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                                  田润德 编译 文/图 2020-06-14  19:36



  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes,1836—1891)      
  【芭蕾舞】达西·布塞尔表演《西尔维娅》女变奏 英国皇家芭蕾舞团      
   Darcy Bussell of the Royal Ballet of England      

1876年6月14日,德里布(Léo Delibes)的《希尔薇娅》(Sylvia)在巴黎上演。“如果我早些听到这些音乐。”柴可夫斯基说道,“我肯定不会去写《天鹅湖》。”
利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes,1836—1891年),法国作曲家。1836年2月21日生于圣日尔曼—迪瓦尔,1891年1月16日卒于巴黎。1848年入巴黎国立高等音乐舞蹈学院,师从F.伯努瓦、A.亚当。1853年任巴黎抒情剧院钢琴伴奏及教堂管风琴师。1855年开始写小歌剧《两分钱的煤》(法语:Deux sous de charbon, ou Le suicide de Bigorneau),此后又连续写了约20部喜歌剧和趣歌剧,其中有几部相当成功,从此以歌剧作曲家闻名。1864年任巴黎歌剧院(Paris Opéra)合唱副指挥,并开始着手写芭蕾音乐。1866年他和波兰作曲家合作芭蕾《泉》,获得成功。


1883年他的歌剧《拉克美》(法语:Lakmé)首次上演,这部东方色彩浓郁、心理刻画细腻、充满戏剧性的歌剧至今仍在世界各地歌剧院经常演出。其它代表作如《国王如是说》(法语:Le roi l'a dit),是一部三幕歌剧,由德利布作于1873年,并于当年在巴黎喜歌剧院首演。


