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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-05-01 19:36



  沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791)      

哈农库特指挥莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》Le nozze di Figaro

2006年萨尔茨堡音乐节M22版 中文字幕_高清


1786年5月1日,莫扎特就像火药般易怒,他发誓如果他的歌剧不能优先演出,那么就将歌剧手稿付之一炬。”——(迈克尔·凯利 Michlael Kelly),幸好,皇帝陛下赐予莫扎特在萨列里和里吉尼(Righini)之前演出的特权,于是,《费加罗的婚礼》在维也纳奥地利国家剧院上演。那欢快又清新的音乐,就像是5月的清风拂面,让人倍感爽朗。


哈农库特指挥莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》 (2006年萨尔茨堡音乐节);2、西蒙拉特指挥柏林爱乐乐团-莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》序曲,(2005年柏林爱乐新年音乐会)

  The 1786 opera "the marriage of figaro" (also known as "a day of revel") is the most famous of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's many operas (January 27, 1756 -- December 5, 1791), and is considered the culmination of Mozart's operas.The script is based on a novel of the same name by French enlightenment comic writer Pierre augustine caron borges, written by the court poet lorenzo da ponte.Beaumacher has written three comedies set in Spain: the barber of seville, the marriage of figaro and the sinful mother, all of which have consistent main characters and plots.The marriage of figaro, with its humorous and ironic tone, reflects the rise of the common people in the "third estate" of French society at that time, and praises the victory of the struggle between the people and the false aristocracy.The overall style is lively and humorous with vivid plot twists and turns. While expressing a strong anti-feudal color, it also highlights a strong and highly tension comic effect.
The composer Mozart spent two years carefully composing the music for the work.Whole art style of the opera retains the original wit and breezy tone, with stupid and dissolute noble Lord clever servant figaro contrast between music description for whole foundation, created several fresh and vivid characters, such as dynamic and wisdom of figaro, elegant reserved the countess rosina, intelligent suzanne, and so on.And among them "overture", Rosanna elegant and reserved "lullaby", kailubino sweet "do you know what is love", and susanna and Rosanna duet and other musical passages, it has gone through The Times, become the audience and fans of the hearts of the classic never fade.
"Marriage of figaro" on May 1, 1786's theater premiered in Vienna, Mozart himself as the conductor, but because this theme pioneer too avant-garde for the culture of the society at that time, lead to some noble outraged, although the emperor himself very appreciate the work, under pressure, but since then has repeatedly asked Mozart censored content.A German version of the play was performed in Berlin in 1790.
  Today in the history of music
On May 1, 1786, Mozart was as angry as gunpowder and vowed to set fire to his operas if they were not given priority.Fortunately, the emperor granted Mozart the privilege of performing before salieri and Righini, and "the marriage of figaro" was performed at the Austrian national theatre in Vienna.The cheerful and fresh music, like the wind in May, people feel more cheerful.
In 1756, at eight o 'clock on the evening of January 27, the 21st year of qianlong in the qing dynasty, the seventh child of Leopold Mozart was born.The last of Leopold's children, the youngest by sichuanese standards, was baptized the next morning in salzburg cathedral.
The emperor loves the eldest son, the people love the youngest son, the youngest son Mozart clever obedient, decent behavior, genius amazing.One day Leopold and his friends came home and saw Mozart, then four, bending over his desk and writing. "what are you doing?" he asked.Little Mozart climbed down from the table and said, compose!Leopold smiled at his friend. Like father, like son.He took a casual look at the paper and almost died of amazement: the boy wasn't doodling, he was actually composing!
What father wouldn't want his son to follow in his father's footsteps?The next day Leopold began to teach the Mozart brothers and sisters music.As a result, Mozart never went to school, yet he was better than anyone else.The next year, at the age of five, Mozart wrote an andante, two allegro and a minuet.Many consider the minuet in G major (1764) to be the debut of a child prodigy, but at the age of eight Mozart was already an "old composer".
Chinese men kneel only "heaven and earth jun pro teacher", "pro" is the parents, "teacher" is the teacher.As both father and teacher, Leopold was, of course, his son's idol.He said, "love god first, love father second," and his father touched up many of his early works.Father's impact on Mozart to two people doesn't know music works, a typical example of this is a long time people aren't sure the two famous symphony "Bach which is composed by Mozart and until 1980 in Munich library scholars found evidence that knows is the old" Bach symphony by Mozart, new symphony "Bach was his father.
His businessman father had high hopes for Mozart, and his life's work was to sell his prodigies to Europe.In early 1762, at the age of six, Mozart accompanied his parents and sister to perform in Munich, then from passau to Vienna in the autumn of that year.In June 1763, the family set off again on a tour of Western Europe.This trip lasted a long time, and it was not until 1766 that he returned to salzburg. For three and a half years he traveled around Germany, Belgium, France, England, the Netherlands and Switzerland.Mozart's first sonatas for piano and violin and symphony no.On this tour, little Mozart showed off his skills in Europe: playing the piano blindfolded, composing on the spot, playing the piano, violin and solo.A list of Mozart's playing at the age of 14 reveals that the maharaja ordered six improvisations, including the lyrics to an aria, the music and the singing.In China, cao zhi may only have seven steps to write a poem."Musicians gave him as much trouble as they could," recalls baron grimes, a friend of diderot's "encyclopedic school". The king himself gave him some questions, and the archbishop of salzburg, Mozart's boss, put him under house arrest for a week to prove he had not cheated.However, the brilliant Mozart was still hard to beat.
"Child prodigies" became famous.
Haydn's musical education took place in the austere choirs of Vienna's steffen cathedral, while Mozart's rigour took place on horseback -- he had followed his father around as a child, travelling to school.During this tour of Western Europe, Mozart met Bach's son "London Bach" in London, his first professional idol.London Bach is said to have held Mozart in his arms and taught him to play the piano.After meeting London Bach again in Paris in 1778, Mozart wrote home: "I love him (and he knows) -- and respect him to the hilt."
At the end of the tour, Mozart returned to salzburg at the age of 10, but soon (September 1766) followed his parents to Vienna, where they fled to the town in the face of a smallpox outbreak.Therefore, all Mozart fans are urged to remember that the great genius Mozart, like his spiritual teacher Haydn, had smallpox scars.
In other words, it's a pockmark.
Traveling around Europe, Mozart didn't get a job.On December 13, 1769, at the age of 13, Mozart left for Italy with his father.He went to verona, milan, Florence, Rome, Turin, Venice, and so on. He fell in love with Italy. He visited Italy twice more.
Today's video: 1. Hanonkut conducting Mozart's "the marriage of figaro" (salzburg music festival, 2006);2. Simon rutte conducts the Berlin philharmonic orchestra - Mozart's prelude to "the marriage of figaro" (Berlin philharmonic New Year concert, 2005).

