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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-04-29  19:36



  托马斯·比彻姆(Thomas Beecham 1879-1961)      

Thomas Beecham in Chicago 1960 (Color)



托马斯·比彻姆(Thomas Beecham 1879-1961)英国指挥家。自幼喜爱音乐,自学成才,在牛津大学求学时期曾溜到德国去观摩歌剧。十九岁代替临时病倒的大指挥家里希塔指挥哈雷管弦乐团登上乐坛。三十岁创立比彻姆交响乐团。代表作品有《舞蹈狂想曲》、《北国素描》、《夏日庭院》、《离别之歌》、《高山之歌》、《阿帕拉契亚》等。

比彻姆是一位有着庄重、严谨、朴实和抒情风格的指挥家,他的特点十分清晰的体现在他指挥的歌剧和交响乐作品中,他曾在其辉煌的指挥生涯中灌录过许多出色的唱片,其中最为突出的有海顿的大部分交响曲、莫扎特的《第41 交响曲》,歌剧《魔笛》、比才的歌剧《卡门》、亨德尔的清唱剧《弥赛亚》,以及理查·施特劳斯的许多歌剧。另外,他还是英国现代作曲家的作品的积极支持者和宣传者,尤其时于德留斯和他的作品,比彻姆曾给予了极大的拥护和扶植,他为此还专门撰写了一部关于德留斯的书籍。


  托马斯·比彻姆(Thomas Beecham )彩排时的精彩指挥动作。      
  Today in the history of music
ThomasBeecham was born on 29 April 1879 at st Helen's hospital in Lancashire, England.He inherited a pharmaceutical factory and wrote a Christmas song for it:
Listen!The herald angels are singing!
Beauchamp's medicine is great,
Two children for a woman...
World peace mercy shine!
Thomas Beecham (1879-1961) British conductor.He loved music as a child and taught himself. He went to see operas in Germany when he was a student at Oxford University.At the age of nineteen, he conducted the Halley orchestra in place of the temporarily ill conductor richita.Founded the beauchamp symphony orchestra at the age of 30.His representative works are "dance rhapsody", "sketch of the north country", "summer courtyard", "farewell song", "song of the mountains", "Appalachia" and so on.
In 1902, he moved to London, studied composition with composers Frederick Austin and CharlesWood, and gained some conducting experience as an assistant conductor at the grand opera house.In 1906, he formed a new symphony orchestra and made his debut as a conductor in London.The new orchestra disbanded after three years.Two years later, he formed another orchestra, the beauchamp symphony.In 1910, beauchamp made his debut at London's royal opera house opera festival, with the conductor staging the first British performances of r. strauss's "electra" and dirius's "country romeo and Juliet."
Beecher, a very serious, rigorous, guileless and lyrical style of conductor, he is very clear in his command of the characteristics of opera and symphony works, he had to conduct career in his brilliant record many excellent music, one of the most prominent have most of the symphony, Haydn, Mozart symphony no. 41, opera "the magic flute", bizet's opera "Carmen", Handel's cantata "messiah", and many Richard strauss's opera.In addition, he was an active supporter and propagandist of the works of modern English composers, especially of dreus and his works, to which beauchamp had given such support and support that he wrote a book on dreus.
Beecher, is modern Britain, one of the best music performing artists in the history of music in the world, particularly in the UK enjoys a high honor, he was banned in 1915 for the knights, and later was made in 1916 for the jazz, became a British music history one of the few artists get this honor, and this honor is his life for the development of British music and music art to the world of made outstanding contribution to the spread of a great proof.
Video today: 1. Thomas beauchamp conducts the Chicago symphony orchestra concert (1960); 2.2. Sir Thomas Beecham: interviews and rehearsals.

  托马斯·比彻姆(Thomas Beecham ) 登上1943年4月5日时代封面      
 比彻姆是一位温和而富有修养的、略带幽默感的指挥大师,说到这一点,有一个小小的故事很能说明问题。有一次,大作曲家理查·施特劳斯邀请比彻姆在伦敦指挥首演他的那部复杂而艰难的歌剧《埃列克特拉》。比彻姆欣然地接受了他的邀请,当快要开始排练时,比彻姆心血来潮,他对理查·施特劳斯说他准备背谱指挥这部歌剧的首演,而理查·施特劳斯却不以为然,他觉得要在这么短的时间里背下如此庞大复杂的歌剧简直是不可能的,于是他便和比彻姆定了一个赌约,说如果比彻姆能够在两个星期之内把总谱背下来的话,他便情愿输给比彻姆100 英镑。这时实际上离首演的日期已经很接近了,比彻姆接受了这个打赌条件以后就回伦敦去了,几天以后,当首演结束时,理查·施特劳斯收到了比彻姆寄给他的上演版税,当他看到清单上写的一行字时大吃一惊,只见上面写到:“亲爱的施特劳斯先生,赌金100 英镑已扣除”。这段故事虽然体现出了比彻姆令人忍俊的幽默感,但更重要的是,它从另一个角度说明了比彻姆作为一个指挥大师所具有的惊人的阅谱能力和记忆力。

