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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-05-24  20:36



  路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven 1770—1827      



Mutt plays Beethoven's no. 9 violin sonata "cratzer"

  DVD 贝多芬的第九号小提琴奏鸣曲(克莱采),OP.47,A大调。这是贝多芬的所有小提琴奏鸣曲中,技巧表达最出色的一首,也是浪漫主义时期小提琴奏鸣曲形式表达的巅峰。      

1803年5月24日,贝多芬与非洲-波兰混血小提琴家乔治·奥古斯图斯·波尔格林·布里奇托尔(George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower)合作演出了新写的一首奏鸣曲。随着两人关系闹翻,他把这首曲子转而献给法国小提琴家克莱采尔,结果克莱采尔觉得这首曲子“从头到尾莫名其妙”,出来没碰过。



安妮·索菲·穆特演奏贝多芬“克莱采尔”第九号小提琴奏鸣曲;2、津巴利斯特和鲍尔演奏贝多芬《 克莱采尔小提琴奏鸣曲》 (1926年珍贵视频)。

  Today in the history of music
On May 24, 1803, Beethoven performed a newly written sonata in collaboration with the african-polish violinist George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower.When their relationship fell out, he dedicated the piece to a French violinist, kletzel, who found it "inexplicable from beginning to end" and never touched it.
Beethoven wrote 10 sonatas for violin and piano in his lifetime, of which the fifth "spring" and the ninth "kreitzel" are the most famous."Spring sonata" is beautiful and romantic, full of vitality, is a hymn to celebrate the emergence of life, "kreitzel sonata" is deep in the soul of the fierce conflict and to shock people.Both sonatas are regular concert pieces, and the violins play many versions of the master's recordings. When it comes to spiritual fullness, the kreitzel sonata wins out.
Until the end of the 18th century, the field of sonatas had been dominated by the piano. In sonatas with violins, the violin was also in a subordinate position. Some musicians' scores clearly marked "keyboard sonatas with violins".The 10 sonata of Beethoven's also is "the piano and the violin sonata", but in the music by violin conveys the music content clearly dominant, just like a piano accompaniment, the musicians later treat these as a violin sonata works, and was included in the violin teaching repertoire.The "violin sonata" is now clearly marked on CDS.
"The kreitzel sonata" was originally written for a young violinist named georges augustus bolgrin bridgtor, a polish-born mulatto.Bridgetower was a gifted violinist who performed in Paris at the age of 10 and later became a violinist to the prince of wales in England.In 1802 he came to Vienna to give a concert, much to Beethoven's approval.Bridge tower and Beethoven between the teachers and students, in order to carry forward, Beethoven gave the violin sonata title to bridge tower.In 1803, the work was completed. Beethoven and bridgetower performed together for the first time. The performance was very successful.After the premiere, bridgetower's reputation grew, and Beethoven introduced the young performer to the nobility.However, due to the narrowness, suspicion and jealousy of bridgetower's character, he turned against Beethoven and finally left Vienna when the two had completely broken up.Bridgetower does not retain any reputation for musical talent, and the name is only found in the corners of history when one mentions Beethoven's violin sonata no. 9.Beethoven dedicated the sonata to the French violinist Rudolf kreitzel, and the work became the kreitze sonata.A professor at the Paris conservatory and respected by Beethoven, he wrote 40 operas and ballets, 19 violin concertos and scores of other pieces, and his "42 violin etudes" are still a necessary path to specialization.
Today's video: 1. Annie Sophie mut performs Beethoven's "kreitzel" no. 9 violin sonata; 2.2. Zimbarist and Bauer performed Beethoven's violin sonata by klaetzer (rare 1926 video).                                   

