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                                      田润德   编译 文/图 2020-05-12  19:36


  阿拉姆·哈恰图良 (Aram Khatchaturian,1903-1978)      
   瓦莱里·克里莫夫演奏哈恰图良《d小调小提琴协奏曲》 (苏联国家交响乐团)      
  "Violin Concerto in D Minor" by Khatchartullian, USSR National Symphony Orchestra      
瓦莱里·克里莫夫,出生于1931年,在1958年赢得了首届国际柴可夫斯基比赛,之后接替他的老师David Oistrach在柴可夫斯基音乐学院享有盛誉。
  Valery Klimov performing the Aram Khachaturian Violin Concerto together with the USSR Sate Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov, live from the Sydney Opera House, recorded on May 2nd in 1986.
Valery Klimov, born in 1931, won the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958 and later succeeded his teacher David Oistrach in his prestigious position at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

1947年6月12日,作曲家哈恰图良的妻子妮娜·马卡洛娃(Nina Makarova)在莫斯科指挥演出了自己的交响曲。
阿拉姆·哈恰图良 (Aram Khatchaturian,1903年6月6日-1978年5月1日),苏联作曲家,指挥家。亚美尼亚族人,亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国国歌的作者。以《钢琴协助曲》和芭蕾舞曲《加雅涅》(1942)而知名,流行的节奏活泼的《马刀舞曲》即出自该剧。

瓦莱里·克里莫夫演奏哈恰图良《d小调小提琴协奏曲》(苏联国家交响乐团);2、 科伊托演奏哈恰图良《d小调小提琴协奏曲》 。

  阿拉姆·哈恰图良 (Aram Khatchaturian,1903-1978)      
  Today in the history of music
On June 12, 1947, composer Khachatulyan's wife Nina Makarova conducted her symphony in Moscow.
Aram Khatchaturian (6 June 1903 -- 1 May 1978) was a Russian composer and conductor.Ethnic Armenians, author of the national anthem of the Armenian SSR.It is known for the Assist for the Piano and the ballet Gaiane (1942), from which came the popular and lively Sabre.
HMV, was born in Georgia ladder vries (today near tbilisi jiao village), have been affected by Armenia and the Caucasus other ethnic music, 19 years old began to accept music education, in 1922 ~ 1929 in Russia, nie music college, to study the cello, and to compose music nie XinXue, composing music school in Moscow, after 1937 years as a graduate.He became a professor of both houses in 1951.
In his youth, influenced by western modern music, especially By Maurice Ravel, his works were also characterized by enthusiasm, optimism, colorful, melodic and highly skillful.Later to folk music, and Georgia, Armenia, azerbaijan, take an interest in the folk tradition of Turkey, in 1935 the first symphony and subsequent works that reflect the interests, its unique melody of tones, strong harmony language, the rhythm of the complex type, etc., all folk music has a flesh-and-blood ties with Armenia.The Second Bell-Row Symphony (also known as the Bell-Row Symphony), a 1943 performance of the Great Patriotic War, also commemorates the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution.
His other works include "Happiness" (1939), the dance play "Gaiane", from which the orchestral musical "Sabre" is featured, "Masque" (1944), "Spartan" (1953), and the soundtrack to the film "Stalingrad".And the Third Symphony, a cello symphony, a violin symphony, and countless short pieces.He twice won the Stalin prize.Criticized in 1948 along with Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev for his bourgeois tendencies in music, he admitted his mistakes and regained his prominence, but after Stalin's death in 1956 he denied all the charges against him.
In addition to composing music, he conducts and teaches.From 1939 to 1948, he was vice chairman of the Composers' Association of the Soviet Union.In 1952, he was appointed professor of The Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and of the Gneissin Music Teachers College.He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union in 1954 and the Order of Lenin in 1959.
1. Valery Kerimov playing The Violin Concerto in D Minor by Khatchartullian (National Symphony Orchestra of the Soviet Union);2. Coito plays the Violin Concerto in D Minor by Hatchartullian.