);2、 利贝塔用一指弹奏法演奏德里布(Léo Delibes)的歌剧《希尔薇娅》中的《拨弦波尔卡》。     

  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes,1836—1891)      
  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes)出生时的记录,来自圣日尔曼杜瓦尔|的Leo Delibes的诞生记录来源:民事登记册      
  Acte de naissance de Léo Delibes à Saint-Germain-du-Val | Source : Registres d'état civil      
  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes)的家乡圣日尔曼—迪瓦尔,1836年2月21日他在此地出生。      
  Leo Delibes was born in St. Germain-Duval on February 21, 1836.      
  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes)的歌剧《希尔薇娅》(Sylvia)剧照。      
  A still from Leo Delibes's opera "Sylvia."      
  利奥·德里布(Léo Delibes)的歌剧《希尔薇娅》(Sylvia)剧照。      
  A still from Leo Delibes's opera "Sylvia."      
  德里布(Léo Delibes)的芭蕾舞剧《希尔薇娅》(Sylvia)《拨弦波尔卡》      
  The Ballet of Derib (Leo Delibes), Sylvia (Sylvia), Polka      
  Separated Dance drama "Silvia" story synopsis
Amanda, the shepherd, fell in love with silvia, the beautiful fairy, and by the light of the moon he stared at her.Silvia was furious that the huntress, playing in the woods, had spotted him.In revenge, she shot an arrow at the statue of Love.Amanda fell in an arrow to save Cupid.The God of Love returned an arrow, both a punishment and a blessing.
When dawn came, Silvia flew back to the forest with the hunters.But driven by a sense of affection, she returned to Amanda's body and mourned.At this moment, The black god Orion, who had been spying in the dark, seized the opportunity to take Silvia away.
The farmers passed by and found the dead shepherd.The old wizard arrives unexpectedly and USES rose petals to save Amanda's life and guide him to find Silvia.When the wizard disappeared, the statue of Love shone brightly, and people suddenly realized that it was Love who was saving Amanda.
In the cave of The Black God, Sylvia tried to escape From The trouble of Orion, and just when she wanted to escape, The god of Love helped her.
Gods and people celebrate a festival of wine in the square in front of the Diana temple.Amanda, who had visited many lovers but never met, was overjoyed to see The god of Love escorting Sylvia by boat.Olivia ran to grab Sylvia, and Amanda fought her.Sylvia asks the moon god for help, and Diana kills Orion with an arrow;But she refused to allow Amanda and Silvia love.Then The goddess of love invites to point to the sky, the reproduction of Diana and shepherd Endileon's phantom love - Silvia is their daughter, which makes the Moon God understand the irresistible power of love, and love together for the young couple's blessing.
The three-act ballet "Silvia" is the representative work of the great French composer in the 19th century, who has the reputation of "the father of ballet music".It premiered in Paris in 1876 and was choreographed by Louis Melante.The dance drama is based on the famous work "Amanda" by Italian poet Tasso, which is a mythic dance drama with strong French style.
Although the production of the dance drama "Silvia" was in the second half of the 19th century, the material selection of the dance drama has reverted from the romantic creation theme -- fairies, elves and ghosts, to the tradition of "god's ruler" in the 18th century. The dance drama tells the fairy tale of love between human and god.
The main achievement of the play is its musical composition.Composer DE Rieb endowed the dance drama with fresh melody, vivid image and symphonic characteristics.It is no wonder that the music of the play was highly praised by the great composer of his time, Tchaikovsky, who considered it "the first dance in which music is not only of primary importance, but also of unique significance."
In the hundred years since its publication, Sylvia has been staged by many of the world's leading choreographers and ballet companies.The Paris Opera alone had two master choreographers, Albert Efrina (1941) and Lysa Darsonvar (1979), but both followed the basic style of Melonte's debut version
  德里布(Léo Delibes)的芭蕾舞剧《葛蓓莉亚》剧照      
  Today in the history of music
"Sylvia" by Leo Delibes opened in Paris on June 14, 1876."If I had heard the music earlier.""I certainly wouldn't write Swan Lake."
Leo Delibes (1836 -- 1891) was a French composer.He was born in Saint-Germain - Duval on 21 February 1836 and died in Paris on 16 January 1891.In 1848, he was admitted to the Ecole Nationale superieure d 'Music and Dance in Paris, where he studied under F.Benoit, A.Adam.In 1853 he was appointed piano accompanist and organist at the Lyric Theatre in Paris.In 1855, he began to write the operetta "Coal for two cents" (French: Deux sous DE Charbon, ou Le Suicide DE Bigorneau). Since then, he has written about 20 comic and interesting operas in succession, some of which were quite successful, and he has been known as an opera composer ever since.In 1864 he became co-conductor of the chorus at the Paris Opera and began writing ballet music.In 1866 he collaborated with a Polish composer on a successful ballet, Spring.
In 1870 his most famous dance play, Copelia, was first performed.The structure of the play is complete, the description of the customs of the world rich color, lyric comedy image prominent, fully performance of the composer's elegant style.His second dance, Sylvia, a work of myth, was first performed in 1876.The theme of music runs through the development, and the shape of dance is distinct.He composed more than 20 operas, of which Lakme and Thus spoke the King are the most famous.
In 1883, his opera Lakme (French: Lakme), a rich Oriental drama with delicate psychological depiction, was first staged. It is still performed regularly in opera houses around the world.Other masterpieces such as Le ROI L 'A DIT (French: Le ROI L 'A DIT), a three-act opera written by DE Libou in 1873 and premiered that year at the Comi Opera in Paris.
His works are closely related to French folk music, with smooth and beautiful melody and clear and beautiful orchestral orcheation. They are the exquisite works admired by both the refined and the popular, and are quite famous in various countries.His dance music played a certain role in the development of European ballet music, Tchaikovsky and other dance music are deeply influenced by it.In addition, he wrote more than thirty romances, songs and some chorus songs.
In 1881 He became professor of composition at the Paris Conservatory, and in 1884 he was elected to the Academie francaise.DE Libbreu's creation is based on dramatic music, among which ballet music is the highest achievement.He made bold innovations, enriched the colors of people's custom depiction, expanded the traditional methods of psychological depiction, and developed dramatic factors to further symphonic ballet music, known as the "father of ballet music".
1. [Ballet] Darcy Bussell doing Sylvia solo with the Royal Ballet;2. Lybetta played Leo Delibes's "The Plucked Polka" from "Sylvia" on the strummery.
  达西·布塞尔(Darcey Bussell)      
  达西·布塞尔是英国著名的芭蕾舞明星之一。她在皇家芭蕾舞学校学习,并在1987年加入SWRB,在1989年成为首席独唱。她的剧目包括《奥德特》、《灰姑娘》、《吉赛尔》、《朱丽叶》、《糖梅仙女》、《雷蒙达》、《玛侬》、《米齐·卡斯帕》和《黑皇后》。她在1986年获得了洛桑奖,在1990年获得了标准晚报芭蕾舞奖。她还获得了综艺俱乐部最佳新人奖。她有一个孩子,并在1995年的女王荣誉名单中被授予大英帝国勋章(OBE),以表彰她在芭蕾舞方面的贡献。她在Serenade, Ballet Imperial, Duo Concertant和Push comes to shove中扮演过角色。她是一个非常漂亮的女士,曾在一个汽车广告中出现在黑色皮革服装,在许多圈子里引起相当大的轰动。      
  达西·布塞尔(Darcey Bussell)      
  Darcey Bussell is one of Britain's leading Ballet stars. She studied at the Royal Ballet school and joined the SWRB in 1987 becoming the principal soloist in 1989. Her repertory includes Odette, Cinderella, Giselle, Juliet, the Sugar Plum Fairy, Raymonda, Manon, Mitzi Caspar, and the Black Queen. She won the Prix De Lausanne in 1986 and the Evening Standard Ballet award in 1990. She has also received the Variety club award for the best newcomer. She has one child and was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1995 Queen's Honours List for her services to Ballet. She has had roles in Serenade, Ballet Imperial, Duo Concertant and Push comes to shove. She is a strikingly beautiful lady and has appeared in a car commercial in black leather clothing, causing quite a stir in many circles.      
  达西·布塞尔(Darcey Bussell)在表演芭蕾舞剧《希尔薇亚》      
  钢琴曲:选自德里布(Léo Delibes)的歌剧《希尔薇娅》(一指禅弹奏法)      
  Libetta - Leo Delibes Pizzicato Polka from Sylvia


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