  乔治·奥古斯图斯·波尔格林·布里奇托尔(George augustus bolgrin bridgtor)      
  George augustus bolgrin bridgtor, a polish-born mulatto.Bridgetower was a gifted violinist who performed in Paris at the age of 10 and later became a violinist to the prince of wales in England.In 1802 he came to Vienna to give a concert, much to Beethoven's approval.Bridge tower and Beethoven between the teachers and students, in order to carry forward, Beethoven gave the violin sonata title to bridge tower.In 1803, the work was completed. Beethoven and bridgetower performed together for the first time. The performance was very successful.After the premiere, bridgetower's reputation grew, and Beethoven introduced the young performer to the nobility.However, due to the narrowness, suspicion and jealousy of bridgetower's character, he turned against Beethoven and finally left Vienna when the two had completely broken up.Bridgetower does not retain any reputation for musical talent, and the name is only found in the corners of history when one mentions Beethoven's violin sonata no. 9.Beethoven later dedicated the sonata to the French violinist Rudolf kreitze, and the work became the kreitze sonata.A professor at the Paris conservatory and respected by Beethoven, he wrote 40 operas and ballets, 19 violin concertos and scores of other pieces, and his "42 violin etudes" are still a necessary path to specialization.      
  鲁道夫·克莱采尔(Rodolphe Kreutzer)      
  法国小提琴家、作曲家鲁道夫·克莱采尔(Rodolphe Kreutzer)1766年11月15日生于法国凡尔赛。他是贝多芬时代欧洲最伟大的小提琴家之一,贝神曾将自己的第九“克鲁采”小提琴奏鸣曲题献给他。退出舞台后,他在巴黎音乐学院教学,他写的《42首小提琴练习曲》是所有提琴手进阶中的必备教材。
  Rodolphe Kreutzer, a French violinist and composer, was born on November 15, 1766, in Versailles, France.He was one of the greatest violinists in Europe in Beethoven's time, and he dedicated his ninth "kreutzer" violin sonata to him.After retiring from the stage, he taught at the Paris conservatory of music, where he wrote "42 violin etudes," a textbook for all fiddlers to advance.
Rudolf kreitzel died in Geneva on January 6, 1831, at the age of 64. 
  艾弗雷姆·津巴利斯特(Efrem Zimbalist 1889–1985)      
  艾弗雷姆·津巴利斯特(Efrem Zimbalist 1889–1985)于1889年4月9日出生在俄国的罗斯托夫,他的父亲是一位小提琴家和指挥家,曾在当地的歌剧院中担任过多年的小提琴手和乐队指挥。因此可以说,津巴利斯特从小是在一个拥有良好音乐氛围的家庭中生活与成长的。他自幼随父亲学习小提琴,很快便掌握了扎实的演奏技巧。11岁进入了彼得堡音乐学院,拜在了20世纪小提琴教育巨匠、俄罗斯小提琴学派的创史人奥尔教授的门下,成为这位大名鼎鼎的小提琴教育家所培养的众多优秀学生中的一位。
  艾弗雷姆·津巴利斯特(Efrem Zimbalist )      
  Efrem Zimbalist 1889 (1985) was born on April 9, 1889, in rostov, Russia. His father was a violinist and conductor who had been a violinist and conductor in the local opera house for many years.Therefore, it can be said that zimbarist lived and grew up in a family with a good musical atmosphere.He learned the violin from his father when he was young and soon mastered solid playing skills.At the age of 11, he entered the Petersburg conservatory of music, and became one of the many outstanding students trained by the renowned violin educator under the tutorage of professor ORR, the great master of violin education in the 20th century and the founder of the Russian violin school.
In the history of modern violin performance, zimbarist is a performer with outstanding skills and profound cultivation. He has a very unique appreciation and aesthetic taste for this difficult, profound and rich art.In his view, the violin art is fundamentally a performance in the art of music content, its technical performance means everything is to reveal the content of the music and the service, therefore, as an excellent violinist, no matter when and where should bear in mind that the importance of music performance, not to show off the skills.He has earnestly warned people that a good violinist with skillful skills can only be said to have half the capital, and only when he has a rich inner musical sense, and can express it well through technical means, can he be said to have reached the standard of perfection.That's what zimbalist thought, and that's what he did.Mentioned earlier, almost lister I play is a simple, sincere, and elegant and his play both excitement and enthusiasm is very internal and real, his tone is very sweet and moist, skill is clean and lively, although on the surface seems to be no more brilliant effect, and in essence is an incomparable profound expression.

Beethoven Kreutzer Sonata Zimbalist-Bauer Rec.1926




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