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                                         田润德 编译 文/图 2020-03-24  19:36



  恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados 1867-1916)      

伊曼纽尔·罗斯费勒(Emmanuel Rossfelder)演奏《安达卢西亚》

  Andaluza Danse Espagnole No.5 - Enrique Granados by Emmanuel Rossfelder      

1916年3月24日,朗朗白昼,福克斯通和迪耶普之间的英吉利海峡,当德国潜艇击沉英国汽船“苏塞克斯”号时,中立的西班牙作曲家恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados)溺水身亡。
今日视频:1、吉他演奏大师伊曼纽尔·罗斯费勒演奏《安达卢西亚》;2、 西班牙钢琴家
拉罗查演奏格拉纳多斯 《戈雅画景》《少女与夜莺》。3、神的颤音——塞戈维亚演奏格拉纳多斯 《G大调舞曲》。

  Today in the history of music
On March 24, 1916, in the English channel between fawcton and dieppe, Enrique Granados, a neutral Spanish composer, drowned when a German submarine sank the British steamship Sussex in the middle of the day.
That day, during the first world war, granados was invited to the Metropolitan Opera in New York to perform his two-act opera "goyeskas." without exception, he took his wife with him.He was so successful in the United States that they were invited to perform at the White House.At the beginning of march, they boarded a ship on their way home. On the 24th of march, when their ship was in the English channel, there was a loud crash.The granados and the other passengers were plunged into the icy water, fighting with all their might against the water that had swallowed the ship.Later, granados was first rescued on the lifeboat, but he saw his beloved wife sinking in the waves, desperate to jump back into the sea to save his wife, he had to swim to her side, but was far away from the lifeboat.The two men were seen being carried into the depths of the ocean in close embrace.
Granados and his wife are a loving couple, people say that the musician schumann and his wife Clara is a pair of most loving couple, in fact, the Spanish composer granados and his wife's family life of love and harmony as schumann and his wife.They had three sons and three daughters, and the couple often traveled together to perform, and their sad ending confirmed their love.
Today's video: 1. Guitar master Emmanuel rosferrer playing "Andalusia";2. Spanish pianist la rocha plays granados's goya landscape and the girl and the nightingale.3. The trills of god -- segovia playing granados' dance in G major.

  恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados),西班牙作曲家及钢琴家。
1880年在普霍尔学院继续跟Joan Baptista Pujol学习钢琴。三年后,在学院主办的钢琴大赛上演奏了舒曼的钢琴奏鸣曲op.22,16岁的格拉纳多斯获得了大奖,并给当时著名的作曲家费利佩·佩德雷尔留下了深刻的印象。1884年,佩德雷尔开始向格拉纳多斯教授和声及作曲技法。
1887年,格拉纳多斯去巴黎音乐学院跟当时著名的钢琴教授查尔斯·贝里奥(Charles de Bériot)学习,并在钢琴演奏技巧上受到贝里奥的影响很深。贝里奥强调演奏中的即兴发挥,从而极大的激发了格拉纳多斯的潜在的才
格拉纳多斯作为演奏家曾多次在西班牙、法国、及纽约举办音乐会,并与许多音乐家诸如阿尔贝尼茨、卡萨尔斯、小提琴演奏家尤金·伊萨伊、雅克·蒂博,钢琴演奏家霍斯索夫斯基、圣-桑等合作。他曾在美国举办多场音乐会,录制唱片,并在华盛顿白宫演奏。作为一名作曲家,他创作的作品范围包括室内乐、声乐、歌剧、交响诗以及钢琴作品等。同时,格拉纳多斯还是一名卓越的音乐教育家。1900年创办了巴塞罗那古典音乐协会。1901年,创立了格拉纳多斯音乐学院,并亲自主持教务直至去世,培养了许多著名的音乐家如Paquita Madriguera, Conchita Badia,Frank Marshall等。
  恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados)和夫人      
  Pantaléon Enrique Costanzo Granados y Campiña was one of the greatest pianists and composers of the Romantic period who worked in the tradition of Catalan and Spanish folk style.
Born in 1867 in Lérida, near Barcelona, to a Cuban father and a Galician mother, Granados demonstrated great musical talent at a very early age, spending his childhood in practice with an Army bandmaster.
Still a boy, Granados moved to Barcelona and enrolled at the music school of La Mercé. In 1887 he moved to Paris, where he studied with Charles de Bériot.
He spent decades building a dual career as pianist and composer, forming successful piano trios with Belgian violinist Mathieu Crickboom and the young cellist Pablo Casals. Granados also performed many chamber music concerts with other musicians of the likes of Jacques Thibaud, Emil von Sauer, and Camille Saint-Saens.
He also painted quite well, being greatly influenced by Francisco Goya, the fact reflected clearly in his style. Granados' appreciation of Goya didn't end there: his most famed piano suite Goyescas is a set of six pieces based on the great master's paintings.
Many of Granados' piano compositions have been transcribed for the classical guitar. Watch Julian Bream plays Andaluza from Danzas españolas Set:
  At 2:50 p.m. on March 24, 1916, Sussex, an unarmed ferry carrying civilian passengers and mail across the English Channel, was torpedoed without warning by the German U-boat U-29, fresh from sinking four British, French, and neutral merchant ships over the previous five days. Although the explosion split the ship in half and the bow sank, the rest of the Sussex didn’t sink, and was later towed to safety and repaired.      
  Of her roughly 380 passengers and crew, around 50 died in the attack or drowned afterward, partly due to mishaps when deploying the lifeboats; the rest were rescued after drifting in one of the watertight hulks for nine hours.      
  A survivor reported that Granados was safe in a lifeboat when he saw his wife struggling in the water. He jumped in to help her, and they both drowned.
Shortly before he died Granados had written to a friend:
"I have a whole world of ideas. I am only now starting my work."
  拉罗查演奏 格拉纳多斯 戈雅画景-少女与夜莺      
  阿利西亚·德·拉罗查(Alicia de Larrocha,1923-2009,9,25),西班牙女钢琴家。      
  Alicia DE Larrocha (1923-2009,9,25) was a Spanish pianist.      
  伊曼纽尔·罗斯费勒(Emmanuel Rossfelder)      
在阿维尼翁的歌剧院大厅,维希,斯特拉斯堡,著名的音乐厅,萨尔瓦多,在巴黎,音乐的节日在瓦兹河畔奥维尔,离住的节日Belrioz, Chaise-Dieu, la Vezere,年轻的独奏者的节日,卢瓦尔河畔叙利;和兰斯,费城和国际出现在波士顿、纽约和洛杉矶。

