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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-05-26  20:36



  吉米·罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers,1897—1933)      



  Jimmie Rodgers - Kisses Sweeter than Wine


Jimmie Rodgers,1897—1933)称为“乡村音乐之父”,因为在他作为歌手、作曲家和吉他手在1927年登上歌坛之前,乡村音乐主要是指一些管弦乐队,演出的影响力相对较小。而由于罗杰斯的出现,乡村音乐红火的发展起来,并且从此继续下去。
吉米·罗杰斯演唱《吻比酒更甜》;2、 吉米·罗杰斯演唱《现在监狱里》(1928);3、多莉·帕顿和肯尼·罗杰斯演唱《溪流中的岛屿》;4、约翰·丹佛演唱《乡村路带我回家》

  吉米·罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers 1897—1933      
  According to statistics, in 1980, there were 1,534 radio stations in the United States that regularly played country music. Country music accounted for 20 of the 50 best-selling records in the country. It can be said that country music has become one of the most important forms of popular music in the United States today.
The so-called "country music" was first developed in the vast rural areas of Kentucky, north Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia, which are in the south-eastern part of the United States.When it first became popular at the end of the 19th century, it was not taken seriously except by amateur country singers who entertained themselves to the accompaniment of violins, banjos and mandolins.It gradually entered the city as a form of performance around the beginning of the twentieth century.In the 1920s, he began to record the first batch of country music records. At the same time, he was also influenced by western pop music in Texas and black songs. Electric guitar was added as an accompaniment instrument, which gradually enriched the forms of performance.The most famous professional singer of this period was Jim Rogers.
It wasn't until the 60s and 70s that country music really began to boom.Listeners who were beginning to tire of other urban pop music seemed suddenly to find something fascinating in this simple, fresh style of country music, which reflected country life.Since the 1980s, American country music has become more and more prosperous. Now it is in its golden period and has spread to many parts of the world.
  Jimmie Rodgers - In the Jailhouse Now (1928)      
  吉米·罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers)在1928年2月15日录制了这首歌。他在整首歌中都伴奏着一种唱法。1930年,他重新录制了 In the Jailhouse Now,
讲述了一个没用的人的故事。因为他的赌博,偷窃和抢劫的行为。歌词提到了一个名叫 Ramblin Bob的角色。尽管有人劝他不要干他干的事,他还是继续做他的坏事。而且,他坚信自己永远不会被抓住。但他错了。他被抓获并关进了监狱。有趣的是那个建议 Ramblin Bob放弃的人遇到了一个女孩。他们度过了一个疯狂的夜晚,最后也进了监狱。
  Jimmie Rodgers recorded the song on February 15, 1928.He accompanied a style of singing throughout the song.In 1930, he re-recorded In the Jailhouse Now,
It tells the story of a useless man.Because of his gambling, theft and robbery.The lyrics refer to a character called Ramblin Bob.Although he was advised not to do what he did, he went on doing his bad thing.And he was sure he would never be caught.But he was wrong.He was captured and put in prison.Interestingly, the man who advised Ramblin Bob to give up met a girl.They spent a crazy night and ended up in jail.
This song is an example of a song that describes reality.To some extent, the reality of what happens in society.Let Jimmy Rogers remind you that bad things have consequences.                                             
  Today in the history of music
On May 26, 1933, Jimmy Rogers, the father of American country music, died at the Taft hotel in New York.
Jimmy Rogers is known as the "father of country music" because, before his debut as a singer, composer, and guitarist in 1927, country music mainly referred to orchestras with relatively little influence.Thanks to Rogers, country music took off and has continued to do so ever since.
Rogers' voice and singing style not only captivated the audience, but also changed the essence of country music. His recordings, which combined country tunes with blues, led him to be inducted into the rock music hall of fame 53 years after his death.Rogers' recordings were accompanied by a variety of instruments, from Hawaiian guitars to jazz bands to Mexican bands, creating a "hodgepodge" style that eventually found its way into country music.Rogers is a model of art for generations of musicians.
Rogers was born James Charles Rogers on September 8, 1897, in meridian, Mississippi, the son of a railroad worker.Young Rogers loved music, listened to blues, soul, and folk songs, learned to play the guitar and banjo, and won a local children's talent competition when he was 12.Three years later, he left home and went on a long singing tour, doing odd jobs on the railroad to supplement his living expenses.
In 1924 he developed a lung disease, and Rogers had to stop working hard and decided to pursue music completely.
In 1927 Rogers joined a band in asheville, north Carolina. When he heard that victor records was going to record in Bristol, Tennessee, he and the band moved to Bristol in August of that year.But in Bristol, the band broke up with him, but he made his debut there, and it was a hit.The song "the soldier's sweetheart" hit the charts at no. 9.Rogers was then invited to victor's studio in New Jersey in April to record his first album, jodl blues, which sold well and reached number two on the charts.
He made good use of the following years to promote himself, establishing a public image as a "singing hand" and impressing depression-ridden americans with songs written from his experiences on the railroads.He performed in light operas, sang in tents and on the radio, and made a short film in 1927 called the making of singing hands, in which he sang several songs.
Rogers recorded 110 songs from 1929 to 1933.
Rogers died at the Taft hotel in New York on May 26, 1933.Jimmy Rogers was inducted into the country music hall of fame in 1961.
Today's video: 1. Jimmy Rogers singing "sweeter than a kiss";2. Jimmy Rogers singing "in prison now" (1928);3. "island in a stream" by dolly parton and Kenny Rogers;4. "country roads take me home" by John Denver.                                           

