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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-07-07  19:36


  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett 1905——1998)      
  西蒙·拉特尔爵士指挥蒂皮特《玫瑰湖》《马勒第十交响曲》(伦敦交响乐团 )      
  The Tenth Symphony of Mahler, Conducted by Sir Simon Rattle      
  蒂皮特''玫瑰湖''   马勒第十交响曲 西蒙拉特尔爵士指挥      

1976年7月7日,蒂皮特(M. Tippett)的第三部歌剧《冰融》(The lce Break)在科文特花园上演,直面了东方与西方,黑人与白人,老人与青年之间看似不可调和的差异。

迈克尔·肯普·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Kemp Tippett 1905——1998))是20世纪一位多产的英国作曲家,也是一位人道主义者和和平主义者。他的全部作品包括5部歌剧、4部交响曲、5部弦乐四重奏、大量的歌曲和合唱设置、4部钢琴奏鸣曲、如“三协奏曲”等管弦乐作品,以及《圣奥古斯丁的愿景》等为人声和管弦乐队创作的作品。迪佩特在第二次世界大战期间因拒服兵役而被监禁三个月。他也是最早的同性恋作曲家之一,公开承认自己的性取向,并用自己的音乐来探讨性问题。尽管他经常自己写歌剧的剧本,他还是受到了严厉的批评。然而,这并不妨碍他通过作品表达自己的思想或政治思想。在他的一生中,他一直是一个音乐的狂热学习者。作为指挥,他录制了许多自己的作品。
1905年1月2日,迈克尔·肯普·蒂皮特爵士出生于伦敦一个富裕的家庭。他的父亲亨利·威廉·蒂皮特(Henry William Tippett)是一名律师和企业家,母亲伊莎贝尔·克莱门蒂娜·宾尼·坎普(Isabel Clementina Binny Kemp)是一名慈善工作者、工党成员和妇女参政论者。他对音乐的爱好从孩提时代起就很明显。伊芙琳·莫德获得了奖学金,去了费特学院学习,但当他与另一个男孩的私通被曝光后,他的父母把他送到了林肯郡的斯坦福德学校,在那里他完成了剩下的学业。在那里,他向弗朗西斯·廷克勒学习钢琴和和声。他对现代音乐的第一次体验是在莱斯特的一场由马尔科姆·萨金特指挥的音乐会上听了拉威尔的母鹅组曲。从那天起,他就渴望成为一名作曲家。第一次世界大战期间,他的家庭面临经济困难,不得不在欧洲各地过着不安定的生活。迪佩特和父母一起度假。由于迪佩特无神论和叛逆的行为,他的校长要求把他从学校搬走,住在镇子的其他地方。在此期间,他买了一份斯坦福的音乐作品,并开始自学。迪佩特在1923年继续在皇家音乐学院学习。他从查尔斯·伍德那里学到了作曲的第一课。伍德死后,迪佩特跟随基特森医生学习音乐。然而,由于老师和学生之间在教学风格上存在一定的分歧,不得不退出。他还获得了一些管弦乐队和指挥方面的工作知识。在RCM,他花了5年时间,并于1928年毕业。由于第一次尝试失败,他花了5年而不是4年的时间。

