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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译 文/图 2020-08-15  19:36



  艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding 1888-1953)      
  阿尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)演奏的几首匈牙利舞曲
  阿尔伯特·斯伯丁(Albert Spalding,1888–1953年),美国小提琴家。生于美国却获得国际声誉的少数小提琴家之一。

1888年8月15日,美国小提琴家、作曲家:艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁( Spalding,Albert) 诞生于芝加哥。
艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding 1888-1953)于1888年8月15日出生在美国的芝加哥。他的母亲是一位优秀的钢琴家,因此斯波尔丁从小就受到良好的音乐熏陶并对音乐艺术发生了浓厚的兴趣。奇怪的是,年幼的斯波尔丁并没有跟随母亲学习钢琴,却反而被小提琴的美妙声音迷住了,据他本人回忆说,还是在很小的时候他就幻想着能够得到一把小提琴。

阿尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)演奏的几首匈牙利舞曲

  艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)      
  艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)      
  阿尔伯特·斯伯丁(1888年8月15日出生于美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥)- 1953年5月26日,纽约),美国作曲家,他的时代的主要小提琴家之一。
他的父亲是斯伯丁(A.G. Spalding)体育用品公司的合伙人及其兄弟,七岁开始学习小提琴,1905年在巴黎首次登台,1908年在纽约登台。第一次世界大战期间,他随美国远征军在欧洲服役。斯伯丁多次在美国和欧洲巡回演出,与主要的管弦乐队一起演奏。他的音乐作品包括一首管弦乐组曲、两首小提琴协奏曲和一首E小调弦乐四重奏。他还著有自传《奋起追随》(1943年)和小说《小提琴、剑和女人》(1953年)。
  艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)的签名。      
  Albert Spalding, (born August 15, 1888, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.—died May 26, 1953, New York, New York), American composer and one of the leading violinists of his day.
The son of a partner in the sporting-goods firm of A.G. Spalding and Brothers, he began to study the violin at the age of seven, making his debut in Paris in 1905 and in New York City in 1908. He served with the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War I. Spalding toured the United States and Europe many times, playing with the leading orchestras. His musical compositions include a suite for orchestra, two violin concerti, and a String Quartet in E Minor. He was the author of an autobiography, Rise to Follow (1943), and of a novel, A Fiddle, a Sword, and a Lady (1953)
  1952 never-before-uploaded archival audio recording of legendary American violinist Albert Spalding performing Brahms Violin Concerto – with conductor Wilhelm Loibner and the Tonkunstler Orchestra.      
  在钢琴旁作曲的艾尔伯特·斯波尔丁(Albert Spalding)      
  Albert Spalding composing at the piano      
  Today in the history of music
On August 15, 1888, Albert Spalding, American violinist and composer, was born in Chicago.
Albert Spalding (1888-1953) was born in Chicago in the United States on August 15, 1888.His mother was an excellent pianist, so Spalding was influenced by good music from an early age and developed a strong interest in the art of music.Strangely, instead of learning to play the piano from his mother, the young Spalding was fascinated by the sound of a violin, which, he recalls, he fantasized about getting as a child.
When Spalding was seven years old, his parents took him to Italy, where the family spent the winter and the summer in the United States.He spent many years traveling back and forth.It was then that Spalding embarked on a difficult journey, first studying with Kitty, a violin professor, in Florence, and then, when he returned to the United States in the summer, studying with Huitlig in New York.After several years of hard study and practice, he has made great progress in mastering professional violin skills and improving his overall musical quality.At the age of 14, Spalding achieved the Italian bologna music college, when he was in extremely adept techniques play Mendelssohn's violin concerto in e minor, tatiana's sonata "devil's trill and Bach's" third without accompaniment suite "and so on songs, full-court outcry, then will be admitted to college in the first place.A year later, he transferred to the Paris Conservatory of Music in France, where he studied in Left's class.
On June 6, 1905, Spalding gave his first public recital in Paris at the age of 17, with a band led by his teacher.The performance was a great success, the audience's praise and the attention of the press, young Spalding won his first major honor, many critics at the time called him "extraordinary genius".
Spalding, beginning in 1910 to travel to a wide range of performance in the world, who enjoy high status at the time of European music city of London and Vienna held a recital, followed by the Carnegie Hall in New York in the United States, by a famous conductor, rosh, under command of the New York Philharmonic held a brilliant performance.This series of remarkable achievements made him enjoy a high reputation, and jumped into the ranks of the world's top violinists.Spalding's reputation took it to a new level in 1922, when the then world-famous conservatory invited him to perform with its orchestra. Previously, the Paris Conservatory had invited only Isai and Chrysler.At this time, Spalding became the third person to enjoy this honor with his outstanding talent. This experience with special significance is enough to prove Spalding's outstanding position as a first-class violin master in the early 20th century.
In 1927, at the age of nearly 40, Spalding performed at the Beethoven Music Festival in Hamburg, Germany at the peak of his powers.At the time, his unprecedented performance made the entire festival glow, and his acclaimed performance was acclaimed by excited critics, who placed him among the top five violinists in the world at the time.Such an outstanding achievement made Spalding the first great American violinist to be recognized by the world.
