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                                             田润德 编译 文/图 2020-04-09  20:36



  彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky,1840—1893      

 2019年第十六届柴可夫斯基国际音乐大赛开幕音乐会 捷杰列夫指挥

马林斯基剧院交响乐团 Tchaikovsky Competiti

  Daniel Trifonov | piano
Ariunbaatar Ganbaatar | baritone
Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra
Valery Gergiev | conductor
June 17, 2019, BZK, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory (Moscow, Russia)


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Fragments from The Nutcracker, Op. 71
彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基:芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》选段,Op. 71

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Queen of Spades, Op. 68 -II: "I love you beyond measure" (Ya vas lyublyu)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 1, in b Flat Minor, Op. 23
彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基:降b小调第一钢琴协奏曲,Op. 23

Sergey Rachmaninov, No. 14 Vocalise,“Silver Bells”, Op. 34
谢尔盖·拉赫玛尼诺夫:练声曲第14号,Op. 34

(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)1840年5月7日出生在俄国乌拉尔的沃特金斯克一个贵族家中。他的父亲是矿山工程师,在一所官办的大型冶金厂任厂长;母亲是一位受过良好教育的家庭主妇,喜好音乐,会弹钢琴。柴科夫斯基自幼热爱音乐。他5岁时,就能根据莫扎特、唐尼采蒂、罗西尼歌剧中的咏叹调主题在钢琴上即兴演奏。在万籁俱寂的深夜里,他经常可以听见想像中的音乐。

今日视频:1、2019年第十六届柴可夫斯基国际音乐大赛开幕音乐会丹尼尔·特里福诺夫 演奏柴可夫斯基
降b小调第一钢琴协奏曲 Op. 23;2、 1966年第三届柴可夫斯基国际音乐大师小提琴金奖获得者维克托·特列季亚科夫演奏圣桑《引子与回旋随想曲》作品28。

  彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)      
  Tchaikovsky with Antonina in the summer of 1877      
  Tchaikovsky undertook several attempts at divorce between 1878 and 1880, but without success, since for a long time Antonina continued to believe in the possibility of some sort of future "reconciliation", and refused to agree to what her husband proposed, thereby invoking his wrath, with accusations of stupidity, suspicions of "blackmail", etc. Only in 1881 did Tchaikovsky finally abandon the idea of divorce. At this time he ceased paying his wife the pension he had promised her (it had fluctuated from 50 to 100 rubles a month) on the rounds of her erratic and unpredictable behaviour.         
  At the end of 1876 a second woman entered Tchaikovsky's life. This was Nadezhda von Meck, the widow of a wealthy railway magnate. She had heard and admired some of Tchaikovsky's music, and when she found out that he was encountering financial problems, she began to commission pieces from him. Both agreed on the one condition—that they should never meet. Their strange relationship, expressed through over 1200 letters, was to last for almost fourteen years. They only met twice, by accident, and hurried off without greeting each other. When Mrs von Meck learned what had happened with Tchaikovsky during his abortive marriage, she agreed on his request to arrange for him to receive a regular allowance of 6000 rubles. This way the composer resolved his permanent financial crisis, and Mrs von Meck's money allowed him to dedicate himself to creative work.

