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                              田润德 编译文/图 2020-07-25  20:36


  菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass,1937 —)      

   吉东·克莱默 吉德雷·迪尔瓦瑙斯凯特演奏

《格拉斯 小提琴大提琴二重协奏曲》



Philip Glass: Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra


1976年7月25日菲利普·格拉斯(Philips Glass,1937-——)以相对论之父为题而作的超现实主义歌剧《海滩上的爱因斯坦》(Einstein on the Beach)在法国的阿维尼翁音乐节上演出。这位作曲家以搬家具、修水管和在纽约开出租为生。

从八岁起接触长笛开始,菲利普·格拉斯便展现了对音乐的天份及兴趣,十五岁远赴芝加哥求学时,他花最多精力在钢琴上,接着还进茱莉亚音乐学院接受正统音乐教育,但是带给他最大启发的,却是印度西塔琴之王—Ravi Shankar,从此他的音乐是由心中浮现的旋律乐段来带领,而不是纸上谱出的符号。 1967年他到了纽约,发展出着名的极微主义乐派,由几个不断重覆的旋律主题构成整首乐曲,彻底打破了古典乐的成规,作法十分后现代,很快就受到艺文圈的注目。随着专属演奏团体的组成,以及几年下来的表演耕耘,1974他受英国Virgin唱片公司欣赏而签下,并逐渐获得国际声望,不过,直到1977年发行了专辑“North Star”,他的音乐才开始接触到普罗大众。

“North Star”原本是为了纪念一位艺术家的电影而作,经过一番改写重组后,才变成这张专辑。专辑中的乐曲虽然是各自独立的,但仍然互相连贯。别以为是电影配乐,就会听见叙事性强烈的主题乐章,在这里,只有意识流般的简短音调要你去感受,当然也蕴含了极微乐派的精神。彷佛从机器运转出的管风琴音色,被混入管弦乐的电子合成乐器,加上环绕的人声合音,整张专辑就像是末世纪的赞美诗,充满前瞻性的视野,同时瞄准现在与未来。


一九七五年的歌剧《沙滩上的爱因斯坦》。在长达四幕五个钟头的演出当中,不落幕也没有中场休息,观众可以任意地进出,整出作品没有以往人们熟悉的歌剧咏叹调与宣叙调,也没有剧情可言。此剧打破了传统歌剧的形式, 格拉斯与威尔逊宣称“沙”剧无需任何解释,他们希望人们以自己的眼睛与耳朵来感受,从中体会出属于自己的意义。随后葛拉斯又写了《真理坚固》《甘地在南非的故事》与《法老王》,此两者与《沙滩上的爱因斯坦》,合称为葛拉斯的歌剧三部曲。
  而自歌剧三部曲后,格拉斯又陆续写下数部歌剧作品,到了1990年代的考克多三部曲(《奥菲》、《美女与野兽》、《恐怖的小孩》),他完成的歌剧数量已经有十三部之多。歌剧之外,自八七年起他也开始谱写大型管弦乐曲,《低限交响曲》、《易太普水坝》都是这时期的杰作,同时他也替多部电影撰写配乐,包括《失衡生活》在内的Godfrey Reggio执导的纪录片三部曲、《三岛由纪夫传》以及马丁·斯科塞斯所导的《达赖的一生》是其代表作,他还同纪录片大师埃罗尔·莫里斯合作过有着长期合作,《细红线》、《时间简史》以及《战争之雾》三部纪录片经典的配乐都是他的作品。
  作为极简主义现代音乐的代表人物,格拉斯是一个不做电影配乐,也具有广泛影响力的领袖级作曲家。不过,如果不是他为30多部电影配乐,大家遇到他作品的机会就要小得多,毕竟,我们总是宁愿看电影,而不会专门去听纯先锋音乐的。葛拉斯的音乐理论说起来似乎也“极简”:使用尽量少的音符循环重复层迭出丰富的音乐,但真正要弄懂就不容易了。好在我们不仅可以用耳朵去听音乐,还可以用电影去看葛拉斯的极简主义风格。看过导演Godfrey Reggio记录片《QATSI三部曲》影碟的人,就都感受过这位大师的音乐魅力。而更多的奥斯卡电影迷们,则可以通过获奖电影《时时刻刻》来聆听 菲利普·格拉斯了。

今日视频:1、克莱默 迪尔瓦瑙斯凯特演奏《格拉斯 小提琴大提琴二重协奏曲》;2、 蒂姆·费恩演奏菲利普·格拉斯的《海滩上的爱因斯坦》小提琴独奏
;3、巴黎夏特列剧院演出菲利普·格拉 斯《沙滩上的爱因斯坦》。                                                             ——莫扎特之旅