  约翰·丹佛(John Denver)      
小亨利·约翰·多伊奇多夫(John Deutschendorf Jr.),专业上被称为约翰·丹佛(John Denver),是美国创作型歌手、唱片制作人、演员、活动家和人道主义者,他最大的商业成功是独唱。丹佛在军人家庭长大,在各地旅行和生活了很长一段时间,在20世纪60年代末,他开始了他的音乐生涯,加入了民间音乐团体。从20世纪70年代开始,他是这十年里最受欢迎的声学艺术家之一,也是最畅销的艺术家之一。到1974年,他成为美国最畅销的歌手之一,AllMusic将丹佛描述为“他那个时代最受欢迎的艺人之一”。
  John Denver
Henry John Deutschendorf Jr., known professionally as John Denver, was an American singer-songwriter, record producer, actor, activist, and humanitarian, whose greatest commercial success was as a solo singer. After traveling and living in numerous locations while growing up in his military family, Denver began his music career with folk music groups during the late 1960s. Starting in the 1970s, he was one of the most popular acoustic artists of the decade and one of its best-selling artists. By 1974, he was one of America's best-selling performers, and AllMusic has described Denver as "among the most beloved entertainers of his era".                               
  肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers 1938-2020)      
2020年3月21日,据《纽约时报》消息,美国乡村音乐传奇歌手肯尼·罗杰斯于3月20日在美国佐治亚州家中去世,享年81岁。其经纪人Keith Hagan表示,罗杰斯因自然因素逝世,去世前在接受临终关怀。其家人也通过社交媒体确认了消息,并表示因新冠肺炎疫情原因,肯尼·罗杰斯的葬礼将以私人形式举行,不会有太多人参加。
肯尼·罗杰斯出生于1938年8月21日,于1955年加入“doo woo”乐队并正式出道,是美国乡村音乐名人堂成员,在60余年的职业生涯中曾获得3次格莱美奖、6次美国乡村音乐协会奖,2015年被票选为“最受喜爱的歌手”,代表作包括《Lady》、《The Gambler》和《Through the Years》等。


  Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands in the stream      
  American country music legend Kenny Rogers has died at the age of 81
Country music legend Kenny Rogers died on March 20 at his home in Georgia, us, at the age of 81, according to the New York times on March 21, 2020.His agent Keith Hagan said Rogers died of natural causes and was in hospice care.The family also confirmed the news through social media and said Kenny Rogers' funeral would be private and not attended by many people because of the covid-19 outbreak.
Kenny Rogers was born on August 21, 1938 in 1955 to join The "scooby-doo woo" band and official debut, is American country music hall of famer, in more than 60 Years of career won a grammy award three times, six times The American country music association awards, 2015 was voted "The favorite singer," representative works include "Lady", "The Gambler" and "Through The Years", etc.
American Singer
Kenneth Ray Rogers was an American singer, songwriter, actor, record producer, and entrepreneur. He was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2013. Rogers was particularly popular with country audiences but also charted more than 120 hit singles across various music genres, and topped the country and pop album charts for more than 200 individual weeks in the United States alone. He sold over 100 million records worldwide during his lifetime, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. His fame and career spanned multiple genres: jazz, folk, pop, rock, and country. He remade his career, and was one of the most successful cross-over artists of all time.
  多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)      
多莉·丽贝卡·帕顿是美国歌手、词曲作家、多乐器演奏家、唱片制作人、演员、作家、女商人和人道主义者,主要以乡村音乐闻名。1967年,帕顿与《Hello, I'm Dolly》合作推出了首张个人专辑《Hello, I'm Dolly》。在20世纪60年代的剩余时间里,她取得了稳定的成功,她的销售和图表峰值出现在20世纪70年代,并持续到80年代。帕顿在20世纪90年代的专辑销量并不好,但她在新千年再次取得了商业上的成功,自2000年以来,她已经在多个独立唱片公司发行了专辑,包括她自己的唱片公司多莉唱片。
  Dolly Parton
American Singer
Dolly Rebecca Parton is an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian, known primarily for her work in country music. After achieving success as a songwriter for others, Parton made her album debut in 1967 with Hello, I'm Dolly. With steady success during the remainder of the 1960s, her sales and chart peak came during the 1970s and continued into the 1980s. Parton's albums in the 1990s did not sell as well, but she achieved commercial success again in the new millennium and has released albums on various independent labels since 2000, including her own label, Dolly Records.
  John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads         
  《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。


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