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                                         田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-04 19:36



  沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791)      

Requiem in D minor K.626 - Lacrimosa


1787年4月4日 ,莫扎特给临死的父亲的一封信写道:死亡是我忠实的朋友。




  Today in the history of music
On April 4, 1787, Mozart wrote to his dying father: death is my faithful friend.
In 1784 Mozart became a freemason.In the summer of 1785, he wrote "the funeral music of a freemason" for the funeral of a brother freemason.During this period, Wolfgang, who was outwardly cheerful and wrote cheerful, sunny music, was influenced by freemasonry and thought of death.He wrote to his father on April 4, 1787.This is his last letter to his father, who died on May 28."Death, strictly speaking, is the true end and purpose of life," he wrote in the letter. "death is man's faithful and best friend.Thank god I know that death brings true happiness. Young as I am, I go to bed every day thinking that I may not live to see another day, and no one who knows me can say that I have ever shown any signs of depression or sadness."
Christianity become the church of Rome in 311 AD, was like "opium" swept across the whole of the European society, 16 century, with the economy of western society, politics, morality, culture and other social superstructure, the development and changes of ideology, the Christianity in the form of concept also produced change, no matter how to update, supplement, finally can always leave a place in society, so said: "other religion and ideology, is not associated with the social history of independence from the history".As the spiritual pillar of western society, it has inherited the ideas of westerners for generations.
The ancient city of salzburg, where Mozart was born, has been the archdiocese of the Vatican since the 7th century and is home to several important monasteries.Therefore, the religious concept is relatively deep, the residents here are overwhelmingly devout Catholic believers.Mozart's parents are no exception, of course, Mozart's birth baptism and marriage and funeral events are in accordance with the formal Catholic rites, it is not surprising.
On July 3, 1778, Mozart's beloved mother died. In the face of such a blow, he wrote: "she has been called by the Lord.The grace of the Lord gave me the strength to bear all this with perseverance and calmness.
Mozart for "death", does not mean that he does not cherish own life, on the contrary, he is to make ordinary people beyond the reach of singular work perhaps due to Mozart prematurely realized that my life is limited and transient, it has no way to survive, but also win from this negative himself in the most valuable part of the life - with a pen of music leave the art of precious wealth for human beings.
Mozart himself
Wolfgang.Amadeus Mozart was a paradoxical eccentric, brilliant, worthy of the honor of a great composer, but also rude and naive.Mozart was born in 1756 in salzburg, Austria, the son of a court violinist and composer.He began to make music at the age of three, and by the time he was twelve, he had toured Europe as a performer and composer.Mozart lived first in salzburg and then in Paris for two years (1777-1779), spending most of his life in Vienna, where he met Haydn and the young Beethoven.In 1782, Mozart married the singer konstanz weber and joined the freemasons two years later.Typhoid fever, financial distress and overwork led to Mozart's early death, and in 1791 he died at the age of 35, where he was summarily buried in a pauper's and tramp's grave.One legend is that Mozart was murdered by his rival Antonio salieri, but it is not true.
Prodigy in many people think that Mozart is just a precocious child, but they do not realize that many of the precocious in the age of maturity, did not become a dragon into a phoenix, no miracle happened, and disappeared in the vast expanse of sentient beings.However.Mozart was an unlikely exception, for he was first a child prodigy and then a giant.Deserves our special attention is that students of Mozart, Beethoven in Mozart's footprint struggle life like Prometheus's toil, the score change the tear, he often take fate by the throat, and fight against all his life, and finally to reach a glorious peak, but he found that Mozart born already in that!So the Japanese musician naowei menma once made the appropriate summary: "Mozart is the favored son of the heaven, fell from the sky, Beethoven is the son of the earth, rose into the sky.
Although Mozart is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time, with his death his music was not as widely known as it should have been.Perhaps because Mozart's music was too complete, all his works were so structurally perfect that it is hard to imagine how other composers would have imitated or developed them.There are many terms for Mozart's music, such as sacred, pure, elegant and delightful.His works contain a wealth of emotions, from the perfect musical expression to the optimism and confidence contained in music, which goes beyond the scope of simple emotional expression.Symphony K183 in g minor, don Juan K527, requiem K626 (unfinished) in d minor, belong to the tragic category among all Mozart's representative works.
Today's video: 1. A BBC proms performance of Mozart's requiem the day of tears;2. Mozart's requiem conducted by tamas Pal at the seg German theatre in Hungary;3. Young song conducts the Bavarian radio symphony orchestra choir in a performance of Mozart's requiem.