  年轻的菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)      
  Today in the history of music
Philips Glass's surrealist opera "Einstein on the Beach" was performed at avignon, France, on July 25, 1976.The composer made a living moving furniture, fixing plumbing and driving a New York taxi.
20th century's most have the courage to break through, is also one of the most influential composer Philip glass, extremely large and covers the ground, including orchestral works, operas, film music, because of the steps in the environment music and music in the new century, so also has, for electronic synthetic sound and integrated into the essence of music from all over the world.
Flute is beginning from the age of eight, Philip glass and shows interest in talent for music and, in the age of 15, the Chicago school, he spends most of the energy on the piano, and then into Julia a classical music college music education, but to bring his biggest inspiration, is the king of India west tower piano - Ravi Shankar, from then on, his music is from the heart of melody passages to lead, figuring out the symbols rather than paper.In 1967, he went to New York and developed the famous ultra-micro music school, which consists of several repeated melodic themes to form the whole music, completely breaking the established rules of classical music. The practice was very post-modern, which soon attracted the attention of art circles.With a dedicated ensemble of musicians and years of hard work, he was signed by the British record label Virgin in 1974 and gained international fame, but it wasn't until the release of North Star in 1977 that his music began to reach the general public.
"North Star" was originally written in honor of an artist's film, but has been rewritten and reassembled into this album.The music on the album is separate but coherent.Don't think of it as a movie soundtrack, but instead of a narrative theme, it's a short, stream-of-consciousness tone that's meant for you to feel, and of course it's very musical.As if from a machine organ tone, mixed with orchestral electronic composite instruments and surrounded by human voices, the album is like a late-century hymn, full of forward-looking vision, aimed at the present and the future.
Philip Glass is arguably the most famous of the minimalists, thanks to his numerous plays, films and dance scores.The more intrinsic factor is that he pays more attention to sound effect. By drawing lessons from the "cyclic rhythm structure" in Indian music, he extensively applies the principle of repetition, and at the same time keeps repeating through the whole song with a simple tone pattern, he changes it by means of constantly expanding rhythm and enhancing the embellishment effect of orchestration.The sound effect of the harmony and the richness of the texture of Philip Glass's works are far beyond those two composers.His representative works include the music of the Fifth Degree, Look again at Harmony and other instrumental works.But more widely influential was the trifecta of Einstein on the Beach, Noncooperation (featuring Gandhi) and Akhnaten (a 14th century BC Egyptian king).It breaks the tradition of storytelling in opera and depicts characters with musical metaphors and symbols rich in meditation.
1975 opera Einstein on the Beach.During four ACTS and five hours of performance, there is no closing or intermission, the audience can come and go at will, and there is no familiar operatic aria, narration or plot.Breaking with the traditional form of opera, Glass and Wilson claim that "sand" needs no explanation, and that they want people to feel with their eyes and ears, to feel their own meaning.He then wrote The Truth and The Hard, The Story of Gandhi in South Africa, and the Pharaohs, both of which, along with Einstein on the Beach, became His opera trilogy.
Since the trilogy, Glass has written several more operas, and by the 1990s the Cocteau trilogy (Offie, Beauty and the Beast, Scary Kids) had produced thirteen.Opera, since 87, he began to compose the large-scale orchestral, the lower limit of symphony, "easy too at the dam" is a masterpiece of this period, he also for many movies to write the music, including "the imbalances in the life", Godfrey Reggio directed by documentary trilogy, "the biography of mishima yukio, and Martin scorsese guided by" the dalai lama's life "is his representative work, he also work with master documentary errol morris has a long-term cooperation," the thin red line ", "a brief history of time" and "fog of war" three documentaries classical music are all his works.
As the representative of minimalist modern music, Glass is a widely influential composer who does not make film scores.But the chances of encountering his work would be much smaller if he hadn't written for more than 30 films. After all, we'd always rather watch movies than listen to pure avant-garde music.Grass's theory of music also seems to be "minimalist" : use as few no
tes as possible to repeat layers of rich music, but it is not easy to understand.The good news is that not only can we listen to music with our ears, but we can also watch Graz's minimalist style with a movie.Anyone who has watched Godfrey Reggio's documentary QATSI Trilogy has experienced the maestro's musical charm.More Oscar fans can listen to Philip Glass in the Hours.
Today's video: 1.Kramer Dilwanuscate plays the Glass Concerto for Violin and Cello.2.Tim Fane's violin solo on Philip Glass's Einstein on the Beach;3.Philip Guerra's Einstein on the Beach, recorded at the Théâtre du Châtelet de Paris.                                       

  菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)表演自己的作品《开》(1981)(Georg Philipp Telemann       
Philip Glass, Anton Batagov和Jenny Lin表演
  Opening (1981)
Composed by Philip Glass
Performed by Philip Glass, Anton Batagov and Jenny Lin
Glassworks was originally written as a commission for CBS Records in 1981 (the first CD of mine recorded for that company). Besides work for my ensemble, it contained several unusual pieces including Opening for solo piano and Façadesfor solo soprano saxophone. Some of this music later formed the basis of Jerome Robbins’ dance piece at the New York City Ballet in 1983. Opening was the beginning of a series of music for solo piano, which I am still adding to, to this day.
  菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)的 歌剧《海滩上的爱因斯坦》(Einstein on the Beach)乐谱 手稿      
  The Georg Philipp Telemann's electronic music      
  菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)歌剧《海滩上的爱因斯坦》(Einstein on the Beach)乐谱手稿封面      
  菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)歌剧《海滩上的爱因斯坦》(Einstein on the Beach)乐谱手稿      
  漫画菲利普•格拉斯(Philips Glass)      
  Einstein on the Beach. Book notes
It threw themselves at Einstein's feet 😄
And shame on cognitive 😂 is less than one hundred years ago
This book is worth reading several times. On the one hand, it is certainly interesting and informative, and on the other, it is not fully comprehensible
With the exception of the mundane parts of special and general relativity written a hundred years ago, which can be barely understood, the rest of the theories are hard to imagine
Therefore, the current excerpt only involves the relativistic part, and don't be full of general but vague concepts, which are meaningless to yourself.
(BTW, on Chinese classical culture, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism philosophy, seems to have reached the stage of self-evaluation.For higher mountains have been seen!Hope mian zhi ~)
1. The unit of length is the second, and the meter, as a derived unit, is defined as equal to 1/2,999,2458 of a second.
2. "The passage of time", which is valid only for itself and no one else, has no absoluteness or universality.It is impossible for all objects to have the same universal notion of time passing.The precision of our daily measurements prevents us from seeing this.
3. Space-time is a four-dimensional entity.One can think of it as an extension of the concept of plane (two-dimensional) or space (three-dimensional).Mathematicians refer to such extensions as manifolds.
4. The observer's intrinsic length can be used to determine his own historical event -- on his own world line.But in any case they cannot be used to determine events or histories elsewhere, because they are not defined there.
5. "From the photon's point of view", no time passes between the moment it is emitted and the moment it is observed.
6. However, there is no direct relationship or comparison between my proper time and the proper time of other observers.
7. The passage of intrinsic time is the same for everyone, even if no integral time is defined.There has never been a real "deceleration in time," a real "contraction (or expansion) of time."
8. The main achievement of special relativity - the abolition of absolute time and absolute space and the introduction of the concept of space-time.
9. Main content of general relativity: The concept of universal gravitation was replaced by curvilinear geometry in four dimensions, which is formed by the totality of celestial bodies in the universe.  


  Tim Fain plays Philip Glass' 'EINSTEIN ON THE BEACH' violin solo      
  《沙滩上的爱因斯坦》菲利普•格拉斯 巴黎夏特列剧院      
音乐与歌词Philip Glass
Lucinda Childs, Samuel M. Johnson, Christopher Knowles
迈克尔·里斯曼(Michael Riesman)负责
副舞台设计,Charles Otte
灯光设计由Urs Schoenbaum设计
库尔特·蒙卡西(Kurt Munkasci)音效设计
  Einstein on the Beach, recorded at the Théâtre du Châtelet de Paris on 2014
 Staging, set design and lighting by Robert Wilson
 Music and lyrics by Philip Glass
 Choreography by Lucinda Childs
 Spoken texts written by Lucinda Childs, Samuel M. Johnson, Christopher Knowles
 Conducted by Michael Riesman
 Associate direction by Ann-Christin Rommen
 Associate stage design by Charles Otte
 Lighting design by Urs Schoenbaum
 Sound design by Kurt Munkasci
 Costume design by Carlos Soto
 Presented by the Théâtre du Châtelet in partnership with the Festival d'Automne in Paris and the Théâtre de la Ville and Produced by Pomegranate Arts, Inc. Parisian representations of Einstein on the Beach was made ossible through the support of Pierre Bergé and agnès b. and a partnership with France Inter.


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