  Beauchamp is a conductor with strong subjective factors, which is very similar to fultwangler. In fact, he is even more improvisational than fultwangler and nikesh, which is directly related to his artistic thoughts and views.Many people know, Beecher during rehearsals and did not always show the actual effect, but it is interesting to note that this improvisation type command, but does not give people the feeling of chaos, he is always able to his excellent skills and outstanding artistic taste to succeed, and the practice of this kind of unique charm, it often give people a deeper impression, his this kind of style to that of Henry wood fine, everything is very well prepared, in comparison with the style of has a very distinct difference.
 Beauchamp as an extraordinary master conductor, his amazing professional skills and artistic sophistication are extremely outstanding.He is a very comprehensive conductor, from the works of the genre, both, cantata, opera and symphony and chamber music, he has a convincing interpretation ability and driving skills, and on the work of the style and quantity of it, he told all sorts of different genres and styles of composers in musical history of a lot of work, also has a very unique and precise explanation, of course, for the works of classical and romantic period, his interpretation can be said to be more persuasive.Look from the command repertoire, he was very good at command Handel, Haydn, Mozart, bizet, jean sibelius, Richard strauss and elgar of opera and symphony works, especially in the command Haydn's symphony again but it is most famous, to that end, he enjoyed a "Haydn symphony conductor experts" reputation, in respect of command opera, he is the most good at the works of Mozart, bizet and Richard strauss.
 When it comes to beauchamp, a gentle and cultivated conductor with a slight sense of humor, there is a telling little story.On one occasion, the great composer Richard strauss invited beauchamp to conduct the London premiere of his complex and difficult opera "electra."Beecher happily accepted his invitation, when is ready to start rehearsal, Beecher, on a whim, he told Richard strauss said he was prepared to back spectrum command the opera's debut, and Richard strauss, he felt that want to be in such a short time back so large and complex opera is impossible, so he and Beecher settle a bet, said that if the Beecher, can to recite the score in two weeks, he was willing to lose to Beecher's 100 pounds.At this moment, in fact, from the date of the opening are close, Beecher, accept the terms of the bet after they returned to London, a few days later, when at the end of the premiere, Richard strauss received Beecher, send him on royalties, when he was quite surprised to see the words written in the listing, see above wrote: "dear Mr Straus, bet 100 pounds has been deducted".The story, while revealing beauchamp's hilarious sense of humor, is, more importantly, an illustration of beauchamp's incredible musical ability and memory as a master conductor.
  比彻姆是一位有着庄重、严谨、朴实和抒情风格的指挥家,他的特点十分清晰的体现在他指挥的歌剧和交响乐作品中,他曾在其辉煌的指挥生涯中灌录过许多出色的唱片,其中最为突出的有海顿的大部分交响曲、莫扎特的《第41 交响曲》,歌剧《魔笛》、比才的歌剧《卡门》、亨德尔的清唱剧《弥赛亚》,以及理查·施特劳斯的许多歌剧。另外,他还是英国现代作曲家的作品的积极支持者和宣传者,尤其时于德留斯和他的作品,比彻姆曾给予了极大的拥护和扶植,他为此还专门撰写了一部关于德留斯的书籍。      
  Beecher, a very serious, rigorous, guileless and lyrical style of conductor, he is very clear in his command of the characteristics of opera and symphony works, he had to conduct career in his brilliant record many excellent music, one of the most prominent have most of the symphony, Haydn, Mozart symphony no. 41, opera "the magic flute", bizet's opera "Carmen", Handel's cantata "messiah", and many Richard strauss's opera.In addition, he was an active supporter and propagandist of the works of modern English composers, especially of dreus and his works, to which beauchamp had given such support and support that he wrote a book on dreus.      
  Sir Thomas Beecham: Interview and Rehearsal      


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