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                                         田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-14  19:36



  詹姆斯·霍纳(James Horner,1953-2015)      
  卡洛琳·坎贝尔和威廉·约瑟夫演奏<我心永恒 >- 小提琴 & 钢琴 / 电影《泰坦尼克号》主题曲      
  MY HEART WILL GO ON - Caroline Campbell and William Joseph       

1912年4月14日泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)23时40分左右撞击冰山。

泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic),又译作铁达尼号,是英国白星航运公司下辖的一艘奥林匹克级游轮,排水量46000吨,于1909年3月31日在北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特港的哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂动工建造,1911年5月31日下水,1912年4月2日完工试航。
泰坦尼克号是当时世界上体积最庞大、内部设施最豪华的客运轮船,有“永不沉没”的美誉 。然而不幸的是,在它的处女航中,泰坦尼克号便遭厄运——它从英国南安普敦出发,途经法国瑟堡-奥克特维尔以及爱尔兰科夫(Cobh),驶向美国纽约。1912年4月14日23时40分左右,泰坦尼克号与一座冰山相撞,造成右舷船艏至船中部破裂,五间水密舱进水。4月15日凌晨2时20分左右,泰坦尼克船体断裂成两截后沉入大西洋底3700米处。2224名船员及乘客中,1517人丧生,其中仅333具罹难者遗体被寻回。泰坦尼克号沉没事故为和平时期死伤人数最为惨重的一次海难,其残骸直至1985年才被再度发现,目前受到联合国教育、科学及文化组织的保护。

电影《泰坦尼克号》是美国二十世纪福克斯电影公司、派拉蒙影业公司出品爱情片, 拍摄时间是1995年9月1日-1997年9月,由詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、凯特·温斯莱特领衔主演。影片以1912年泰坦尼克号邮轮在其处女启航时触礁冰山而沉没的事件为背景,讲述了处于不同阶层的两个人穷画家杰克和贵族女露丝抛弃世俗的偏见坠入爱河,最终杰克把生命的机会让给了露丝的感人故事。

( Caroline Campbell )和威廉·约瑟夫今天的钢琴小提琴改编曲。今天4月14日这样一个特殊的日子献给 喜欢音乐热爱生活的朋友们,善待自己,珍惜生命,珍惜爱情!

今日视频:1、我心永恒 - 小提琴 & 钢琴 / 电影《泰坦尼克号》主题曲 卡洛琳·坎贝尔和威廉·约瑟夫改编演奏;2、
莫扎特乐队-泰坦尼克号主题曲《我心永恒》;3、电影《泰坦尼克号》 最后小提琴手演奏四重奏《靠近上帝》。     

  Today in the history of music
The RMS Titanic hit the iceberg at about 2340 hours on April 14, 1912.
RMS Titanic, also known as Titanic, is an Olympic class cruise ship under the jurisdiction of the British white star line company, with a displacement of 46,000 tons. Construction of the ship began on March 31, 1909, at the harland and wolff shipyard in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was launched on May 31, 1911, and completed on April 2, 1912.
Titanic was the largest passenger ship in the world at that time, with the most luxurious internal facilities, with the reputation of "unsinkable".Unfortunately, on her maiden voyage, the ill-fated Titanic sailed from Southampton, England, to New York via cherbourt-octeville, France, and Cobh, Ireland.At about 2340 hours on April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg, causing the starboard ship to break midship and flooding five watertight compartments.At about 2:20 a.m. on April 15, the Titanic's hull broke in two and sank 3, 700 meters below the surface of the Atlantic ocean.Of the 2, 224 crew and passengers, 1, 517 were killed and only 333 bodies recovered.The wreckage of the Titanic, the deadliest peacetime shipwreck, was not recovered until 1985 and is under the protection of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization.
Titanic is a romantic film produced by 20th century fox and Paramount pictures. It was filmed from September 1, 1995 to September 1997. It was directed by James Cameron and starred leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet.Set in 1912 when the Titanic liner hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage, the film tells the touching story of jack, a poor painter in different classes, and Ruth, an aristocratic girl, who abandoned their worldly prejudices and fell in love.
"Titanic" won the 70th Academy Awards in 1998. The story film "Titanic" won 11 awards, including best picture, best director, best original song and best film score.
After the Titanic sank, people use a variety of forms to commemorate it, has produced a large number of poems, novels, drama, film "Titanic" on, the music and the theme song "my heart will go on" as the film spread to every corner of the world, heartfelt love by people from all walks of life world, people use various methods to imitate the music in the movie, to pure feelings to eulogize the great love, eulogize great friendship.
The Titanic was the ship that hit the iceberg and sank, the ship that sank was the movie, the movie was the Titanic was the theme song, the theme song was the piano and violin arrangement by Caroline Campbell and William Joseph today.Today, April 14 is a special day for friends who love music and life. Be kind to yourself, cherish life and love!
Today's video: 1. My heart will go on - violin & piano/film Titanic theme song adapted by Caroline Campbell and William Joseph;2. "my heart will go on" by Mozart;3. The movie Titanic ends with the violinist playing the quartet close to god.