  1791年12月5日莫扎特临终前还在努力创作《安魂曲》,而守在他身旁的一直照顾他安慰他的是莫扎特的妻子康斯坦策的小妹索菲,康斯坦策由于患病在巴登疗养。莫扎特除了这首黑衣人高价委托的《安魂曲》外,还接受了两个委托作品,就在同年他还创作了歌剧《狄托的仁慈》,9月他又创作了歌剧《魔笛 》,他还创作了降B大调第二十七钢琴协奏曲(K.595)A大调单簧管协奏曲(K.622)。由于康斯坦策刚刚在7月才生了第二个儿子小弗朗兹,身体虚弱加之患病,一直在巴登疗养,此间,莫扎特经常带病从维也纳到巴登去看望她,据说她的病情相当严重,莫扎特一直念叨我在给自己写《安魂曲》。康斯坦策看到莫扎特的身体状况,叫停了《安魂曲》的写作,在给共济会写了一首歌曲后,康斯坦策才允许莫扎特继续创作《安魂曲》,经济上的困窘,为了挣更多的钱来养家糊口,他不得不疯狂的接受委约通宵达旦的创作。有史以来,没有哪个作曲家能有如此疯狂如此集中的创作激情,而天量的创作计划像三座大山,使莫扎特的本已疲惫的身心受到极度的摧残,所以,作曲家莫扎特的英年早逝,毫无疑问就是活活的给累死的。到他撒手人寰之际,这首精心给自己创作的《安魂曲》还有两个乐章没有写完,莫扎特死后,他的学生绪斯迈尔挺身而出接此重任,绪斯迈尔根据莫扎特生前的面授机宜,以及前几个乐章的风格和技法,完成了《安魂曲》的创作。后来以莫扎特的名义发表,那个黑衣人的主子-打算买莫扎特的作品,要用自己的名义纪念亡妻的伯爵的企图也未得逞。      
   On December 5, 1791, Mozart was still working on his requiem, and by his side was Sophie, the younger sister of Mozart's wife, Constanze, who was convalescent in baden.In addition to the expensive requiem commissioned by the man in black, Mozart received two commissions. In the same year he wrote the opera "the mercy of dito" and in September he wrote the opera "the magic flute". He also composed the piano concerto no. 27 in B flat major (k. 595) and the clarinet concerto in A major (k. 622).Since konstanze had just given birth to her second son, little Franz, in July, and had been convalescent in baden, ill and ill, Mozart had often visited her from Vienna, where she was said to be very ill, and he had been saying that I was writing a requiem for myself.Constanze saw Mozart's health and stopped writing the requiem. Only after writing a song for the freemasons did Constanze allow Mozart to continue writing the requiem.Since the beginning of history, no composer can have such a crazy concentration of creative passion, and the volume of creative plans like three mountains, Mozart's already exhausted body and mind suffered extreme damage, so the composer Mozart's untimely death, is undoubtedly alive to the dead.Until he died, the song carefully to create "requiem" and two movement didn't finish writing, Mozart's death, his students to stand up to the task, mio si mayer mio, meyer according to Mozart's face made, and a few music style and technique, completed the creation of the "requiem".Later published under the name of Mozart, the man in black's master, who wanted to buy Mozart's works, failed in his attempt to honor his late wife's count in his own name.      
  莫扎特安魂曲——流泪之日Requiem in D minor, K.626 -Dies irae      

Mozart- Requiem in D minor K.626

Mozart - Requiem in D minor, K. 626 - Mariss Jansons, BRSO
- D小调安魂曲,K. 626
Genia Kuhmeier,女高音
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks
  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Requiem in D minor, K. 626
Genia Kühmeier, soprano
Elisabeth Kulman, mezzo
Mark Padmore, tenor
Adam Plachetka, baritone
Mariss Jansons
Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Recorded live in Herkulessaal, Munich, 11 May 2017


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