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                                    莫扎特之旅 编译文/图 2020-08-13  20:36



  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar 1857—1934)      

丹尼尔·哈丁指挥瑞典广播交响乐团 - 埃尔加:杰隆修斯之梦

  (Edward Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38)      
  Together with Handel's Messiah and Britain's War Requiem , Elgar's Gerontius's dream is one of the most important British musical works written. The strong text, written by the recently sanctified English theologian and poet John Henry Newman, tells of a dying man whose life's actions are being investigated before God. Elgar in the music combines British elegance with Wagnerian detail in a touching way.
Ann Hallenberg, mezzo-soprano
Andrew Staples, tenor
Sir Simon Keenlyside, baritone
Mikaeli Chamber Choir
St. Jacobs Vocal Ensemble
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Radio choir
Sam Evans, choirmaster
Daniel Harding, chief conductor

1900年8月13日,“这是我最美好的一面;至于其他,我吃饭、喝水、睡觉、恋爱、憎恨、同别人一样;我的生活曾经像蒸汽,而现在不同了。但是‘这个’,我看见并且了解;若我有什么值得你们怀念,便是这个。”埃尔加结束了《吉隆修斯之梦》(The Dream of Gerontius)。

爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar,1857年-1934年),英国作曲家、指挥家,1857年6月2日在伍斯特郡莫尔文希尔斯区布罗德希思出生。他父亲是一个乐器店店主兼圣乔治教堂管风琴乐手。埃尔加成长在浓厚的音乐环境中。但主要靠自学,15岁的时候他想去德国莱比锡留学学习音乐,但是由于经费不够,只好在他父亲的商店工作,并参加了社区的一个音乐俱乐部,在乐队里当小提琴乐手。1885年继承父职任教堂管风琴师。在他29岁的时候,他认识了大他8岁的前市长亨利·罗伯兹爵士的女儿爱丽丝,3年之后两人结婚。在妻子的鼓励和疏通下,埃尔加集中精力进行音乐创作,1890年,以序曲《弗鲁瓦萨尔》引起人们的注意。并搬到伦敦发展,进入音乐圈子。但是初期并不成功。不久因为健康原因又返回家乡。
直到埃尔加将近40岁的时候,他才有了一些作曲家的名气。他为地方音乐节谱写音乐,并逐渐被人重视。1899年在他42岁的时候,他的第一部交响乐作品《谜语变奏曲》获得出版,并在伦敦由德国指挥家Hans Richter指挥首演,获得成功。1900年他又创作了清唱剧《杰龙修斯之梦》(根据红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的诗词谱曲)。这两部作品被誉为英国音乐开始复兴的标志。1901年他创作了他的5首《威仪堂堂进行曲》的第一首(最后一首创作于1930年),好评如潮,英国国王和王后也出席他的音乐会。这奠定了他作为当时英国最成功作曲家的声誉。此后他又写了序曲《在伦敦城中》(1901)、清唱剧《基督使徒》(1903)和《王国》(1906)等一系列作品。1902年到1914年之间,他四次访问美国。1904年他获得爵士称号。1905年到1908年他在伯明翰大学任教。1908年他的《第一交响曲》一年之内演出了一百场。1911年他的《第二交响曲》上演,同年他获得功绩勋章,此后专注于大型器乐曲的创作。如 《小提琴协奏曲》(1910)、交响练习曲《福斯塔夫》(1913)、《大提琴协奏曲》(1919)等。1912年他又搬到伦敦居住。1920年后,由于妻子去世,很少有重要创作。1924年被封为英王御前音乐教师。1931年成为从男爵。1934年2月23日卒于伍斯特。

