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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-05-12  19:36



  儒勒·马斯内(Jules Massenet 1842-1912)      
  【芭蕾】沉思曲 MEDITATION FROM THAIS(皇家歌剧院2013)      
  MUSES on ballet masai, (royal opera house 2013)      
  Rabin played massenet's musings on the violin of guainelli delgiuso, "kuberic"      

1842年5月12日,儒勒·马斯内(Jules Massenet,)在法国蒙托(Montaud)出生。






儒勒·埃米尔·弗雷德里克·马斯内(法语:Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet,1842年5月12日-1912年8月13日),法国作曲家,音乐教育家。
歌剧《泰伊思》整剧以古埃及名城亚历山大为背景叙述了一位在沙漠中修行的圣僧拯救女幽灵泰伊思的故事。他冒险进城将沉迷于纸醉金迷生活中的金粉女泰伊思带出。苦苦劝告她离开花红酒绿的交际圈,归依宗教。泰伊思终于被打动,决定入修道院当修女。但圣僧却被泰伊思的青春美丽所打动,爱上了泰伊思.在他决定为之献身的上帝国主和爱情之间,圣僧倍受折磨,他逃离了修道院游走四方。但最终他摆脱不了对泰伊思的思念回到了泰伊思身旁。此时泰伊思已 病入膏肓入弥留之际。圣僧匍匐在爱情脚下,圣人成了罪人,罪人的灵魂却升入了天堂。故事凄美动人。
《沉思》为马思涅的歌剧《泰伊思》第二幕第一场与第二场中间所奏的间奏曲,故又称为"泰伊思冥想曲",常被单独演奏,成为小提琴独奏曲中经久不衰的名篇,也是马思涅的代表作品。这段间奏曲表现了泰伊思厌倦世俗,而产生通过信仰宗教来求得解脱时的心态。这一优美的旋律,除用做间奏外,在剧中也经常出现以提高剧中气氛。乐曲结构简单,为虔诚的行板,D大调,4/4拍子。乐曲第一段宁静祥和,主奏小提琴奏出了著名的抒情性主题,犹如少女虔诚地向上帝国主敞开心扉企求上帝国主的饶恕。乐曲第二段几次转调和使用变化音,使音乐的情绪很不稳定。表现了 泰伊思思潮涌动内心矛盾挣扎。第三段乐曲又恢复平静,再度出现最初的旋律,虔诚的祈祷得到了实现。小提琴在结尾处推向了高音区,在G弦逐渐减弱音力,以泛音的微弱音响慢慢消失而结束。仿佛被净化的灵魂飞向上界,是主带对美好天国的遐想得到了精神的满足。

今日视频、音频:1、莉安·本杰明;瓦莱里·赫里斯托夫表演芭蕾舞《沉思》;2、 迈克尔·拉宾用“库贝利克”瓜奈利·德尔吉苏小提琴演奏马斯内的《沉思》;3、安妮·索菲-穆特演奏马斯内的《沉思》

