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                                    田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-27  20:36



  路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven 1770—1827      


共同为您演绎贝多芬 《致爱丽丝》


   郎朗瓦姐 Valentina Lisitsa Lola Astanova Alice Sara Ott


1810年4月27日,贝多芬发表了一首流行的钢琴曲《致爱丽丝》。其实当初贝多芬写下的题目是《致特雷泽》(For Therese),但是出版商读错了他的狂草致意。

贝多芬一生没有结过婚,但是,他一直盼望着能得到一位理想的伴侣。因此,这类事在贝多芬的生活中也有些浪漫色彩的故事流传。1808-1810年间,贝多芬已经四十岁的人了。他教了一个名叫特蕾泽.玛尔法蒂的女学生,并对她产生了好感。在心情非常甜美、舒畅的情况下,他写了一首《A小调巴加泰勒》的小曲赠给她。巴加泰勒(Bagatelle)意思是小玩意儿。贝多芬还在乐谱上题上了“献给特蕾泽”(For Therese)这样几个字。以后,这份乐谱一直留在特蕾泽那里。贝多芬逝世以后,在他的作品目录里也没有这支曲子。直到十九世纪六十处代,德国音乐家诺尔为写贝多芬传记,在特蕾泽·玛尔法蒂的遗物中,才发现了这首乐曲的手稿。1867年,在斯图加特出版这首曲子的乐谱时,诺尔把曲名错写成《献给爱丽丝》。从此,人们反而忘记了《献给特蕾泽》的原名,而称之为《献给爱丽丝》了。这个主题把特蕾泽温柔、美丽的形象作了概括的描绘。它在这支曲子里先后出现了十六次,因此,给人以极为深刻的印象。好似贝多芬有许多亲切的话语下向特蕾泽诉说。后半部分左右手交替演奏分解和弦,犹如二人亲切的交谈。
在本曲的原稿上,有作者的手迹:“为爱丽丝而作,1810年4月27日”,因为这一作品的原稿问世之时,作者贝多芬已经去世整整四十年了,“爱丽丝”是谁?已无从考证。 贝多芬虽然终生没有得到爱情圆满的幸福,但他给世人留下了不朽的名曲《献给爱丽丝》。

世界四位顶级钢琴家(郎朗、瓦伦提那、利西莎、洛拉·阿斯塔诺娃)共同为您演绎贝多芬 《致爱丽丝》;2、穆特演奏贝多芬第五号小提琴奏鸣曲“春”。

  路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven) 在指挥乐队      
  Today in the history of music
On April 27, 1810, Beethoven published a popular piano piece, "to Alice."Beethoven actually wrote the title "For Therese," but the publisher misread his wild compliments.
Beethoven never married in his life, but he always wanted an ideal partner.Therefore, there are some romantic stories in Beethoven's life.Between 1808 and 1810, Beethoven was already forty years old.He taught a girl named therese.Malfaty's schoolgirl and developed a crush on her.In A sweet, relaxed mood, he wrote A "bagatelle in A minor" for her."Bagatelle" means small thing.Beethoven even inscribed the words "For Therese" on his sheet music.Therese kept the score for the rest of his life.After Beethoven's death, it is not in the catalogue of his works.It wasn't until the 1860s, when German musician Noel discovered the manuscript among therese malfaldi's remains for a biography of Beethoven.When the score for the song was published in Stuttgart in 1867, Noel misnamed it as "to Alice."From then on, people forgot the original name of "to therese" and called it "to Alice" instead.The theme sums up therese's soft, beautiful image.It appears sixteen times in this piece, so it is very impressive.As if Beethoven had many kind words to say to therese.The second half alternates between left and right hand chords, as if the two were having a cordial conversation.
"To Alice" consists of five parts.A is in A minor, which is gentle and kind.Then, turn to C major, it is the relation of A minor major, emotional appeal immediately clear up.B goes to F major, and there's a new tune that's a little bit brighter.After A series of rapid transitions, we return to A.C section multi-purpose chord, the atmosphere has changed.The mood is serious and sedate, as if the author is in meditation.Next comes a phrase made up of triplets.Show strong emotions.After A transition of descending chromatic scale, the music is led back to A and ends in A very beautiful and tender atmosphere.
On the manuscript of this piece, there is the author's handwriting: "for Alice, April 27, 1810", because the original work was published, the author Beethoven had been dead for exactly 40 years, "Alice" who?There is no way to prove it.Although Beethoven did not get the life of love complete happiness, but he left the world immortal "to Alice".
Today's video: 1. Four of the world's top pianists (lang lang, valentina, lisisa, Lola astanova) perform Beethoven's "to Alice" for you.2. Mutter plays Beethoven's fifth violin sonata, "spring."

  特雷泽·布伦瑞克伯爵夫人,油画作者:兰皮。特雷泽曾在1806年五月与贝多芬订婚,她自己临摹复制了这幅油画肖像,并送给了贝多芬,她在画的背面写道:“给稀有的天才,伟大的艺术家,善良的人。T.B.”贝多芬曾于1809年把作品78号 《升F大调钢琴奏鸣曲》题献给她。      
  On the back of the painting she wrote: "to rare genius, great artist, good man."T.B. Beethoven dedicated to her a piano sonata in F sharp major, op. 78, in 1809.      
  安妮·索菲·穆特(Anne-Sophie Mutter) 1963年6月29日生于德国莱茵费尔登,德国著名小提琴演奏家。穆特被认为是经卡拉扬一手调教、继承了最纯正德奥血统的小提琴演奏家。
她的演奏向多元化发展,曲目不局限于德奥古典、浪漫等传统作品,而加强了近现代作品的比重,经常演出卢托斯瓦夫斯基(Witold Lutoslawski)、莫雷(Norbert Moret)、彭代雷茨基和里姆(Wolfgang Rihm)等人的作品。
  Anne-sophie Mutter was born on June 29, 1963, in rheinfelden, Germany.Mutter is considered the purest german-austrian violinist to have been tutored by karajan.
She diversified her repertoire beyond traditional works such as German and Austrian classics and romance, and strengthened the weight of modern and contemporary works, often featuring works by Witold Lutoslawski, Norbert Moret, penderecki and Wolfgang Rihm.


   Beethoven's fifth violin sonata "spring"
No. 5 violin sonata (" spring ", op. 24 in F major, also for count fullis, 1800).The title of spring was not decided by Beethoven, but was given by later generations for expressing hope, warmth and happiness.


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