During World War II, Spalding joined allied forces and came to Italy, where he had lived as a child.He worked here for many years during the World Anti-Fascist War, and it was only after the war that he officially resumed his career as a soloist and returned to the active world stage of music.
Spalding was a learned artist. In addition to being an excellent violinist, he was also an accomplished composer.Among his works, there are two violin concertos, a violin suite, a violin sonata, four string quartets, a band suite and other forms and styles of violin, piano music and harmonies.Spalding also studied philosophy and the social and natural sciences in his spare time, and tennis was his chief interest in sports.
Like many great violinists, Spalding's playing was comprehensive and exquisite.In his performance, there are solid, delicate and brilliant performance skills, but also contains rich, profound and unique musical connotation.It is often said that a partial violinist can only be called a technologist, and that only a full violinist can be called an artist. This is indeed a profound statement.Spalding's virtuoso performance is just a wonderful proof of this truth, for he was just such a "comprehensive" violin master with equal excellence in technique and music.
Spalding's playing skills are delicate and precise, his left and right hand technique is balanced, in the performance of all parts of the body are more harmonious and natural.Spalding himself had many useful ideas and successful experiences about the technique of violin playing.For example, he advocated the importance of scales and often emphasized the use of various fingering and bowing techniques to do repetitions.It is a very important and necessary step to practice all kinds of double tones in a strict rhythm at a slow speed.He thinks these methods and propositions are the most effective ways to improve the left hand technique guarantee.As for the bowing technique of the right hand, he also has good methods and rich experience. Due to the soft and sweet timbre of his own playing, his bowing technique is very harmonious and scientific.When talking about the technique of bowing, he always emphasized the need to practice the various bowing techniques on scales, and to listen carefully to the changes of sound with the ears.And the most important thing is that in the performance, no matter the left hand skill or the right hand skill, they should obey the musical needs and take all the technical means they have mastered as the tools to serve the musical content.He himself acted on this principle.
Spalding was a player with a wide repertoire, unlike Tibbo, who had only French and German and Austrian classics, or Chrysler, who was much more adept at showing his style in fine sketches and even dance pieces.Spalding, on the whole, is a standard and comprehensive violinist, and his catalogue includes all the classical works of the violin, from the works of Baroque composers such as Vivaldi, Bach and Coleridge, down to new works by Resbierky, Simanovsky and Barber.Spalding in hard playing career, his life was played with painstaking care including several hundred years in different countries, different nationalities and the composers of different genres of concertos, sonatas, and other forms of the concert repertoire, which in addition to a large number of recognized, staged a number of outstanding works, he also developed many diligently being attention but not really good music.And many violin home of insight, his whole life trying to publicize and promote the masterpiece of these should not be overlooked, keep achim's "Hungarian concerto", of "violin concerto in f minor", donoghue in accordance with the "violin concerto in d minor" and the "eighth violin concerto" spor (singing), and other works.
Spalding, as one of the oldest violinists in America, made a very special and valuable contribution to the development of violin art in America.As a respected and highly skilled authority on violin art at that time, he shouldering the historic responsibility of introducing and promoting excellent violin works in the United States.Among the many works that he first introduced to American audiences as a soloist were famous concertos by Donai, Respiki, Simanovsky and Elgar.He did not play in one American city only once, but performed in turn in seven or eight or even a dozen cities in the United States, so that the vast American audience was finally familiar with these excellent violin works through his playing.Among other things, he gave world premieres of what became masterpieces of 20th century violin music, including concertos by Barber, Jacoby and Violetti.
Spalding was once the pride of America as a master violinist, but today he is the pride of the world.On May 26, 1953, the pioneer of American violin art, the honorable patriarch of American violinists, died in New York at the age of 65.His death is not only a misfortune for the American violin art world, but also a tragedy for the world violin art world.However, his spiritual brilliance with infinite vitality still follows people forever and radiates eternal light for illuminating the artistic path of future generations.
Today's audio: 1. Some Hungarian dances performed by Albert Spalding.


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