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                                         田润德 编译 文/图 2020-03-09  16:36



  赛谬尔·巴伯(Samuel Barber,1910-1981      


Barber - Adagio for Strings - Berlin Philharmonic


1910年3月9日,作曲家赛谬尔·巴伯生于宾夕法尼亚州西切斯特,今天是他的110周年诞辰纪念日,我们把巴伯《弦乐柔板》这首作品献给在疫情中死难者,包括他们的家属,以此来慰籍 每一位与死神搏斗的不屈的灵魂。
它给人以无比的震撼,贝多芬命运的敲门声的震撼;斗牛士威猛节奏的震撼;巴洛克音乐弘大的震撼;巴赫那种亚里士多德哲理般的震撼;都没有现代巴伯的人性化的震撼带来的绕梁不绝,经久不忘.......看到视频结尾弦音减弱处,伟大的指挥家西蒙·拉特尔汗泪交加,面对如此人道主义的作品 、如此投入的指挥我们能不动容吗?

赛谬尔·巴伯1910年3月9日生于宾夕法尼亚州西切斯特(WestChester)的一个具有良好音乐环境的家庭。他的父亲是一位医生,母亲是卓有才华的钢琴家,姨妈路易性·霍默(L. Homer,1871-1947)是美国大都会歌剧院著名的女低音歌唱家,而他的姨夫西德尼·报默(S. Homer, 1864-1953)又是一位颇有造诣的歌曲作曲家。每当巴伯的姨妈来访,家里的起居室便成了一个第一流的表演场所。巴伯受家庭环境的影响,六岁便开始学习钢琴,一年后他又开始尝试作曲,写出了一首题名为《悲伤》的感伤的钢琴曲。十来岁时,巴伯曾在当地教堂中任管风琴师,并就学于西切斯特中学。1926年,巴伯中学毕业,但早在1924年,他已同时就学于费城柯蒂斯音乐学校,在这里,他学习钢琴、作曲、歌唱和指挥。
1928年,巴伯因一首小提琴奏鸣曲而首次获得哥伦比亚大学巴恩斯奖,这使他得以首次出国旅行,访问了意大利等欧洲国家。1933年,巴伯以他的第一部由较大型乐队演奏的序曲《造谣学校》再次荣获巴恩斯奖,1935年又获得了美国的罗马奖,1935与1936年两次获普利策旅行奖金。1935至1936年间,他又一次赴欧洲旅行。在维也纳时,他曾应邀到工人剧院去指挥一场音乐会,当时的政府正受到劳工威胁,气氛十分紧张,在他指挥音乐会的下一天,发生了一场工人起义。这时巴伯才获悉:他指挥的舞台下面有一个秘密军火库。当巴伯逗留在马焦雷湖(Lake Maggiore)时,他拜见了指挥家托斯卡尼尼。此后,他来到罗马,在“美国研究院”从事作曲。在这段时期,巴伯写出足以证实他有旺盛的创作天才的作品,其中以《第一交响曲》最为著称。这是一部单乐章交响曲,由罗马奥古斯特奥乐队于1936年12月13日首演,次年又在奥地利萨尔茨堡音乐节上演出。这是该音乐节第一次演奏美国人的作品。此后,巴伯又分别于1936年和1937年写出了《弦乐柔板》和《第一乐队散文》,这两部作品在1938年被著名意大利指挥家托斯卡尼尼(A. Toscan ini ,1867-1957)选中、他指挥美国全国广播公司交响乐队演出的最初两部美国作品。