  詹姆斯·罗伊·霍纳美国电影作曲家(生于1953年8月14日,洛杉矶,Calif.-died 6月22日,2015年,Los Padres国家森林,加利福尼亚州),提供了良好的调色板和情感支撑的许多电影,尤其是在他的得分飙升1997年詹姆斯·卡梅隆的戏剧“泰坦尼克”号的姊妹,霍纳赢得奥斯卡奖和金球奖。此外,他和抒情诗人将詹宁斯获得了奥斯卡奖和金球奖以及三个格莱美奖(年度最佳唱片、歌曲,和最佳歌曲为电影或电视)写的歌曲“我心永恒”,播放电影的关闭学分。霍纳的父亲是一名布景设计师,曾两次获得奥斯卡奖。霍纳曾就读于伦敦皇家音乐学院、南加州大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校。20世纪70年代末,他为美国电影学院(American Film Institute)争取到了学生项目,并开始为低成本的恐怖电影作曲。他的第一个主要电影配乐是《星际迷航2:可汗之怒》(1982)。霍纳从传统的凯尔特和古典音乐中汲取灵感,创作出对电影背景和主题非常敏感的音乐。他的作品包括《高尔基公园》(1983)和《茧》(1985)。仅在1986年,他就获得了《玫瑰》、《异形》(为此他获得了奥斯卡提名)和《美国尾巴》(《Somewhere Out There》这首歌获得了奥斯卡和金球奖提名,并获得了两项格莱美奖)的动画奖。他还为孩子们提供了音乐的电影柳和土地之前时间(1988年)和大片的梦(1989),荣耀(1989),《勇敢的心》(1995),阿波罗13号(1995),美丽心灵》(2001)和《阿凡达》(2009),为每个他获得了金球奖提名,奥斯卡,或两者兼而有之。此外,他还为2015年上映的五部电影配乐,并为计划于2016年上映的《七侠》重拍版作曲。霍纳在驾驶的一架小型飞机失事中丧生。      
  James Roy Horner, American film composer (born Aug. 14, 1953, Los Angeles, Calif.—died June 22, 2015, Los Padres National Forest, California), provided the sound palette and emotional underpinning for dozens of motion pictures, most notably in his soaring score for James Cameron’s 1997 drama Titanic, for which Horner won both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe award. In addition, he and lyricist Will Jennings received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe as well as three Grammy Awards (record of the year, song of the year, and best song written for a motion picture or for television) for the song “My Heart Will Go On,” which played over the film’s closing credits. Horner’s father was a set designer and two-time Oscar winner. Horner studied at the Royal College of Music in London, the University of Southern California, and UCLA. During the late 1970s he scored student projects for the American Film Institute and moved on to composing music for low-budget horror films. His first major film score was for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982). Horner drew on traditional Celtic and classical sources in writing music that was sensitive to the settings and themes of the films that