved mouth from little Vina, who is putting her voluptuous lips everywhere. I want you all for me," she wrote in one.
According to an article in The Washington Times from July 28, 1912, Velasquez was "rather stout, and has a peculiar type of Spanish beauty, pleasing but not extraordinary" -- a description matching the pictures in Caruso's archive.
The article, datelined Paris, announced their engagement, but the pair never married.
"At this period he seemed to constantly get into situations where he had proposed to people, or they thought he had proposed them, but then he didn't go (ahead) with the marriage," Thomas Venning, the head of the books and manuscripts department at Christie's, told AFP.
"There were at least two occasions in which he was sued because he had proposed marriage and he didn't marry."
- Love life dominates letters -
Most of the Velasquez letters have French stamps on and the article said she lived near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
It said she was the daughter of a late friend of Caruso's, a Mr De Taz, but does not say how old she was.
"My darling, my treasure, it is 11 o'clock at night and I cannot sleep without writing to you," Velasquez writes in one letter.
In another she is critical of Italian soprano Ada Giachetti, who bore Caruso four children during their 11 years together.
Only two children survived infancy and he did not maintain contact with them.
Letters to Giachetti and her sister Rina -- with whom Caruso had an affair lasting four years -- are also in the archive.
Caruso eventually married the US socialite Dorothy Park Benjamin, with whom he had a daughter.
But he chose to leave his correspondence with his friend and early patron Antonino Perrone fu Antonio, who lived in Boston, likely because of its scandalous nature.
"A lot of the content of the correspondence was about his relationships with different women," said Venning.
- Cannot explain his own voice -
Caruso's career coincided with the birth and popularity of phonograph records, which gave him a global fame that no opera star had enjoyed before.
He performed in the world's greatest opera houses, from Europe to North and South America, including many seasons at the Metropolitan in New York.
But his letters to Ada Giachetti reveal early bouts of pre-performance nerves among the passionate declarations and domestic concerns about the children and their house.
He describes how "Rigoletto" in 1900 "scares me to death", while sometimes his voice defies his own explanation.
"I myself cannot explain the way in which I sang. I was calm, my voice steady, a great spontaneity, and I sang as if I was speaking," he wrote in 1903.
He records his critical 1897 Milan debut as "victory achieved in every way... the whole theatre rose in applause... in short, my future is secured".
  意大利男高音恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso)最后一次在Met演出是1920年12月8日,唱《丑角》。12月11日,Met在纽约市布鲁克林音乐学院上演的《爱的甘醇》则是卡鲁索的告别演出。这是一次动人的演出,第一幕时,卡鲁索的喉咙血管破裂,鲜血不断地从口中流出,手帕一条一条染红,他仍然坚持唱下去……一代歌王终于倒下去了。



  Italian tenor Enrico Caruso's last performance at Met was on December 8, 1920, singing "Clowns."On December 11th the Met performed caruso's farewell performance in "Amour" at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City.It was a touching performance. In the first act, caruso's throat ruptured, blood was pouring from his mouth, his handkerchief was dyed red, and he kept on singing...A generation of singers finally fell down.

Body of Enrico Caruso Lying in state in the Hotel Veauvio,Naples, Italy, His death threw all Italy in mourning, and the funeral ceremonies were those ususlly accorded to royalty

Greatest tenor alnger that the world has Known,Born at Naples,Itnly,1873;died at Naples,Aug,2 1921

  [Documentary] [Voice of the Century] Tenor Enrico Caruso      


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