  赛谬尔·巴伯(Samuel Barber,1910-1981      
  Today in the history of music
On March 9, 1910, composer Samuel barber was born in west Chester, pa. Today is the 110th anniversary of his birth. We dedicate barber's "string adagio" to the victims of the epidemic, including their families, as a consolation for the unyielding souls.
At the end of the video, great conductor Simon rutter breaks down in tears. Can we not be moved by such a great humanitarian work?Now there are more opportunities to hear barber's "string adagio" at New Year's concerts, after the earthquake and tsunami, after the terrorist attacks, after all kinds of natural and man-made disasters.It is a lyric and a requiem.
Born on March 9, 1910, in WestChester, pa., to a musical family.His father was a doctor, his mother a talented pianist, his aunt l. Homer (1871-1947), a famous contralto at the Metropolitan Opera, and his uncle, Sidney Homer (1864-1953), an accomplished songwriter.When barber's aunt came to visit, the family sitting-room became a first-rate showplace.Influenced by his family circumstances, barber began to learn to play the piano at the age of six.As a teenager, barber worked as an organist at his local church and attended west Chester high school.Baber graduated from high school in 1926, but as early as 1924 he was simultaneously attending the Curtis school of music in Philadelphia, where he studied piano, composition, singing, and conducting.
In 1928, barber won his first Columbia University Barnes prize for a violin sonata, which allowed him to travel abroad for the first time, visiting Italy and other European countries.Barber again won the Barnes prize in 1933 for his first overture, "the school of rumormongers," played by a larger band. He also won the American prize for Rome in 1935 and the Pulitzer prize for travel in 1935 and 1936.In 1935-36, he made another trip to Europe.In Vienna, he had been invited to conduct a concert at the workers' theatre. The government was under threat from the workers.Then barber learned that there was a secret Arsenal under the stage he commanded.While staying at Lake Maggiore, barber met the conductor toscanini.After that, he came to Rome to work as a composer at the American academy.During this period, barber produced works that proved his great creative genius, most notably the first symphony.It was a one-movement symphony, first performed by the Roman orchestra augustus on December 13, 1936, and performed the following year at the salzburg festival in Austria.It was the first time the festival had played an American.Later, in 1936 and 1937, barber wrote "string adagio" and "first band prose," which were selected by the famous Italian conductor a. Toscan ini (1867-1957) in 1938 to conduct the first two American works of the NBC symphony orchestra.
In 1938, barber left war-ravaged Europe and returned to the United States, where he taught composition and instrumentation at the Curtis school of music.Influenced by the circumstances of the war years, a considerable number of barber's works during the war had a "military background", or in some way hinted at his experience.His "essays on the second band" premiered in April 1942, when the New York herald Tribune published an article in which it commented: "...This work is rooted in barber's reaction to the war.The nature of the theme was strong and severe, and it was developed in a rich variety and economically.It develops towards a stiff - set climax, executed with skill and dexterity.This is undoubtedly a fine, tightly woven score that exudes an air of audacity. "in April 1943, barber was drafted into the United States air force.He wrote the second symphony for the air force, and though it was descriptive in content, it was not intended to be heroic, but to reflect the clarity, detachment and calm that pilots say they experience in the air.Among his other works of the war years were concerto for violin (1989-19410), concerto for scorpius (1944), and concerto for cello (1945, winner of the 1947 New York music critics award).
After the war babet retired to his home in the hills of Kisco, New York (which he called "the scorpion house"), where he lived with his classmate, the opera writer g.c. menot-ti (1911).Here barber wrote the ballet "Medea" (formerly "snake and scorpion heart") and "bE tuned for piano sonata."
After the 1950s, barber shifted his focus to opera and vocal music, and the only instrumental work he wrote after that was "the piano concerto" (1962), which schoenberg compared to prokofiev's piano work and which won a Pulitzer prize.Barber's first opera, vannesar, was written in 1957 by menotti.Popular in New York, it is the only American opera performed by the metropolitan for three consecutive seasons, and the first American opera performed at the salzburg festival in Austria.It won barber the Pulitzer prize for music, and critics at the time even said it proved that "an American composer with a thorough knowledge and sensibility of the great international operatic tradition was capable of producing something close to excellence in the genre."Another of barber's operas, Antony and cleopatra (1965-66), was written in response to the Metropolitan Opera and is based on a play of the same name by Shakespeare.The opera was a failure for critics and audiences because of its fussy costumes, cumbersome sets and other problems with the production.
Today's video: 1. Simon rutter conducts the Berlin philharmonic for barber's "string adagio."

   西蒙·拉特尔爵士在指挥中(Sir Simon Rattle )      
  西蒙·拉特尔(Simon Rattle),1955年1月19日出生于英国利物浦,英国指挥家。
1970年,与利物浦皇家爱乐乐团合作,举行了首场交响音乐会。1971年,进入伦敦皇家音乐学院学习指挥 。1974年,在英国伯恩茅茨举行的约翰·普莱尔国际指挥比赛中获得冠军,奠定职业指挥家的基础。1979年迎来事业转折,受聘担任伯明翰市立交响乐团的常任指挥 。1981年,被洛杉矶爱乐乐团聘为首席客座指挥。1987年,与伯明翰市立交响乐团合作录制马勒《第二交响曲》,并于同年首次执棒柏林爱乐乐团。1993年,被英国政府、《留声机》杂志授予年度艺术家称号。1994年,被英国女王授予爵士头衔 。1997年,被BBC音乐杂志授予“最佳音乐家成就奖”。1999年,与维也纳爱乐乐团合作的《贝多芬钢琴协奏曲全集》获法国唱片大奖。2000年,联合国教科文组织将他选为“和平艺术家” 。
2002年,正式成为柏林爱乐乐团的首席指挥 。2003年,当选为德国古典回声奖“年度最佳指挥” 。2009年,开始推广柏林爱乐的“数字音乐厅”;同年,荣获格莱美“最佳合唱表演奖” 。2012年,被列入《留声机》杂志“名人堂”名单。2017年,出任伦敦交响乐团音乐总监 。
  Simon Rattle was born on January 19, 1955 in Liverpool, England.
In 1970, in collaboration with the Liverpool royal philharmonic orchestra, the first symphony concert was held.In 1971, he entered the royal college of music in London to study conducting.In 1974, he became a professional conductor by winning the John pryor international conductor competition in bournemouth, England.1979 marked a turning point in his career when he was appointed permanent conductor of the Birmingham city symphony orchestra.In 1981, he was hired as principal guest conductor by the Los Angeles philharmonic orchestra.In 1987, he recorded mahler's second symphony with the Birmingham city symphony orchestra and made his Berlin philharmonic debut in the same year.In 1993, he was named artist of the year by the British government and gramophone magazine.He was knighted by the queen of England in 1994.In 1997, he was awarded the "best musician achievement award" by BBC music magazine.In 1999, the complete works of Beethoven's piano concerto with the Vienna philharmonic orchestra won the French recording award.In 2000, UNESCO selected him as an "artist of peace".
In 2002, he became the principal conductor of the Berlin philharmonic orchestra.In 2003, he was named conductor of the year by the German classical echo award.In 2009, it began to promote the Berlin philharmonic's "digital concert hall";In the same year, he won the grammy award for best chorus performance.In 2012, he was inducted into the gramophone magazine's hall of fame.In 2017, he became music director of the London symphony orchestra.



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