it enhanced, and his services were much in demand. His credits include Gorky Park (1983) and Cocoon (1985). In 1986 alone he scored The Name of the Rose, Aliens (for which he received an Oscar nomination), and the animation An American Tail (from which the song “Somewhere Out There” was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe and was awarded two Grammys). He also provided the music for the children’s movies Willow and Land Before Time (both 1988) and for the blockbusters Field of Dreams (1989), Glory (1989), Braveheart (1995), Apollo 13 (1995), A Beautiful Mind (2001), and Avatar (2009), for each of which he received a nomination for a Golden Globe, an Oscar, or both. In addition, he scored five films that were released in 2015 and composed music for a remake of The Magnificent Seven that was scheduled for release in 2016. Horner was killed in the crash of a small aircraft that he was piloting.      
  卡洛琳·坎贝尔( Caroline Campbell )      
坎贝尔出生于纽约州奥尔巴尼,在夏威夷、内华达和北加州长大。她从三岁开始在铃木教学法的学前班拉小提琴。8岁时,她与里诺爱乐乐团(Reno Philharmonic Orchestra)独奏。高中毕业后,她被选为总统奖学金获得者,并在肯尼迪中心演出。
她在克利夫兰音乐学院(Cleveland Institute of Music)的青年艺术家项目(Young Artists Program)完成了高中学业,并继续在克利夫兰学院(Cleveland Institute)的学院工作,在那里她与大卫·塞隆(David Cerone)和唐纳德·魏勒斯坦(Donald Weilerstein)一起学习。坎贝尔2000年转学到斯坦福大学。她学习了计算机科学、逻辑学、语言学和心理学。在斯坦福的时候,她和根纳迪·克莱曼(Gennady Kleyman)一起工作。2004年,她毕业于美国大学优等生荣誉学会(Phi Beta Kappa),获得符号系统学士学位和社会学硕士学位。
坎贝尔定期与爵士小号手克里斯·博蒂一起表演,并在博蒂的最新专辑《印象》中被遗忘。作为客座艺术家,她与伯蒂一起游历了五大洲,并在2012年加入了芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)的巡演。2012年,坎贝尔与安德烈·波切利(Andrea Bocelli)一起在美国巡演,并与波托菲诺(Portofino)一起在美国公共广播公司(PBS)的《了不起的表演》(Great performed)演唱会和电影《爱在波托菲诺》(Love in Portofino)中表演二重唱。
坎贝尔是Opus X的创始成员之一,这是一个古典音乐四人组,包括俄罗斯-丹麦钢琴家Tanja Zapolski,英国单簧管演奏家Lone Madsen和日本大提琴演奏家Kristina Reiko Cooper。该组合的第一支单曲《Libertango》于2013年6月10日发行。Opus X与格莱美获奖制作人史蒂芬·爱泼斯坦共同录制了首张专辑。
  卡洛琳·坎贝尔( Caroline Campbell )      
  Caroline Campbell is an American violinist. She is a soloist and chamber musician who performs and records classical, jazz, film and popular music.

