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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-07-08  20:36


  克劳德·德彪西(Achille-Claude Debussy 1862-1918      


  Claude Achille Debussy - Arabesque No.1      

但是,与杜庞的感情在1899年灰飞烟灭,因为德彪西结识了美丽的罗萨丽·泰克瑟(Rosalie Texier)小姐,小名叫莉莉(Lily)。这位法国中部出生的女孩一头金发,长得窈窕动人。德彪西不惜为她放弃了与自己有十年情谊的杜庞,为此杜庞以自杀相威胁,德彪西依然不为所动,最后杜庞只能黯然离去。1899年10月19日德彪西与莉莉结婚。德彪西不无幽默地在一封信中这样描述自己的首次正式婚姻:“莉莉·泰克瑟小姐终于要把她那不协调的名 字改为莉莉·德彪西了。这么念起来声音多么和谐……她不爱音乐,只是偶尔高兴唱一曲她自己喜爱的歌谣。”有人认为,《佩利亚斯与梅丽桑德》中梅丽桑德的形象就是德彪西依照自己妻子的原型设计的,此后,作曲家进入一生中创作的黄金时代,沉浸在激情中的德彪西完成了他一生中最伟大的一系列作品——《牧神午后前奏曲》、《佩利亚斯与梅丽桑德》、《大海》等。
然而,仅仅4年之后,德彪西便有了新欢:艾玛。德彪西结识艾玛的时候,她还是有夫之妇——西斯蒙多·巴达夫人,是一位银行家的妻子,在社会上艾玛(她娘家的名字是艾玛·穆瓦斯)是演唱福雷歌曲小有名气的歌唱家。巴达夫人的丈夫算得上是业余作曲家,还曾经在音乐学院学习过一阵,后来转而从事金融业,夫妇俩育有一对儿女,德彪西就是在钢琴课上与艾玛结识的。某日,德彪西正准备同学生一起出门散步,走到门口遇到了巴达夫人,夫人邀请德彪西乘坐她的马车到目的地去,原本打算散步的德彪西答应了夫人的盛情邀请,从此他们开始了交往。前面已经提到过,艾玛是不错的歌唱家,于是德彪西经常邀请她演唱自己的歌曲新作,有时作曲家本人担任钢琴伴奏。巴黎沙龙的花边新闻是传播速度最快的信息,为此,福雷还同德彪西闹得很不愉快。 1904年7月初,德彪西最终决定离开莉莉,他真像个不羁的波希米亚人似的离开了自己的家,与巴达夫人同居。
与艾玛结婚时,德彪西的情感世界已经平静了许多,他希望得到一个温暖的家庭与爱护自己的妻子。他晚年的好几部作品都是题献给艾玛的,如《游戏》、《法兰西歌曲3首》、《意象集》中《春天的轮舞》一首,还有最后的创作三首器乐奏鸣曲等等,都是德彪西创作中的精华。 1905年秋,德彪西终于得到上帝赐予他的珍贵礼物,他的女儿出世了,为了表示夫妇的恩爱,孩子取名为克劳德·艾玛·德彪西,各取了父母的名。不过在这个可怜女孩短暂的一生中,我们更为熟知的是她的另一个名字一秀秀(Chou Chou)。秀秀的出生使德彪西初次领略了天伦之乐的美妙,这时,德彪西的精神世界发生了微妙的转变,一个革命、激进的改革者变得内敛了,深刻了,用最简洁的笔法德彪西创作了《儿童园地》,可能他那24首钢琴前奏曲的全部魅力还抵不上这6首简短的小品。《儿童园地》也是德彪西献给女儿4岁生日的礼物,1913年,德彪西还为女儿写过一部儿童芭蕾舞剧《玩具盒》。然而,秀秀命运多舛,于1919年去世,仅比她的父亲多活了一年,离世时年仅14岁。