Tchaikovsky's relationship with Nadezhda von Meck, despite their obvious eccentricities, occasional frustrations and their gradual (although on the surface almost imperceptible) deterioration, can be argued to have been among the most gratifying experiences of the composer's life. Their silent understanding never to meet endowed their "epistolary friendship" with a particular "platonic" colouring, which was deeply emotional, and at times almost ecstatic. In the case of Mrs von Meck the erotic component was very significant (even at the conscious level), although always neutralized through her emphatic sentimentalism. This proved satisfactory to both parties, providing a safe outlet for their feelings by ruling out any obvious manifestation of sexual love. In her correspondence with the composer, Mrs von Meck displayed an exceptional degree of tact, sympathy and understanding in the light of Tchaikovsky's psychological idiosyncrasies, and the specific characteristics of their epoch. There are reasons to believe that she may have been aware of Tchaikovsky's homosexuality from the very start of their friendship, even if in a somewhat vague and inexplicit fashion, in keeping with the general Victorian attitudes towards the subject.    
  Tchaikovsky's home at Frolovskoye, July 1890  
  Tchaikovsky with members of the Russian Musical Society in Kharkov, March 1893      
  Today in the history of music
On April 9, 1889, Tchaikovsky wrote in his diary: "drunk alone."
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky) was born on May 7, 1840, in the urals, Russia, to a noble family in watkinsk.His father was a mine engineer and director of a large government-run metallurgical plant.My mother was an educated housewife who loved music and played the piano.Tchaikovsky loved music from an early age.At the age of five, he could improvise on the piano on the theme of an aria in the operas of Mozart, donizetti and rossini.In the dead of night he could often hear imaginary music.
In 1850, at the age of ten, Tchaikovsky was sent to Petersburg law school.It was a school for the sons of the nobility, training officers for the imperial ministry of justice.Tired of everything at law school, little Peter often found time to learn to play the piano, to listen to music at the opera and to see performances.
Fate arranged a great honor for Tchaikovsky in his later years.He was elected a fellow of the French academy and went to England to receive an honorary doctorate degree from the university of Cambridge.He traveled around Europe at an astonishing speed, giving concerts one after another.The master began to compose the sixth symphony, his swan song.He put all his heart and soul into the work, but it did not go well, because the tears always blurred his eyes.
On October 28, 1893, the sixth symphony, pathetique, was first performed in Petersburg under his own direction.The response of the audience was lukewarm, but the composer himself was genuinely satisfied.Only eight days after the pathetique's premiere, the master died suddenly.According to the official version, he died of cholera, but according to insiders, Tchaikovsky committed suicide.He swallowed the chronic poison and lay in bed for four days and nights. The best doctor was called, but he refused to be treated.Only two months later, Mrs. Meck followed her idol and flew silently to another beautiful world.
Tchaikovsky had a handsome appearance and graceful manners.Beautiful girls often fell over each other to express their love for him, but there was never a romantic ripple in his heart.His music, often exudes a kind of indescribable melancholy beauty, even in those brilliant chapters, also can contain a touch of sadness.He is always down in the dumps.People were saying behind his back that he was strange and could not love a woman properly;Said he was in love too, but not with a woman.In addition to the social gossip, he was also overwhelmed by the enormous pressure from his family.His father, who was 82 years old, and many of his brothers and sisters were worried about his marriage.Persuaded by his brother, Tchaikovsky, 37, agreed to marry as long as he met the right woman.While he was trying to find the "right woman," a woman named antonina millingova came to him automatically.Miringova graduated from the Moscow conservatory of music and was once a student of Tchaikovsky.She wrote to her former teacher one after another, imploring him to come to her.So he appeared to her, but gave her an honest warning that he did not love her, and called him bad-tempered, difficult, withdrawn, unsociable, and so on;What's more, he has no money.Faced with a series of dire warnings, miringova not only refused to budge, but threatened her teacher with suicide unless she married her!At last Tchaikovsky gave in
The honeymoon begins for the newlyweds.For Tchaikovsky, it was the most painful time of his life.His nerves were so strained that he was on the verge of breaking down.The doctor told his friends and relatives that he must change his living environment, be alone, and, above all, never return to his wife, or he would lose his mind and become insane.Escorted by his younger brother, Tchaikovsky arrived at a secluded nursing home on the shores of lake Geneva, Switzerland.Here the musicians gradually recovered their physical and mental health.The fine scenery helped him to recover, but what really got the master out of the crisis was his cordial friendship with madame meck.Najida filaretovna.Mack was a rich widow.She is an introverted and deep woman, with a high level of musical literacy, the only hobby is music.Madame meck appeared like a rainbow in a cloudy sky, and she made Tchaikovsky look like a ship that has been tossed on the sea, and at last sailed into a calm harbor.Then one day, the inevitable happened.Madame meck suddenly left without saying goodbye, and Tchaikovsky suddenly lost his financial support.Within a few months, he was visibly older. Tchaikovsky, who had just turned 50, looked over 60.After feasting on American adulation, the musicians hurried back to Moscow.But it had been eight months, and there had been no news from Mrs. Meck.Theories vary about the sudden break in this friendship between Tchaikovsky and madame meck.But at the end of the day, both Tchaikovsky and madame meck were among those who drifted away from the world of mortals into the void of fantasy.
In 1859, at the age of 19, Tchaikovsky graduated from law school and got a job in the imperial ministry of justice -- a ninth grade civil servant.Many people envied his success, but he was miserable himself.At the age of 22, Tchaikovsky finally decided to quit his boring job at the ministry of justice, enter the Petersburg conservatory of music, on the road to a professional musical life.To make up for lost time,
He studied hard day and night and made remarkable progress.In the fall of 1865, Tchaikovsky graduated from the Petersburg conservatory of music.In early 1866, nikolai rubinshtan (brother of Anton rubinshtan), President of the Moscow conservatory of music, hired him as professor of acoustics.Tchaikovsky's life was austere.The professor, who was in fact on a very low salary, had no place of his own, and had to live in the house of the abbot, nikolay. He even borrowed his overcoat from a friend.He often stood under the tree, back against the trunk, tirelessly writing, writing...From dawn to dusk, until the stars could hardly read the words.Many of his excellent works were written under such difficult conditions.
1. Opening concert of the 16th Tchaikovsky international music competition 2019 Daniel trifonov Tchaikovsky's piano concerto no. 1 in b flat minor op. 232,
Victor trel, winner of the third Tchaikovsky international master violin gold medal in 1966
Tyakov performed the song "introduction and roundabout rhapsody" by saint sang, op.28.