今日视频:1、丹尼尔·哈丁指挥瑞典广播交响乐团 - 埃尔加:杰隆修斯之梦
; 2、阿布拉米演奏爱德华•埃尔加的小提琴独奏《爱的致意》。

  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar )      
  Today in the history of music  
 August 13, 1900, "This is the best of me;As for the rest, I eat, drink, sleep, love, hate, and be like other men;My life used to be like steam, but it's different now.But 'this', I see and understand;If there's one thing you'll miss about me, it's this."Mr. Elga ended 'The Dream of Gerontius.
Edward Elgar (1857 -- 1934) was an English composer and conductor. He was born on June 2, 1857, at Broad Heath in Malvern Hills, Worcestershire.His father was a music shop owner and organist at St. George's church.Elga grew up in a heavy musical environment.At the age of 15, he wanted to study music in Leipzig, Germany. However, due to lack of funds, he had to work in his father's shop and joined a music club in his community, where he played the violin in the band.He succeeded his father as church organist in 1885.At the age of 29, he met Alice, the daughter of Sir Henry Roberts, a former mayor eight years his senior, and they married three years later.Encouraged and encouraged by his wife, Elgar concentrated on his music and in 1890 came to attention with the overture Frouisar.He moved to London and moved into music.But the early days were not successful.He soon returned to his hometown for health reasons.
It was not until elgar was nearly forty that he became famous as a composer.He wrote music for local festivals and was gradually taken seriously.In 1899, at the age of 42, his first symphonic work, Variations on a Riddle, was published and premiered in London by the German conductor Hans Richter.In 1900 he wrote the oratorio The Dream of Geronsius (based on the poetry of Cardinal John Henry Newman).These two works have been hailed as the beginning of a Renaissance in British music.In 1901 he composed the first of his five grand Marches (the last of which was written in 1930) to rave reviews, and the King and Queen of England attended his concerts.This established his reputation as one of the most successful British composers of his time.He then wrote the overture In the City of London (1901), the oratorio The Apostle of Christ (1903) and the Kingdom (1906).He visited the United States four times between 1902 and 1914.He was knighted in 1904.He taught at the University of Birmingham from 1905 to 1908.In 1908 his Symphony No. 1 was given a hundred performances in one year.His Second Symphony was performed in 1911, the same year he was awarded the Medal of Merit, and from then on he concentrated on large instrumental pieces.For example, violin Concerto (1910), symphonic etude Falstaff (1913), Cello Concerto (1919) and so on.He moved to London again in 1912.After 1920, due to the death of his wife, there were few important works.In 1924, he was appointed music teacher of the King of England.He became a baronet in 1931.He died in Worcester on 23 February 1934.
Today's video: 1. Daniel Harding conducting the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra - Elga: The Dream of Geronsius;2. Abrami plays Edward Elgar's violin solo, a Tribute to Love.