虽然蒂皮特在很小的时候就承认了他的同性恋身份,但是害怕被日常生活排斥的恐惧一直困扰着他。他的容貌和魅力使女人和男人都同样着迷。在他的一生中,他与许多女人保持着亲密的关系。 伊芙琳·莫德是一个业余大提琴手,她在蒂皮特的生活中扮演了一个姐姐的角色。当爱丽森在二战结束时自杀时, 蒂皮特感到愤愤不平。Allison是一位音乐家和音乐学者,他甚至考虑过收养一个孩子。然而,直到年轻的画家威尔弗雷德·弗兰克斯进入他的生活,蒂皮特感到痛苦的真实和热烈的爱情。在谈到与弗兰克的关系时,蒂皮特曾说,这是“坠入爱河时最深刻、最令人心碎的经历”,也是“发现自己独特音乐‘声音’的一个重要因素”。
蒂皮特自己的音乐开始出现在奥克斯特德的节目中,1930年4月,他举办了一场音乐会,完全是他自己的作品。为了进一步提高技巧,他去找R. O. 莫里斯 (R. O. Morris)学习,莫里斯已经在RCM教过蒂皮特,被认为是16世纪复调的专家。这种训练对他来说效果特别好,因为他能够模仿巴赫的写作风格。
蒂皮特被当时欧洲发生的不公正和压迫压垮了。在强烈的共鸣的驱使下,蒂皮特开始将他的音乐与激进的政治行动融合在一起。后来,他辞去了教书的工作,选择担任一些业余合唱团的指挥。1939年见证了他第一次的毕业代表作“孩子的时间,”,这可以说是他的无神论的思想结晶的结果,成型过程中几个非正式与诺贝尔奖得主艾略特会合他通常被称为他的精神之父。《我们这个时代的孩子》是基于一个真实的事件,一个受到不公正待遇的男孩用暴力回击,这一行为随后引发了更大的暴力。该 创作于1941年完成,并于1944年首演。蒂皮特一直努力表达对这些事件的普遍情感,他选择的黑人灵歌达到了预期的戏剧效果。
当弗朗西斯卡·阿林森把他介绍给马克思主义作曲家艾伦·布什时,蒂皮特激进的政治立场进一步增强了。艾伦·布什是伦敦劳工合唱联盟的指挥。1934年10月15日至20日,蒂皮特在水晶宫举行的劳动 庆典上指挥管弦乐队。由于蒂皮特强烈拥护个人自由的理念,并反对任何暴虐权威的存在,他选择了托洛茨基的国际主义,而不是斯大林严格控制和中央集权的国家。他于1935年加入共产党,但在斯大林主义意识形态的强大影响下离开了。同一年,蒂皮特写了一部煽动剧《战争的发展》,讲述了公共信用在战争融资中的作用,他的论点虽然似乎激发了惊动革命的想法,但被他否认了,后来开始诉诸和平主义。夹在纳粹主义的“锡拉”和斯大林主义的“卡律布迪斯”之间, 蒂皮特成为了接受迪克谢帕德牧师誓言的数千人中的一员,这导致了一个和平誓言联盟,蒂皮特最终成为了主席。1943年,作为一名和平主义者,他拒绝遵守免于服兵役的条件,因此被判处3个月监禁,但他对和平主义意识形态的忠诚没有受到影响。

1979年,蒂皮特建立了迈克尔·蒂皮特音乐基金会,这是一个慈善信托基金,最初的收入来自于向大英图书馆出售他的大部分亲笔签名手稿。1997年,他在斯德哥尔摩举办音乐会回顾展时,患上了肺炎,被带回英国,并于1998年初在那里去世。作曲家如马克·安东尼·特内奇,大卫·马修斯,威廉·马蒂亚斯和爱德华·考伊都承认了 蒂皮特对他们创作的影响。

今日视频:西蒙·拉特尔爵士指挥蒂皮特《玫瑰湖》《马勒第十交响曲》(伦敦交响乐团);2、 迈克尔·蒂皮特清唱剧《我们时代的孩子》(英国的古典音乐夏季盛会--BBC逍遥音乐会(BBC Proms)