  哈农库特Hanunkut  )      
1953年,哈农库特与她的妻子、小提琴家爱丽丝发起成立了专门用仿古乐器、以本真风格演奏早期音乐的室内乐团维也纳音乐协奏团(Concentus Musicus Wien)。他指挥乐团常年演出13至18世纪的音乐作品,举行了多次全球性巡回演出,其中包括五次美国巡演,从而在国际音乐界掀起了影响深远的“古乐运动”。在正式退休以前,哈农库特依然率领着该乐团活跃在国际乐坛上,并不断录制出屡获大奖的唱片。
  哈农库特Hanunkut  )指挥指挥古典音乐时也是非常投入的。      
  Hanunkut (June, 1929.12.06 -- march, 2016) was a local conductor of classical music in pre-romantic and baroque periods.Hanonkut is well known among Chinese music fans mainly for conducting the Vienna New Year concerts in 2001 and 2003.
Born in 1929 in Berlin, Germany, he grew up in graz, Austria, studied cello at the conservatory of music in Vienna, and was a cellist with the Vienna symphony orchestra (VSO) from 1952 to 1969.He was professor at the Mozart conservatory in salzburg from 1972 until 1993.
In 1953, hanonkut and his wife, the violinist Alice, started the Concentus Musicus Wien, a chamber orchestra that specialized in authentic early music on antique instruments.He conducted the orchestra from the 13th century to the 18th century and toured the world, including five in the United States, setting off an influential "ancient music movement" in the international music world.Before his official retirement, harnoncourt continued to lead the band in international music and record award-winning recordings.



Berlin philharmonic orchestra - Mozart's "the marriage of figaro" overture


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