  The CD cover of Elgar's oratorio The Dream of Geronsius      
  埃尔加(Edward Elgar,1857-1934)是19世纪末20世纪初英国著名作曲家。其作品风格大体属于晚期浪漫派,有多部器乐,声乐作品传世。清唱剧《杰隆修斯之梦》是埃尔加最著名的声乐作品之一。
这部清唱剧以神学家兼诗人约翰·亨利·纽曼(John Henry Newman,1801-1890)的一首同名长诗为歌词。纽曼是英格兰人,原在英国国教任职;后皈依罗马天主教,并逐渐成为一名红衣主教。其长诗是用英语写成。作品表达了一个叫杰隆修斯的人在临终时进入梦境,梦见其灵魂远行,碰到了天使,也遇到了魔鬼。当他面临最后的审判时,他是带着得救的希望离开的。原诗发表于1865年,并受到好评。
第一部分(Part I):
1. 序曲(Prelude);
2. 耶稣,玛丽亚 – 我快要死了(Jesu, Maria – I am near to death);
3. 唤醒你,我那昏厥的灵魂(Rouse thee, my fainting soul);
4. 神圣强大的神(Sanctus fortis, sanctus Deus);
5. 开始基督徒的生活(Proficiscere, anima Christiana);
第二部分(Part II):
1. 我去睡了(I went to sleep);
2. 那个家族的一个成员(It is a member of that family);
3. 但是你听!我感到激烈的喧嚣(But hark! upon my sense comes a fierce hubbub);
4. 我看到的不是那些假精灵(I see not those false spirits);
5. 但是你听!盛大而神秘的和谐(But hark! a grand mysterious harmony);
6. 你的审判正在临近(Thy judgment now is near);
7. 我要在审判之前走(I go before my judge);
8. 轻轻而明确地赎回的灵魂(Softly and gently, dearly-ransomed soul)。
  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar) 和夫人      
  Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche      
  This symphonic poem was written in 1894.Thiel Alan Spiegel is also a real historical figure.The story is in the author's anonymous book tyre Allen Spiegel in Brunswick, which is very popular in Europe.The 19th century saw the return of a new book, entitled The Legend of Tyre And Lamgoldchuk, which turned the mischievous Alan Spiegel into a 16th century Flemish hero.It was first performed in 1895.Beginning with "Jovially", the violins play "Once upon a time, there was a prankster", the horn plays the theme "He called the Funny Till", and the oboe, clarinet and bassoon enhance to a peak.As the orchestra played, the clarinet played the happy "bogeyman" in Thiel's position.Then Thiel goes on adventures, with a brisk trot after mischief spots. "He seems to have thought of a trick, and, in disguise, tiptoes forward again.Then to show the market, Thiel rode into the market, causing chaos, women and children screaming and running away, swinging his whip from left to right ", and then "wearing fairy tale shoes that can walk seven miles with one step" to escape, hide, peeking out mischief.Then, in his friar's garb, Thiel talks about morality, clarinet, violin, then horn, trumpet, violin, to show his uneasiness in talking about morality.The rapidity of the solo violin, The Thiel's motive, suggests that Thiel wants to dispel this uneasiness, and the clarinet is the Thiel's theme, which means "The horseman Didion, courteously gallant to the fair lady."Thiel fell in love with one of the beauties and offered to marry her, but she refused.The brass became a declaration of thiel's determination to "take revenge on all mankind" after his rejection.The clarinet and rend scholars, whom Thiel posed complicated questions, the woodwind Canon presented polemical questions, the scholars argued, and Thiel turned away from them in disgust, singing pop songs cheerfully.In the development part, it shows that Thiel finds fun in various pranks, and finally only little drum shows that he does all kinds of immoral things, and is finally arrested for absurd cruelty.The serious motive showed that he was brought to trial, but he still whistled contempt. When sentenced to death, the motive of death was strengthened, and Thiel went trembling to the gallows.As the music comes to an end, a happy opening melody suddenly reappears, indicating that Thiel's life is over, but that his mischief lives on in such stories as "a long, long time ago," culminating in a Thiel theme.        
  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar) 清唱剧《杰龙修斯之梦》总谱手稿的最后一页      
  丹尼尔·哈丁(Daniel Harding)      
丹尼尔·哈丁是当今古典乐坛新生代指挥家中最亮眼的一位。他的履历表颇具传奇色彩,这则“英雄出少年”的传奇开始于17岁时,哈丁组织起一批乐手演出勋伯格的作品,并制作录音寄给了自己心中的偶像——指挥大师西蒙·拉特尔爵士,西蒙听过立即聘请他为助理指挥。随后哈丁就读剑桥,19岁又被克劳迪奥·阿巴多聘请担任自己在柏林爱乐的助理指挥,同年首次登台指挥伯明翰市立交响乐团,即被英国皇家爱乐协会授予“最佳新人奖”。1996年的柏林音乐节,哈丁首次指挥柏林爱乐乐团演出,同年他还指挥了两场BBC逍遥音乐会(BBC Promenade Concerts),成为该系列音乐会历史上最年轻的指挥,从此事业扶摇直上。
  丹尼尔·哈丁(Daniel Harding)                    
  Daniel Harding is a world-famous conductor.He was born in Oxford, England in 1975.At 17, MAO volunteered to become assistant conductor to master conductor Simon Rattle.At 19, he was hired by Claudio Abbado as his assistant conductor at the Berlin Philharmonic.She was awarded the "Best New Artist" award by the Royal Philharmonic Society upon her debut.At the age of 20, he ascended the podium in Berlin's Philharmonic Hall.He conducted his first orchestra with the Vienna Philharmonic at 28, became principal guest conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra at 29, and took over the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra at 32.
Daniel Harding is one of the brightest conductors of the new generation of classical music today.His resume is legendary, and the "boy who Did it" saga began when, at 17, Harding organized a group of musicians to perform Schoenberg's work and sent recordings to his idol, conductor Sir Simon Rattle, who immediately hired him as his assistant conductor.Harding went on to Cambridge and, at 19, was hired by Claudio Abbado as his assistant conductor at the Berlin Philharmonic. That same year he made his debut conducting the Birmingham City Symphony Orchestra, where he was awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society's "Best New Artist" award.At the Berlin Music Festival in 1996, he performed for the first time with the Berlin Philharmonic. In the same year he conducted two BBC Promenade Concerts, making him the youngest conductor in the history of the series.


Esther Abrami   Salut d'Amour (Edward Elgar)

   Salut d'Amour (Edward Elgar) - Esther Abrami and Iyad Sughayer Esther Abrami


 Edward Elgar Salut d'Amour recorded by Mill Media Co at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. _

To support my music: https://www.patreon.com/estherabrami



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