  Tchaikovsky receiving his honorary doctorate at Cambridge University, June 1893. This is the last known photograph taken of him during his lifetime      
  丹尼尔·特里福诺夫(Daniil Trifonov),俄罗斯籍钢琴演奏家(concert pianist),1991年3月5日出生于俄罗斯下诺夫哥罗德。
  Daniil Trifonov, Russian concert pianist, was born on March 5, 1991, in nizhny novgorod, Russia.
Born in nizhny novgorod, Russia, in 1991, he soon became a shining star among a new generation of pianists.He began studying music at the age of five, and from 2000 to 2009, he studied with artists such as Constantine leonz, Alexander kobrin and alexei volodin at tatiana zelikmanban at the genisin school of music in Moscow.He also studied composition from 2006 to 2009 and has since written piano, chamber miniatures and symphonies.Since 2009, he has studied at the sergei babayan class at the Cleveland academy of music.
During the 2010-2011 season, he won three of the world's most famous music competitions: the Chopin international music competition in Warsaw (bronze), the Arthur rubenstein music competition in tel aviv (first prize) and the Tchaikovsky music competition in Moscow (gold).He impressed the jury, which included famous musicians such as marta agrichi, Christian Zimmerman, van cliburn, nelson freire, efim bronfman and valery gergiev.Mr. Gergiev also singled out Mr. Trifonov for the "highest prize," which is usually reserved for the most outstanding performers in the Tchaikovsky international piano competition
   The murph's waltz "is the first of four has the same title as liszt piano, as in 1860, originated from a literary works of his favorite -- Goethe's" Faust "(this work was to give him the works and his other works a lot of inspiration), but this piece of music based on nicolas nao a poetic scene.Subtitled "dance music in a country tavern," the story is written in detail on liszt's sheet music, and is summarized as follows: Faust and mephiste entered a country tavern where the wedding was taking place.Faust was bewitched by the beauty with the black eyes, and mephiste grabbed a violin and played.The dancers revel in the devilish music, the wedding party turns into a drinking frenzy, the crazy dancers fall on the grass, and the composer's two-tone trill shows mephist's incessant laughter in the air.At last the nightingale sang, and the strong desire of the nightingale overwhelmed them, and they were drowned in a sea of emotions.      




  There was the first round, and a musician came on stage with a violin in his left hand, put it under his ear, and began to play. He didn't look at the strings until he was near the bottom of the composition.
During the second round, the honor of the first-year student of the Moscow conservatory of music has attracted the attention of the entire music industry in Moscow.
Perhaps the emphasis on discovering unique talent has become a fine tradition in the Tchaikovsky competition, and the discovery of victor tretyakov from a group of powerful young violin masters was almost the most notable event of the Mozart competition.
"-- tamara nikolaevna groom-gemmelo, famous music critic




维克托·特列季亚科夫 - 小提琴
尼古拉·阿列克谢耶夫 - 指挥
Victor tretyakov - violin
Nikolai alexeyev - commander
St. Petersburg philharmonic orchestra



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