Early life
Campbell was born in Albany, New York, and grew up in Hawaii, Nevada, and northern California. She began playing violin in a Suzuki method preschool class at age three. At age eight, she soloed with the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra. As a senior in high school, she was selected as a Presidential Scholar and performed at the Kennedy Center.

She completed high school as a student in the Young Artists Program at the Cleveland Institute of Music, and continued collegiate work at the Cleveland Institute, where she studied with David Cerone and Donald Weilerstein.Campbell transferred to Stanford University in 2000. She studied computer science, logic, linguistics, and psychology. While at Stanford, she worked with Gennady Kleyman. In 2004, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BS in symbolic systems and an MA in sociology.

Campbell has appeared as soloist with the Cleveland Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Detroit Symphony, Indianapolis Symphony, Dallas Symphony, and many other symphony orchestras. She has soloed in prestigious venues including Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, and the Sydney Opera House, and in popular venues such as the Hollywood Bowl and Barclays Center.She has performed duets with world-renowned artists including Andrea Bocelli, Sting, Michael Bublé, Chris Botti, Josh Groban, Rod Stewart, Julio Iglesias and many others.

Campbell performs regularly with jazz trumpeter Chris Botti, and is featured in Oblivion on Botti’s latest CD, Impressions. As a guest artist, she has toured five continents with Botti, and joined Barbra Streisand in her 2012 tour. Campbell was a featured guest artist with Andrea Bocelli on his 2012 U.S. tour and performed duets with him in his PBS Great Performances concert in Portofino, Italy, and in the film Love in Portofino.

Campbell is first violinist of the Los Angeles-based Sonus Quartet, a string quartet that fuses diverse musical styles. With the Sonus Quartet, Campbell performed with Stevie Wonder at the Library of Congress,recorded with Norah Jones for her album Little Broken Hearts, performed Crazy with Gnarls Barkley,and recorded film scores such as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Spider-Man, and The Lone Ranger.

Campbell is a founding member of Opus X, a classical musical foursome including Russian-Danish pianist Tanja Zapolski, British clarinetist Lone Madsen, and Japanese cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper. The group’s first single, Libertango, was released June 10, 2013. Opus X recorded its debut album with Grammy Award winning producer, Steven Epstein.

Campbell’s debut CD, Truly, Simply, Deeply, was released in 2011. Her second CD, With Love from Hollywood, was released in July, 2013.
  卡洛琳·坎贝尔( Caroline Campbell )      
“当我坐下时,纯粹是为了音乐。我专注于情感和旋律,然后回头想想这个故事告诉我什么。这句话是威廉·约瑟夫(William Joseph)描述他创作音乐的过程时说的,全世界的观众在同一个发自肺腑的层面上产生了共鸣。与Josh Groban和Il Divo这样的歌手一起巡演,粉丝们有机会在现场与威廉王子交流。
他充满活力的演奏风格也让他有机会与芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbara Streisand)、娜塔莉·科尔(Natalie Cole)、肯尼·基(Kenny G)、约翰·梅尔(John Mayer)和艾丽西亚·凯斯(Alicia Keys)等人同台演出。“我绝对喜欢在观众面前表演,”威廉说。“我不仅想带人们踏上音乐之旅,我还想与他们交流,听听他们的想法,这就是为什么我喜欢在演出结束后与人见面。球迷是这一切的一部分,我非常重视与他们的联系。最后,我只是想让尽可能多的人跟我一起去冒险。”
  Pianist-composer-performer William Joseph’s career began when he met David Foster, the 14-time Grammy-winning songwriter/composer/producer who has worked with everyone from Barbra Streisand to Céline Dion. “I went up to David at a charity event and asked if I could play his piano and he said, ‘Play something,’ I felt my heart skip a beat because I knew that this was my moment.”

Suddenly, Foster signaled to his band to join in and began conducting them. As William tells it: “I’m playing this song I’d written and I’m thinking, ‘Please don’t mess up now.’ I finish, everybody started applauding, and it was like a scene from a movie.” The original composition stopped Foster in his tracks. Foster says, “I felt like I was looking at a younger, more talented, better-looking version of myself. A standing ovation later and I knew I had to work with him.”

William’s sound, which could be described as ‘classical pop’ for its eclectic mix of genres have earned this young performer a growing legion of fans who appreciate the artist’s polish as well as the crowd-pleasing verve he brings to his live performances and to his most recent album Beyond.

“When I sit down it’s purely about the music. I focus on the emotion and the melody, then go back and think about what this story is telling me.” This statement is how William Joseph describes the process of composing his music, and audiences connect on the same visceral level the world-over. Touring with the likes of Josh Groban and Il Divo, fans have had the chance to connect with William in a live setting.

His vigorous playing style has also given him the chance to perform with the likes of Barbara Streisand, Natalie Cole, Kenny G, John Mayer and Alicia Keys. “I absolutely love playing in front of an audience,” William says. “Not only do I want to take people on a musical journey, but I want to connect with them and hear what they think, which is why I love meeting people after the shows. The fans are as much a part of this as everything else and I take that connection with them very seriously. In the end, I just want to bring as many people along with me on this adventure as possible.”



 MozART group - Titanic (Official Video, 2008) MozART group TV


   【泰坦尼克号】1997 最后小提琴手演奏Nearer my god to thee片段      


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