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                                        田润德 编译 文/图 2020-03-09  19:36



  奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai 1810- 1849)      

2014年柏林爱乐欧洲音乐会 巴伦博伊姆指挥


 Daniel Barenboim European Concer

  2014柏林爱乐乐团欧洲音乐会: Europakonzert from Berlin(2014) 简介: The founding of the Berliner Philharmoniker on the first of May, 1882 is celebrated annually with a concert in a European city of cultural significance. In 2014 the Europakonzert took again place in Berlin. The concert was conducted by a man who has been associated with the Berliner Philharmoniker for 50 years: Daniel Barenboim.


演出:柏林爱乐乐团指挥:丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆 曲目: Europakonzert from Berlin (2014) 1, Operning Otto Nicolai 2, Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor Edward Elgar 3, Falstaff - Symphonic Study in c Minor op. 68 PYOTR ILYICH TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 5 e Minor op.64 4, I. Andante - Allegro con anima 5, II. Andante cantabile,con alcuna licenza 6, III. Valse: Allegro moderato 7,IV. Andante maestoso - Allegro vivace 8, Applause & End Credits 奥托·尼古拉《温莎的风流娘儿们》序曲爱德华·埃尔加《C小调交响练习曲“法尔斯塔夫”》,作品68号柴可夫斯基《E小调第五交响曲》,作品64号


1849年3月9日,奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai)创作的《温莎的风流娘儿们》虽然被维也纳拒绝,但却在柏林获得成功。

奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai1810年6月9日- 1849年5月11日)

他17岁之前一直在他父亲卡尔·恩斯特·丹尼尔·尼古拉那里接受音乐教育。后来他到柏林深造。1827年到1830年他在国王教堂音乐学院采尔特和Bernhard Klein下学习。之后1833年他在罗马普鲁士公使馆乐队中获得管风琴手一职。在此从1835年起他一直在Giuseppe Baini下学习。他在罗马时期学习帕莱斯特里纳的作品和其他古意大利古典音乐。
尼古拉1837年到维也纳肯特纳托剧院在Conradin Kreutzer任乐队长,但1838年重返罗马并开始歌剧创作。1841年他重任维也纳乐队长,在那他还组织了爱乐音乐会,创建了维也纳爱乐乐团。
1843年他写给腓特烈·威廉四世一部弥撒曲,还有为国王山大学200周年纪念日而写的节日序曲"Eine feste Burg"(一座坚固的城堡)。这一切使得他向柏林靠近。1847年他被任命为宫廷和大教堂合唱团指挥和皇家歌剧院乐队长。

奥托·尼古拉《温莎的风流娘儿们》序曲(2014年柏林爱乐欧洲音乐会 巴伦博伊姆指挥);2、奥托·尼古拉-幻想曲《诺玛的布里兰特斯》

  奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai)创作的《温莎的风流娘儿们》剧照      
  Today in the history of music
On March 9, 1849, Otto Nicolai's "the merry wives of Windsor" was rejected by Vienna but succeeded in Berlin.
Otto nicolai (June 9, 1810 -- May 11, 1849) was a German composer and conductor.Born in konigsberg.He went to Rome in 1833 to study the music of his predecessors, and later served as an organist in the Prussian embassy in Rome.In 1841 he became chief orchestra officer of the Vienna royal opera house.From 1842 to 1847, regular concerts featuring Beethoven's symphonies were held.In 1847 he became President of the grand sept choir and the royal opera house in Berlin.His main works include two symphonies, opera overture, chamber music, piano sonata, religious music and songs.His masterpiece is the prelude to the opera the merry wives of Windsor.
He received his music education from his father, Karl ernst Daniel nicola, until he was seventeen.Later he went to Berlin for further study.From 1827 to 1830 he studied at the school of music of the king's chapel under zeit and Bernhard Klein.Then in 1833 he became an organist in the orchestra of the Roman Prussian legation.Here he has been studying under Giuseppe Baini since 1835.He studied the works of Palestrina and other ancient Italian classical music during his time in Rome.
Nicholas moved to Vienna in 1837 to work as a bandmaster at the Conradin Kreutzer at the kontenato theatre, but returned to Rome in 1838 and began to write operas.In 1841 he became the director of the Vienna orchestra, where he organized philharmonic concerts and founded the Vienna philharmonic orchestra.
In 1843 he wrote a mass for Frederick William iv and a holiday overture, "Eine feste Burg" (a fortified castle), for the university's 200th anniversary.All this brought him closer to Berlin.In 1847 he was appointed conductor of the choir of the palace and cathedral and master of the orchestra of the royal opera house.
In addition to operas, otto nikolai wrote many songs, religious music and secular choral music.But he is best known for his opera the merry wives of Windsor.He died of a stroke eight weeks after the play's premiere.
Today's video: 1. Overture to the merry wives of Windsor by otto nicola (conducted by barenboim at the 2014 Berlin philharmonic Europe concert);2. Otto nicola - fantasia "Norma's brillantes".

  奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai)创作的《温莎的风流娘儿们》剧照      
根据威廉·莎士比亚同名戏剧改编,首演: 1849年3月9日柏林皇家歌剧院,由作曲家本人指挥。
  The merry wives of Windsor is a fantasy comic opera in three ACTS.Otto nikolai wrote the music for the play from 1845 to 1849.He had had some success with his Italian operas, but this was the most successful of his German operas.He made slight changes to the opera script.The overture of the opera is lively, relaxing and beautiful, and is deeply loved. It is often performed independently in concerts.Many conductors, such as furtwangler and karajan, did not record the entire play, but did record the overture.
Based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name, premiered on March 9, 1849, at the Berlin royal opera house, directed by the composer himself.
  奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai)创作的《温莎的风流娘儿们》海报      
根据威廉·莎士比亚同名戏剧改编,首演: 1849年3月9日柏林皇家歌剧院,由作曲家本人指挥。
  The merry wives of Windsor is a fantasy comic opera in three ACTS.Otto nikolai wrote the music for the play from 1845 to 1849.He had had some success with his Italian operas, but this was the most successful of his German operas.He made slight changes to the opera script.The overture of the opera is lively, relaxing and beautiful, and is deeply loved. It is often performed independently in concerts.Many conductors, such as furtwangler and karajan, did not record the entire play, but did record the overture.
Based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name, premiered on March 9, 1849, at the Berlin royal opera house, directed by the composer himself.
  威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)      
  威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日—1616年4月23日),华人社会常尊称为莎翁,是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最重要、最伟大的作家,当时人文主义文学的集大成者,以及全世界最卓越的文学家。
  William Shakespeare (English: William baptised, April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616), Chinese society is often regarded as Shakespeare, is a distinguished dramatist in the history of English literature, is also the most important European Renaissance period, one of the greatest writer, a master of the humanist literature as well as the world's most eminent writer.
Shakespeare was born and raised in stratford-upon-avon and married Anne hathaway at the age of 18, with whom he had three children: susanna and twins hamnett and Judith.For more than 20 years in the late 16th and early 17th centuries Shakespeare began a successful career in London as an actor, playwright and a partner in the Lord chamberlain's men, later renamed the king's men.Shakespeare retired to stratford-upon-avon around 1613 and died three years later.
  奥托·尼古拉(Otto Nicolai)创作的《温莎的风流娘儿们》剧照      



Otto Nicolai - Fantasie avec Variations brillantes sur Norma, Op.25

  Carl Otto Ehrenfried Nicolai (9 June 1810 -- 11 May 1849) 德国作曲家,指挥家,维也纳爱乐乐团创始人。其最喜闻乐见的作品是《温莎的风流娘儿们》(The merry wives of windsor) (序曲不错)。但他的作品当中值得一听的并不是只有那一部喜歌剧。目前先从油管搬来这钢琴曲,贝利尼歌剧《诺尔玛》主题的幻想与华丽变奏,配合歌剧《诺尔玛》食用更佳。      


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