  儒勒·马斯内(Jules Massenet 1842-1912)      
  Today in the history of music
Jules Massenet was born in Montaud, France, on May 12, 1842.
In front of the music of rimsky kosakov,
I'll never be able to take off my corset
Where would a sailor spend money
Watch me striptease under masenet's music
(gipsy rose lee)
Jules Emile Frederic Massenet (French: Jules Emile Frederic Massenet, 12 May 1842 -- 13 August 1912) was a French composer and music educator.
The opera "thais" is set in the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, telling the story of a holy man who practices in the desert to save the female ghost thais.He ventured into the city to bring out thais, the gold-powdered girl who had become enamored of her life.Exhort her to leave the world of red wine and green, and take refuge in religion.Thais was finally moved and decided to enter the convent as a nun.But the holy man was so moved by thais' youthful beauty that he fell in love with him, and was so tormented between the Lord of the empire and love that he decided to die for him, that he fled the monastery and wandered about.But in the end he could not get rid of the thoughts of thais back to thais side.Thais was now sick and dying.The holy man crawls at the feet of love, the saint becomes a sinner, but the soul of the sinner goes up to heaven.The story is poignant.
"Meditation" is an interlude played between the first scene of act ii and the second scene of the opera "thais," so it is also known as "thais meditations." it is often performed alone, and it has become one of the most famous violin solos and also a representative work of massenet.This interlude shows thais' state of mind when he was tired of the world and came to believe in religion to get rid of it.This beautiful melody, in addition to being used for interlude, also often appears in the play to enhance the atmosphere of the play.The composition is simple, reverent andante in D major, 4/4 time.The first section of the music is quiet and peaceful. The master violin plays a famous lyric theme, just like a girl who sincerely opens her heart to the emperor and asks for his forgiveness.The second part of the piece is tuned several times and USES a variety of sounds, which makes the music emotionally unstable.It shows the inner conflict and struggle of thais' ideological trend.The third piece is calm again, the original melody is repeated, and the pious prayer is realized.The violin is pushed towards the high end of the note, and the G string gradually loses its force, ending with a faint overtone.It is as if the purified soul flies to the upper world, which is the spiritual satisfaction of the band's reverie on the beautiful heaven.
Musnie's meditation has always been regarded as one of the most beautiful violin songs, and its lyrical melody has become a classic in violin works.
Today's video and audio: 1. Leann Benjamin; 2.Valery khristov
Performing the ballet "meditations";2. Rabin played massenet's meditation on the violin by guainelli delgiuso, "kuberic";3. Mutter playing "meditation"