  迈克尔·蒂皮特(Sir Michael Tippett) 的唱片封面      
  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett)在创作中      
  Today in the history of music
M. Tippett's third opera, "The Lce Break," opened at Covent Garden on July 7, 1976, confronting The seemingly irreconcilable differences between East and West, black and white, old and young.
Sir Michael Kemp Tippett was a prolific British composer of the 20th century, a humanitarian and a pacifist. The entire gamut of his work comprises of five operas, four symphonies, five string quartets, numerous songs and choral settings, four piano sonatas, orchestral works like the ‘Triple Concerto’, and works for voices and orchestra such as “The Vision of Saint Augustine,” etc. Tippet was imprisoned for three month for being a conscientious objector during the Second World War. He was also one of the first gay composers, who confessed his sexual orientation in public and used his music to explore the issues of sexuality.Though the libretti of his operas, which he often wrote himself, he faced stern criticism. However, that hardly deterred him from expressing his ideas or political thoughts through his works. Throughout his lifetime, he remained an avid learner of music. As a conductor, he recorded many of his own works.
  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett)      
  Sir Michael Kemp Tippett was born on 2 January in the year 1905 in the city of London in an affluent family. His father, Henry William Tippett, was a lawyer and an entrepreneur and his mother, Isabel Clementina Binny Kemp, was a charity worker, a member of the labor party and a suffragette. His inclination towards music was evident from the very childhood. Tippet won a scholarship and went to study at Fettes College, but when his liaison with another boy transpired, his parents moved him to Stamford School in Lincolnshire where he completed the rest of his school education. There he learned piano and harmony from Frances Tinkler. His first experience of modern music was on hearing Ravel's Mother Goose suite at a concert in Leicester conducted by Malcolm Sargent. From that day onwards, he yearned to be a composer. During the First World War, his family was confronted with a financial exigency, which obliged them to lead an unsettled life moving around Europe. Tippet joined his parents in vacations. Due to Tippet’s atheistic and rebellious demeanor, his headmaster asked him to be removed from the school premises and to be lodged somewhere else in the town. During this time, he bought a copy of Stanford’s musical composition and started teaching himself. Tippet then went on to study at the Royal College of Music in the year 1923. He learned his first lessons in composition from Charles Wood. After the death of Wood, Tippet went to learn music from Dr. C.H. Kitson. However, there were certain discords between the teacher and the student regarding the style and had to quit. He also gained some working knowledge of the orchestra and conducting. At the RCM, he spent five years and graduated in 1928, taking five instead of four years as he failed in his first attempt.

Though Tippet confessed his homosexuality at a very young age, yet the fear of being ostracized from normal life haunted him. He enchanted both women and man equally with his looks and charm. Throughout his life, he held close relationships with many women. Evelyn Maude, an amateur cellist, was deeply enamored by Tippet and played a role of an elder sister in his life. When Allison, a musician and musicologist with whom he even contemplated adopting a child once committed suicide at the end of World War II, Tippet was left shattered and aggrieved. However, not until Wilfred Franks, a young painter, entered his life, Tippet felt the pangs of real and passionate love. On his relationship with Frank, Tippett once said, “the deepest, most shattering experience of falling in love,” and “a major factor underlying the discovery of my own individual musical 'voice'.”

Tippet was offered to conduct a concert and operatic society in Oxted, Surrey. Thus, in a quest to find solitude to compose, away from the bustling city of London, he fled to placid rural environment. In 1929, he rented a small cottage on the North Downs, formed a madrigal group, and became a music teacher at a local school. Soon with his father’s aid, he constructed a bungalow for himself at Limpsfield. Tippet then went on to produce a number of stage works, one of which was his own version of the 18th century ballad ‘The Village Opera’.

Tippett's own music started featuring in Oxted programmes and in April 1930, he held a concert, which was devoted solely to his own compositions. To brush up his skills further, he went to study with R. O. Morris, who had already taught Tippett at the RCM and was considered to be specialist of 16th century polyphony.Thistraining turned out to be particularly fruitful for him as he was able to emulate the Bach’s style of writing figures.

Tippett was overwhelmed by injustice and oppression, which was taking place in Europe those days.Driven by a strong feeling of empathy, Tippet started fusing his music with radicalized political actions. He then left the teaching job and opted for the conductorship of a number of amateur choirs. The year 1939 witnessed the commencement of his first magnum opus “A Child of Our Time,” which can be said to be the outcome of his crystallized atheistic ideas, which took shape during the course of several informal rendezvous with the Nobel laureate T.S. Eliot whom he often referred to as his spiritual father. “A Child of Our Time” was based on a real incident in which a boy victim of injustice retorted back with violence, an action which then went on to beget much greater violence. The work was completed in 1941 and was performed in 1944 for the first time. Tippett always strived to express universal feeling about such occurrences and his choice of Negro Spirituals achieved the desired dramatic effect.