伊曼纽尔被公认为是一位不断崛起的音乐会演奏家,他获得了由阿达米颁发的natexis findaiton、‘发现’、‘古典狂欢’等奖,并于2004年获得了‘古典音乐胜利’、‘年度乐器独奏者’等奖

  Emmanuel Rossfelder began studying guitar at the age of 5 at 14, he won the Gold Medal at the conservatory of music in Aix-en-Provence, and became one of a select group studying under Alexandre Lagoya at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique of Paris.
He then began entering international competitions and won numerous prizes, including :
« Masters of the guitar » in Paris, the Pierre Salvi Award, delivered by the French Minister of Culture, the Stotsenberg prize (USA), Walcourt (Beligium), Benicasim (Spain), Vina del Mar (Chile).
But Emmanuel’s real passion has been a desire to make contact with his listeners, his wish to have audiences discover the range and capacity of the guitar.
These have led him to perform at the great venues in France and internationally :
At the Opera Halls in Avignon, Vichy, and Strassbourg, the famous concert halls, Salle Gaveau and Salle Cortot, in Paris, the festival of music in Auvers-sur-Oise, the Festival of Belrioz, of Chaise-Dieu, of la Vézère, the Festival of Young Soloists, of Sully-sur-Loire and Reims, and international appearances in Boston, New York Philadelphia and Los Angeles…
He has also performed as soloist with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Radio-France and with the Orchestras in Cannes, Nices, Avergne, Perrugia, la Scala in Milan, the Landmarks Orchestra in Boston, the Baltic Chamber Orchestra…
Recognized as a rising concert performer, Emmanuel, has received prizes from the Natexis Foundaiton, « Discovery » Classica, « Classical Revelantion» given by Adami, and in 2004 won the award «Classical Music Victories » in the category « Instrumental Soloist of the Year »
  安德烈斯·塞戈维亚(Andres Segovia 1893-1987)      
1924年4月7日塞戈维亚在巴黎音乐学院的音乐厅举行了在巴黎第一次的独奏音乐会。当时,法国作曲家杜卡和西班牙作曲家法雅以及德彪西夫人等都到场欣赏。这次音乐会使塞戈维亚在国际乐坛上一举成名。当时的评论写道:“塞戈维亚为音乐公众发现了吉他!”法国著名作曲家鲁塞尔(Albert Roussel,1869-1937)深受感动,于是翌年创作吉他独奏曲《塞戈维亚》(作品29),并将该乐曲题献给塞戈维亚。到巴黎之后,塞戈维亚与巴西作曲家维拉-罗勃斯结成知交。同时也跟墨西哥作曲家曼努埃尔.庞塞、西班牙作曲家托罗巴等作曲家相识。为了丰富吉他音乐的曲目,从这个时期起,塞戈维亚经常约请作曲家创作吉他乐曲。其中包括庞塞的《古典奏鸣曲》、《浪漫风格奏鸣曲》,泰代斯科的《卡伐帝那组曲》 、罗德里戈的《阿兰胡埃斯吉他协奏曲》等。与这同时,他自己也亲自动手创作 《练习曲集(每日的功课)》等几首吉他曲,并且发掘巴赫的鲁特琴乐曲,把古今的乐曲改编成为吉他曲向听众推广。由他改编的吉他曲,有一百五十首以上
  Segovia gave his first recital at the center for the arts in granada in 1908.In 1912, he came to Madrid, the capital of Spain, and received a guitar instrument from the famous artist Noel ramirez.In 1915, in palencia, he met and was deeply influenced by Leo bette, the high and leading guitarist of tarrega.Together they went to Barcelona, where they performed as many as fifteen times in 1916.The following year, he performed several concerts in Madrid and also in the south of France.First tour to South America in 1919.In 1922 he performed at an art festival in granada organized by the Spanish composer faya.
On April 7, 1924, segovia gave his first recital in Paris at the concert hall of the Paris conservatory.At that time, the French composer duca and Spanish composer faye and madame Debussy were present to appreciate.The concert made segovia famous on the international music scene."Segovia discovered the guitar for the music public!" the review read at the time.The famous French composer Albert Roussel (1869-1937) was so moved that he dedicated his guitar solo segovia (op.29) to segovia the following year.After arriving in Paris, segovia befriended the Brazilian composer vera robbs.He was also acquainted with Mexican composer Manuel Ponce and Spanish composer toroba.In order to enrich the repertoire of guitar music, segovia often invited composers to compose guitar music from this period.Among them are Ponce's classical sonata, romantic style sonata, tedesco's cavatina suite, rodrigo's alain huis guitar concerto and so on.At the same time, he also created several guitar songs by himself, such as "practice collection (daily lessons)", and explored Bach's lute music, and adapted ancient and modern music into guitar songs for the audience.He has composed more than 150 guitar songs.




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