哈恰图良 ( Khatchaturian)和夫人妮娜·马卡洛娃(Nina Makarova)
  妮娜·马卡洛娃(Nina Makarova)
妮娜·马卡洛娃是一位对俄语和马里民歌有着浓厚兴趣的俄罗斯作曲家。她师从尼古拉·米亚斯科夫斯基(Nikolai Myaskovsky),像作曲家阿拉姆·卡查图里安(Aram Khachaturian)一样,1933年与他结婚。她的绰号是“Gayane”。1947年6月12日,她在莫斯科指挥了自己的交响乐。她还与丈夫合写了几首曲子,包括M. Aliger的戏剧《真相的故事》(A Tale of Truth)的音乐,以及给于的音乐。Chepurin的戏剧"Spring Strea。           
  Nina Makarova
Nina Vladimirovna Makarova was a Russian composer who had great interest in Russian and Mari folksongs. She studied under Nikolai Myaskovsky, like composer Aram Khachaturian, whom she married in 1933. Her nickname was "Gayane". She conducted her symphony in Moscow on 12 June 1947. She also co-composed several pieces with her husband, including the Music to M. Aliger's Play "A Tale of Truth" and Music to Yu. Chepurin's Play "Spring Strea.           
  哈恰图良 ( Khatchaturian)第一任妻子拉默尔(Lamour)和女儿。      
  He married twice, first to Lamour, an Armenian.They married in the late 1920s.Their marriage broke up at His graduate school at the Mozart Academy of Music when He met Nina Makarova.      
  哈恰图良 ( Khatchaturian)和夫人妮娜·马卡洛娃(Nina Makarova)      
  In his autobiography, Khatchartullian introduced his foreign experiences
Alam.Ilich, you've been to the Western world, seen a lot, met interesting people.I think this book deserves a whole chapter on your impressions and experiences abroad.
I have indeed had the pleasure of giving concerts in almost every country in Europe, in several countries on the American continent, as well as in Egypt, Lebanon and Japan.Each trip introduces you to some interesting people, great musical groups, great writers, artists, and activists.I have attended several international music festivals, music conferences and press conferences where sometimes complex ideological and political debates took place.
I have listened to the good, the bad, and the middlings of modern foreign composers, and I have seen some of the composition classes in the conservatory.All this convinced me that foreign travel had not only benefited my experience as a composer and conductor, but had also broadened my horizons, and given me an insight into the lives of people on all continents of the world.
I am glad that fate has given me the opportunity to make an acquaintance with a very interesting figure and a distinguished musician who has made a visible mark in the history of musical performance.I'm talking about Queen Elisabeth of Belgium, a great friend of our country.
I made my first trip to Belgium in December 1960.My wife, Nina Makarova, was with me.I have given concerts in Brussels, Liege and Luxembourg.
I heard of David back in Moscow.Oyster Raher, Leonid Kogan, Emile, and Ilisha Beta Gillers were among those who praised The Queen.She knew that she had attended the Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow, that she was interested in our country, and that she had been a good violinist, and that she had been taught by Ayn Yizhai.Of course, I also know about the famous international competition in her name.
When I went to Belgium, I had hoped that the Queen would attend my concert so that I could get to know her.But she did not attend;Several officials came backstage after the programme, and one of them congratulated me on the success of the concert, and said in behalf of the Queen that she was very sorry that she could not attend the concert due to ill health.
Two days after the concert Nina and I were officially invited to visit the Queen at her palace in the suburbs.We were greeted by a tall, grey-haired lady.After some small talk, she seated us next to her and immediately had a lively, casual conversation about my concerts in Belgium and our mutual friends, the Soviet winners of the Brussels International Competition.
We have no translators.Nina speaks French, and I speak Russian to the Queen in a slow, clear voice. She understands me.The Queen is said to have studied Russian long ago.The Queen spoke excitedly of the Soviet school of violins, of David Oysterlage, Leonid Kogan, Julian Siskowitz;She also talked about Emile Gillers and Sviatoslav Richter.Apparently, she not only admired their playing skills, but also had a deep understanding of the problems in music and performing art.The Queen's manner was simple and easy, and so was the tone of her voice in which she spoke to us.                   
  瓦莱里·克里莫夫(Valery Klimov)      
  瓦莱里·克里莫夫(Valery Klimov)      
  Valery Klimov performing the Aram Khachaturian Violin Concerto together with the USSR Sate Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov, live from the Sydney Opera House, recorded on May 2nd in 1986.
Valery Klimov, born in 1931, won the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958 and later succeeded his teacher David Oistrach in his prestigious position at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
  阿穆尔·科伊托(Amaury Coeytaux )。西班牙广播电视乐团-迈克尔·弗朗西斯(cond.)2013年在马德里的Teatro纪念音乐会现场录制。      
  Amaury Coeytaux (vl). Spanish Radio and Television Orchestra - Michael Francis (cond.) Recorded live in concert on 2013 at the Teatro Monumental, Madrid.      

【小协】科伊托演奏 哈恰图良D小调小提琴协奏曲


Amaury Coeytaux (vl). Spanish Radio and Television Orchestra - Michael Francis (cond.) Recorded live in concert on 2013 at the Teatro Monumental, Madrid.



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