Tippett’s radical political stand was further fostered when Francesca Allinson introduced him to the Marxist composer Alan Bush, who was the conductor of the London Labor Choral Union. Tippett conducted the orchestra at the Pageant of Labour at the Crystal Palace on 15–20 October 1934. As Tippett strongly championed the idea of individual freedom and reprobated the existence of any tyrannous authority, he chose Trotsky's internationalism over Stalin's rigidly controlled and centralized state. He joined the Communist Party in 1935, but left in the wake of an overpowering clout of Stalinist ideologies. In the same year, Tippett wrote an agitprop play, ‘War Ramp’, about the role of public credit in the financing of war whose argument though seemed to spur the idea of convulsive revolution was denied by him and later started resorting to the idea of pacifism. Trapped between the Scylla of Nazism and Charybdis of Stalinism, Tippett became one of the thousands to take up the pledge of Rev. Dick Sheppard, which then resulted in a peace pledge union of which Tippett became the president eventually. In 1943, he was sentenced to three months imprisonment for refusing, as a pacifist, to comply with conditions of exemption from active war servicebut his loyalty towards pacifist ideology remained unaffected.

In 1960, he moved away from Sussex and went to live in Wiltshire, first in the village of Corsham, and then on Derry Hill above the town of Calne. In the year 1965, he visited the United States, where his music won advocates and audiences, and Tippett in turn introduced elements of American slang and music into his own work, for example in The Knot Garden, first performed in 1970.

In 1966, he was knighted, and awarded the Order of Merit in 1983. He remained very active composing and conducting. His opera, ‘New Year’ premiered in 1989, which didn’t get a warm reception. ‘Byzantium’, a piece for soprano and orchestra, was premièred in 1991. “Those Twentieth Century Blues”, the autobiography of Tippett was published in 1991. His Fifth String Quartet was premièred in 1992. In 1995, Tippett was honored on his 90th birthday with special events in Britain, Canada and the US, including the première of his final work, The Rose Lake. In that year a collection of his essays, “Tippett on Music”, also came out. In 1996, Tippett moved from Wiltshire to London for health concerns.

In 1979, Tippett set up The Michael Tippett Musical Foundation, a charitable trust that owed its initial income to the sale of most of his autographed manuscripts to the British Library. In 1997, when he was visiting Stockholm for a retrospective of his concert music, he developed pneumonia and was brought home to England, where he died in early 1998. Composers like Mark-Anthony Turnage, David Matthews, William Mathias and Edward Cowie have admitted the influence of Tippet on their work.

Video of the day: Sir Simon Rattle conducting Tippeter's Lake Rose and Mahler's 10th Symphony (London Symphony Orchestra);2. The Children of Our Times, oratorio by Michael Tippett.

  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett)      
  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett)和另一位英国著名的作曲家本杰明·布里顿(Benjamin Britten,1913-1976)在一起。      
  迈克尔·蒂皮特爵士(Sir Michael Tippett)与乔治·索蒂爵士,1977年新闻摄影      
  迈克尔·蒂皮特清唱剧《我们时代的孩子》(英国的古典音乐夏季盛会--BBC逍遥音乐会(BBC Proms))      
  《我们时代的孩子》是一部世俗清唱剧,作者是英国作曲家迈克尔·蒂皮特(Michael Tippett, 1905-98),他也写了剧本。这首曲子创作于1939年至1941年间,1944年3月19日在伦敦阿德尔菲剧院首演。这部作品的灵感来自于对蒂佩特影响深远的事件:1938年,一名年轻的犹太难民暗杀了一名德国外交官,以及纳粹政府对其犹太人进行的暴力大屠杀——“水晶之夜”(Kristallnacht)。蒂佩特的清唱剧以被压迫人民的经历为背景来处理这些事件,并传递了一种强烈的和平主义信息,即最终的理解与和解。      
  A Child of Our Time is a secular oratorio by the British composer Michael Tippett (1905–98), who also wrote the libretto. Composed between 1939 and 1941, it was first performed at the Adelphi Theatre, London, on 19 March 1944. The work was inspired by events that affected Tippett profoundly: the assassination in 1938 of a German diplomat by a young Jewish refugee, and the Nazi government's reaction in the form of a violent pogrom against its Jewish population—called Kristallnacht. Tippett's oratorio deals with these incidents in the context of the experiences of oppressed people generally, and carries a strongly pacifist message of ultimate understanding and reconciliation.      


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