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                                         田润德 编译文/图 2020-04-11  19:36



  约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750)      

巴赫 马太受难曲 卡尔·李希特指挥 英文字幕 1971

  Matthew's passion, written between 1724 and 1727, is based on the biblical account of Jesus' crucifixion.The whole work is grand in structure, with 78 pieces.Divided into two main parts: the first part has 35 pieces, describing the process of Jesus being betrayed by his disciples and eventually arrested;The second part has 43 songs, depicting Jesus' trial, crucifixion and burial.      


约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750)是过去复调音乐艺术的继承人,他是巴洛克音乐的巅峰代表,是最后一位伟大的宗教艺术家,是音乐史上的巨人之一。

卡尔·李希特指挥巴赫《马太受难曲》 。

  约翰·安布罗修斯·巴赫(1645 - 1695)
  Johann Ambrosius Bach (1645 - 1695)
Johann Ambrosius Bach was Johann Sebastian Bach’s father. He was a skilled violinist and trumpeter and directed the town musicians in Eisenach. He helped his son Johann Sebastian learn the violin and harpsichord along with hi siblings.
  Today in the history of music
On April 11, 1727, Jesus' last words on the cross, "god, god, why have you forsaken me," led to Bach's "the passion of Matthew," which was performed at st. Thomas's church in leipzig.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is the successor of the past polyphonic musical art. He is the peak representative of baroque music, the last great religious artist, and one of the giants in the history of music.
Since the end of the 16th century, the Bach family has been known as a musical family. Within two years, dozens of musicians were born, most of them active in thuringia or the surrounding areas.Several of his children went on to become famous in the music business.For young Bach, who had a great talent for music, it was lucky to grow up in such an environment.
At the age of eight, Bach entered the Latin school for an extensive subject education.At home, Bach followed his father in violin and cello skills and his uncle in organ lessons.His mother died of illness when he was nine years old, and his father died the following year. Bach had to stay with his brother and continue his education while learning organ and harpsichord from his brother.At that time, Bach was also a child soprano in the church choir.Based on a love of music and desire, he is skilled in a very short period of time brother as he arranged all the music courses, but it doesn't seem to satisfy his desire of learning, he has repeatedly pleaded with brother let him have a look at some famous masters, such as Florida, berger, Kerr and seashells large keys, the music of violin music such as people but are brother sternly refused.Despite the large amount of musical materials stored in the house, his domineering brother would not allow him to read them, no matter how hard he begged.Little Bach had to take advantage of his brother's leaving home and sleeping in the middle of the night, secretly in the moonlight to the beloved music score a stroke to write down, lasted as long as half a year, thus greatly damaged his vision, so that he spent his old age in blindness in pain, until death.
How sad and honorable that a 10-year-old boy who had lost both parents should be able to claim valuable knowledge from his own family in this way!It is strange that such a noble and persistent pursuit could not move his brother -- when he discovered his brother's secret, he immediately went berserk, not only mercilessly confiscated all Bach's efforts, but also severely punished him, without introspection or pity.
Today's video: 1. Carl licht conducting Bach's Matthew's passion.

  The church of Thomas, which was built in the 13th century in the Roman style, was rebuilt in the 15th century in the gothic style with a sloping roof.And especially spacious, Bach in the religious music played incisively and vividly the volume, is the use of this spatial characteristics..      
  Thomas church in leipzig, where Bach's "the passion of Matthew" was first performed on April 11, 1727.      
  安娜·玛格达莱娜·巴赫(1701 - 1780)
   Anna Magdalena Bach (1701 - 1780)
 Anna Magdalena Wilcke was an accomplished singer who became J. S. Bach’s second wife in December 1721. Their shared interest in music contributed to their happy marriage. Together they raised the children from Johann's first marriage and had 13 children of their own from 1723 to 1742, seven of whom died at a young age. Anna Magdalena continued to sing professionally after her marriage, including at Prince Leopold's funeral in 1729. Bach presented Anna Magdalena with two manuscript notebooks containing keyboard music and a few pieces for voice (pictured)   
  Caravaggio's "rest on the way to Egypt" represents the artistic style of the baroque period.      
卡尔·李希特(Karl Richter)
  卡尔·李希特(Karl Richter,1926年10月15日-1981年2月15日),是一名德国指挥家、唱诗班指挥、管风琴演奏家和羽管键琴家。
出生于普劳恩,早年在德累斯顿受教育,并加入德勒斯登十字合唱团。1949年在莱比锡获得学位,师从Günther Ramin, Karl Straube 和 Rudolf Mauersberger。在同年,他成为了莱比锡托马斯教堂的管风琴师,巴赫也曾任此职长达27年。在1951,他移居慕尼黑,开始在音乐学院任教,并在圣马可教堂任管风琴师。1954年他还在慕尼黑巴赫合唱团和慕尼黑巴赫管弦乐团并担任指挥。在20世纪60和70年代,他游历世界各地,并在日本、美国、加拿大、东欧和苏联留下大量录音。1981年在慕尼黑一家酒店里死于心脏病突发,享年54岁,8天后下葬于苏黎世的Enzenbühl公墓。 
  Karl Richter (October 15, 1926 -- February 15, 1981) was a German conductor, choirmaster, organist, and harpsichord.
Born in plaun, educated early in dresden,And joined the dresden cross.He received his degree in leipzig in 1949 under the tutelage of Gunther Ramin, Karl Straube and Rudolf Mauersberger.In the same year, he became an organist at the Thomas church in leipzig, a post Bach held for 27 years.In 1951, he moved to Munich, where he began teaching at the conservatory and worked as an organist at the church of saint mark.He also conducted the Munich Bach choir and the Munich Bach orchestra in 1954.During the 1960s and 1970s, he traveled around the world and left extensive recordings in Japan, the United States, Canada, eastern Europe and the Soviet union.He died of a heart attack in a Munich hotel in 1981 at the age of 54. He was buried eight days later at Enzenbuhl cemetery in Zurich.

Karl licht was an authority on Bach, and he recorded many of his works.Famous recordings include :(Bach) the Brandenburg concerto, (Bach) the passion of Matthew, (Bach) the passion of johann, (Bach) mass in b minor, (Handel) the messiah, etc.Carl licht did not follow the trend of the movement of playing baroque music with antique instruments, and he paid more attention to reproducing Bach in "god" rather than "form".



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