  克劳德·德彪西(Achille-Claude Debussy )落魄的时候寄居在肖松的家中。      
  Today in the history of music
In 1880, at the age of 17 (but claiming to be 20), Debussy was hired as a summer piano teacher by Madame Nadege von Meck, Tchaikovsky's discreet patron.
Debussy's emotional world
As far as we know, Debussy's first object of affection was Von.Mrs. Mack's daughter Sonia.No reader of Tchaikovsky's life will be unfamiliar with Madame Von Meck, who met Debussy in 1881 when the family needed a home music teacher and a piano trio.On the recommendation of Mamontel, Debussy's main teacher, Debussy came to Russia and became a member of Madame Maxime's family.That July he first came to Mrs. Meck's cottage, and spent the next two summers there.Sonia was one of Madame Meck's large brood. Debussy, then 14, was, in her eyes, 20: "a restless, cheerful, thin little Frenchman who always brightened up our grave and dreary home."Debussy is Sonia's piano teacher, whether they fell in love at present lack of evidence, but it is certain that Debussy once fell in love with Sonia, and later also because of the inability to express this love (their social status is very different), eventually Debussy left The Villa Of Suonoso, and permanently ended their summer life in Russia.
Sonia was only young memory in Debussy emotional life, truly in the emotional world of Debussy is the important role of three women, namely youth Du Pang, later married his first wife, lily, and later remarried and gave birth to his daughter Emma, three different personality, Du Pang innocence, lily passion, Emma is halcyon, this also happens to be on the development of the spiritual world of Debussy, when composer Debussy's daughter born show really found the bailment and comfort of the mind.
Debussy famous late, until she was in her 30 s to the fauns afternoon is known, in the impoverished, from midnight to 6 o 'clock in the morning in the tavern's days, we can see a self-indulgent emotion and energy Debussy, youth may not have the money, but there are strong and cheap emotions, from this sense, the youth of Debussy's a Bohemian, the surge of Bohemian complex always grow in his character.In Debussy's opinion, the ten years he lived with Dupon was the purest and sweet period of his love life. He was a composer in poverty and depended on Dubussy to wash clothes to make a living."Green eyes", as She was affectionately called by Debussy, was a very kind and hard-working girl. Even in Debussy's most difficult days, she took care of Debussy without any complaint. Later, Debussy dedicated the unfinished opera "Rodrigo and Chemin" to Debussy.
However, the relationship with Dupham collapsed in 1899 as Debussy met the beautiful Miss Rosalie Texier, nicknamed Lily.The girl, born in central France, has blonde hair and is long and charming.Debussy not hesitate for her to give up with his ten years friendship Du Pang, for this Du Pang to suicide threat, Debussy still unmoved, finally Du Pang can only leave.Debussy married Lily on October 19, 1899.Debussy wrote humorously of his first official marriage in a letter: "Miss Lily Twixser is finally going to change her incongruous name to Lily Debussy.How harmonious it sounds...She is not fond of music, and only delights once in a while to sing a ballad of her own making."Somebody thinks, peja arias and merry Thornton is merry Thornton's image in Debussy, according to the prototype design of his wife, after that, the composer in the golden age of life creation, immersed in a passion of Debussy completed the greatest series of works in his life - the fauns afternoon preludes, peja arias and merry sander, "the sea" and so on.
However, just four years later, Debussy had a new love interest: Emma.When Debussy met Emma, she was still married -- Madame Cismondo Bada, the wife of a banker, and Emma (her family name was Emma Movas) was a somewhat famous singer in the world of Faure.She was married to an amateur composer who studied in a conservatory before turning to finance. They had a son and a daughter, whom Debussy met at piano lessons.One day, Debussy is about to go out for a walk with his students. They meet At the door of the house. Madame invites Debussy to take her carriage to the destination.As mentioned earlier, Emma was a good singer, so Debussy often invited her to sing his new songs, and sometimes the composer himself accompanied on the piano.The tidbits of the Paris salon were the swiftest of the information, and for this Reason Faure was very unhappy with Debussy.At the beginning of July 1904, Debussy finally decided to leave Lili, leaving his home like a Bohemian and living with Lady Bada.
As for the reason why Debussy broke up with Lily, I'm afraid it had something to do with children. Lily seemed unable to have children, while Debussy loved children. His friend Louis Larong once recalled, "Debussy always complained about not having children.In addition, Debussy's financial situation deteriorated, and Madame Bada was rich.On July 14, a desperate Lily shot herself, as her predecessor, Dupon, had done. The bullet did not go through the heart, and she survived.After the incident, Debussy once went to visit Lily with his father. However, despite all dissuasion, Debussy could not change his mind, so he decided to leave Lily.Although Paris is open, but this time friends are on the side of Ding Lili, they are keeping their distance from Debussy, distant relations.
Both Debussy and Emma needed a divorce, and on August 2, 1904, Lily agreed to a divorce on the condition that Debussy provided for her security.The trouble was on Emma's side. Mr. Bada delayed with Emma for eight months, and the divorce was finally settled because Mr. Bada himself was going to marry another beautiful actress.It was agreed that Emma would receive a stipend of 50,000 francs a year from her ex-husband, which at the time was roughly equivalent to $100,000, a considerable sum of money, which led to speculation that Debussy was marrying Emma for money.