莉安·本杰明(Leanne Benjamin )
  莉安·本杰明出生在澳大利亚罗克汉普顿,三岁开始跳舞。16岁时,她搬到了伦敦,在皇家芭蕾舞学校接受训练,在学校获得了艾德琳·热尼(Adeline Genee)金奖、洛桑大奖赛(Prix de Lausanne)冠军,18岁时在皇家芭蕾舞学校的皇家歌剧院表演了吉塞尔(Giselle)。
1983年,Leanne加入了萨德勒的威尔斯皇家芭蕾舞团,并于1987年晋升为校长;第二年,她作为校长加入了伦敦节日芭蕾舞团。1990年,她加入了柏林的德意志歌剧院芭蕾舞团。正是在那里,肯尼斯·麦克米伦(Kenneth Macmillian)邀请她加入皇家芭蕾舞团(Royal Ballet)。1992年,她以独奏家的身份加入,并在一年内晋升为校长。
本杰明是泰特纪念信托基金(Tait Memorial Trust)的赞助人,该基金每年以她的名字颁发奖项,支持一名年轻的澳大利亚舞者在英国训练。          
  莉安·本杰明(Leanne Benjamin )      
  Leanne Benjamin was born in Rockhampton, Australia and began dancing at the age of three. At 16 she moved to London to train at The Royal Ballet School and while at the School won the Adeline Genée gold medal, the Prix de Lausanne and at the age of 18 performed Giselle at the Royal Ballet School’s performance at The Royal Opera House.
In 1983 Leanne joined Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet and was promoted to principal in 1987; the following year she joined London Festival Ballet as a principal and in 1990, the Deutsche Oper Ballet in Berlin. It was there that Kenneth Macmillian asked her to join the Royal Ballet and in 1992 she joined as a Soloist and promoted to Principal within the year.
Benjamin’s wide repertory included most of the Classical and Neo-Classical reportoire, and she created new roles for choreographers including, Wayne McGregor, Alexei Ratmansky, Christopher Wheeldon and Twyla Tharp. She was one of the last dancers of The Royal Ballet to work with Ninette de Valois, Frederick Ashton and Kenneth MacMillan.
In both 2004 and 2009, she was recognised as Best Female Dancer in the National Dance Awards as determined by the prestigious Critic’s Circle.
Benjamin retired at the end of the 2012/13 Season, after 20 years as a Principal with The Royal Ballet and in 2013 she was awarded the De Valois Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance.
In 2005 Benjamin received the OBE in recognition of her services to dance and in 2015 she was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia.
In December 2014 Ms Benjamin was awarded the degree of Honorary Doctor of Performing Arts by Central Queensland University and in March 2016 Leanne was appointed a Governor of The Royal Ballet Companies.
Benjamin is a Patron of the Tait Memorial Trust where an annual award is given in her name to support a young Australian Dancer to train in the UK.
  瓦列里·赫里斯托夫(Valeri Hristov)      
赫里斯托夫出生在索非亚,在国家舞蹈学校接受训练。他与公司的角色包括奥涅金和Lensky(奥涅金),罗密欧和巴黎(罗密欧与朱丽叶),伊凡Tsarevich(火鸟),拉山德(梦),王子齐格弗里德(天鹅湖),王子(胡桃夹子),泰国人双人舞,Polixenes(冬天的故事),约翰。辛格。萨金特(胸),官(阿纳斯塔西娅)和主要角色,莱斯noc,“翡翠”(珠宝),小夜曲,Les Patineurs精英切分,场景de芭蕾舞,不知所云,交响乐在C语言中,圆舞曲,24首前奏曲,Danse a grande vitesse和La Fin du jour。他创作的角色包括:大卫·宾特利的《庄园》、罗伯特·劳埃德·加兰的《春天的仪式》、彼得·昆兹的《幻想》、阿拉斯泰尔·马里奥特的《唐格尔伍德》和阿列克谢·拉特曼斯基的《24首序曲》。他的国际剧目包括巴西利奥(《堂吉诃德》)、弗朗茨(《科佩利亚》)、让·德布里安(《雷蒙达》)、齐格弗里德王子、詹姆斯(《西尔菲尔德》)、康拉德(《科赛尔》)、王子(《胡桃夹子》),以及在《西尔菲尔德》、《协奏曲》、《帕基塔》、《阿普里斯-米迪·杜恩》、《快乐的寡妇》、夏康内和《西部交响曲》中的角色。
   Bulgarian dancer Valeri Hristov is a former First Soloist with The Royal Ballet. He joined the Company in 2002 and retired in 2017 to join the teaching faculty of The Royal Ballet School.
Hristov was born in Sofia and trained at the State Choreographic School. His roles with the Company included Onegin and Lensky (Onegin), Romeo and Paris (Romeo and Juliet), Ivan Tsarevich (The Firebird), Lysander (The Dream), Prince Siegfried (Swan Lake), Prince (The Nutcracker), Thaïs pas de deux, Polixenes (The Winter's Tale), John Singer Sargent (Strapless), Officer (Anastasia) and Principal roles in In the Night, Les Noces, ‘Emeralds’ (Jewels), Serenade, Les Patineurs, Elite Syncopations, Scènes de Ballet, Monotones, Symphony in C, La Valse, 24 Preludes, Danse à grande vitesse and La Fin du jour. His role creations include in David Bintley’s Les Saisons, Robert Lloyd Garland’s Spring Rites, Peter Quanz’s Fantasy, Alastair Marriott’s Tanglewood and Alexei Ratmansky’s 24 Preludes. His international repertory includes Basilio (Don Quixote), Franz (Coppélia), Jean de Brienne (Raymonda), Prince Siegfried, James (La Sylphide), Conrad (Le Corsaire), Prince (The Nutcracker) and roles in Les Sylphides, Concerto, Paquita, L’Après-midi d’un faune, Merry Widow, Chaconne and Western Symphony.
In 2016 Hristov achieved Level 6 Diploma in Dance Teaching and Learning from Trinity College London and Diploma of Dance Teaching from The Royal Ballet School. He has taught at The Royal Ballet School, English National Ballet School, Central School of Dance, Royal Academy of Dance Scotland and since 2015 has regularly taught The Royal Ballet. He has adjudicated at the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Awards (2014 and 2015) and the Royal Academy of Dance Phyllis Bedells Bursary (2015).


  Keshet Eilon Live: Leopold Mozart and Child Prodigies Concert, July 27th, 2019 5:00pm

Keshet Eilon

C. Saint-Saëns - Introduction et rondo capriccioso, Op.28

Christian Li (Australia), Violin
Eugenia Lakernik (Israel), Piano

W. A. Mozart - String Quartet in d minor, KV 421
I. Allegro moderato

Salome Quartet

Improvisation on Mozart theme

Noam Sivan (Israel), Piano

E. Morricone - “Love Theme” – Cinema Paradiso

Keshet Eilon Ensemble

L. Anderson - Fiddle Faddle

Keshet Eilon Ensemble



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