  克劳德·德彪西(Claude Debussy)和罗萨丽·泰克瑟(Rosalie Texier)(莉莉)      
  德彪西(Claude Debussy)和他的女儿秀秀      
  By the time he married Emma, Debussy's emotional world had calmed down a lot. He wanted a warm family and a loving wife.Several of his works in his later years were dedicated to Emma, such as "Game", "3 Songs of France", "A Spring Dance" in "Collection of Images", and the last three instrumental sonatas. All these are the essence of Debussy's creation.In the fall of 1905, Debussy finally got the precious gift from God, his daughter was born, in order to show the couple's love, the child was named Claude Emma Debussy, each took the name of the parents.But in this poor girl's short life, she was better known by another name, Yi Xiu (Chou Chou).Show the birth of the first appreciate the beauty of the happiness that Debussy, at this moment, Debussy spirit there has been a subtle shift in the world, and a revolution, the radical reformers becomes inside collect, deep, with the most concise brushwork Debussy wrote the children's corner ", may all the charm of his 24 piano preludes less than these 6 first brief sketch."The Children's Garden" was also a gift for his daughter's fourth birthday. In 1913, Debussy wrote a children's ballet "The Toy Box" for his daughter.However, Xiu was unlucky and died in 1919, only one year longer than her father, at the age of 14.
 In 1918, Debussy squeezed by the disease to the oil lamp after dry died, died almost alone, he only gave Emma a worthless fame, a year after the show, Emma in the past two years has undergone the change of family big blow, but she still stubbornly survive, died in 1934, finally buried beside her husband and daughter.Lily died earlier than Emma, did not live past the age of 60, the night scene is sad, Dubon is not even known, in this life, Debussy who love the woman, it seems that only God and himself will know.
 Today's video: 1, Morimoto Sackie Debussy "Arabesques" 1;2. Michelangelo plays Claude Debussy's Children's Garden
  克劳德·德彪西(Achille-Claude Debussy)      
  日本钢琴家森本 麻衣(もりもと まい)      
  森本麻衣(森本麻衣)是日本的钢琴演奏者。 出生于爱媛县松山市。
爱媛县立松山东高等学校普通科毕业2008年东京艺术大学音乐学部钢琴科毕业2013年3月东京艺术大学研究生院音乐研究科硕士课程器乐科毕业,以“对名单匈牙利狂诗曲的考察”为题执笔硕士论文。 2010年休学于东京艺术大学研究生院,留学于德国国立慕尼黑音乐·戏剧大学研究生院。
  森本 麻衣(もりもと まい)      
  森本 麻衣(もりもと まい)は、日本のピアノ奏者。愛媛県松山市出身。
愛媛県立松山東高等学校普通科卒業 2008年 東京藝術大学音楽学部ピアノ科卒業 2013年3月 東京芸術大学大学院音楽研究科修士課程器楽科修了、「リストのハンガリー狂詩曲への一考察」と題し修士論文を執筆。 2010年 東京芸術大学大学院を休学し、ドイツ国立ミュンヘン音楽・演劇大学大学院に留学。
  Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli plays Claude Debussy Childrend's Corner
Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum 00:00
Jimbo's Lullaby 02:13
Serenade for the Doll 05:51
The Snow is dancing 08:23
The little Shepherd 11:12
Golliwog's Cakewalk 13:33


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