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                                       田润德   编译 文/图 2020-03-20  19:36



  亚历山大・斯克里亚宾(Alexander Scriabin,1872-1915)      



亚历山大・斯克里亚宾(Alexander Scriabin,1872-1915)俄罗斯作曲家,钢琴家,神秘主义者。出生在莫斯科的一个贵族家庭。他的母亲在他1岁的时候患肺结核不幸去世。他的父亲因公远赴土耳其,把尚在襁褓之中的斯克里亚宾留给了他的祖母和他父亲的姑妈。早年在军事学院受训,不久就抛弃军人事业,改学音乐。他先跟随尼古拉·兹维列夫学习钢琴,当时拉赫玛尼诺夫也是兹维列夫的学生。后进入莫斯科音乐学院,随瓦西里·伊里奇·萨夫诺夫学习钢琴,随安东·阿连斯基以及谢尔盖·塔涅耶夫学习作曲和乐理。早期的斯克里亚宾对尼采的超人理论很感兴趣,后期又转向通神论,他的音乐作品和音乐观念深受这两者的影响。定居布鲁塞尔期间,开始关注代尔维尔的神智学者运动,去世前一直在策划一个多媒体作品“天启秘境”,并准备在喜马拉雅山上表演,认为这样可以开启世界末日。忧郁症困扰了斯克里亚宾一生,最终他在莫斯科去世,死因是割破嘴唇的伤口导致了败血病。这位伟大的音乐家短暂的生命只在人世间停留了四十三年,但他留给后人的音乐财富却是永存的。

今日视频:1、克劳迪奥·阿巴多指挥普罗米修斯神话音乐作品;2、尼尔森斯指挥RCO皇家音乐厅管弦乐团 《普罗米修斯之夜》
  亚历山大・斯克里亚宾(Alexander Scriabin )      
  Today in the history of music
"Prometheus" premiered by scriabin on March 20, 1915.
Prometheus was the son of the Titan of Greek mythology, who stole fire from heaven and sent it to men on earth who lived in darkness and cold.Punished by Zeus, he was chained to a rock in the Caucasus and ordered a vulture to eat his heart and liver. Hercules rescued him.
Prometheus is the symbol of the hero. His heroic deeds have been cited by many composers as the subject of musical works.In 1880, Beethoven wrote two ACTS of ballet in the name of "Prometheus' creation". In this ballet, Prometheus also became the founder of "art center". He taught music, tragedy, comedy, song and dance courses in the middle of Greece on mount banassas, where the god of art Apollo took charge.The prologue to the dance drama is famous and is always a famous song at the concert.Liszt also wrote in the name of "Prometheus" symphonic poem, tower, wrote "Prometheus" chorus, Franz Schubert and Wolf who wrote entitled "Prometheus" songs, one of the most interesting or Russian composer scriabin, he wrote the symphonic poem "Prometheus", is designed and invented the "color keyboard" organ, in various colours, to assist in music, performance legend mysterious myriad world.
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) Russian composer, pianist, and mystic.Born in Moscow to a noble family.His mother died of tuberculosis when he was one year old.His father traveled to Turkey on business, leaving scriabin, still an infant, to his grandmother and his father's aunt.Trained at a military academy in his early years, he soon abandoned his military career for music.He first learned the piano from nikolai zvilev, of whom rachmaninoff was a student.He entered the Moscow conservatory of music, where he studied piano with vasily ilyich safnov and composition and music theory with Anton alenski and sergei taniyev.Early scriabin was interested in Nietzsche's theory of superman, and later he turned to theosophy. His musical works and musical ideas were deeply influenced by both.While living in Brussels, he began to pay attention to the theosophist movement in delwell. Before his death, he had been planning a multimedia work, "the secret world of the apocalypse", which he planned to perform on the Himalayas, believing that it would start the end of the world.Depression plagued scriabin throughout his life, and he eventually died in Moscow from septicemia caused by a cut on his lip.The short life of this great musician lasted only forty-three years on earth, but his musical legacy endures.
Today's video: 1. Claudio abaddo conducting Prometheus' mythological music; 2. Nelson conducts "Prometheus night" with the RCO royal hall orchestra.

  亚历山大・斯克里亚宾(Alexander Scriabin)在莫斯科的博物馆      
  作曲家亚历山大·尼古拉耶维奇·斯克里亚宾(Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin)是梦想建立这种“声色”联系的音乐家之一。他的听觉是彩色的,也就是说,他能感知某种颜色的音调。特别是C主要用红色,G大调的橙色和粉色,D主要用黄色,绿色,E和B主要在blue-whitish颜色,升f major-bright蓝色,升C主要——紫,一个平面主要——紫萝兰、降E大调和B平面主要——钢铁与金属光泽,和f大调,深红色。

One of the musicians who dreamed of establishing such a “sound-color” connection was the composer Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin. He had a color-toned hearing, that is, he perceived tonalities in a certain color. In particular, C major in red, G major in orange and pink, D major in yellow, A major in green, E major and B major both in blue-whitish color, F-sharp major-bright blue, C-sharp major – violet, A-flat major – purple-violet, E-flat major and B flat major – both steel with metallic luster, and F-major – dark red.

Interestingly, the first of these tones accurately repeat the colors of the rainbow, and the rest are their derivatives. In addition, the composer divided the tonality into “spiritual”: F-sharp major and “earthly”, “material”: C major, F-major. Accordingly, they were characterized by colors: red – the color of hell, blue and violet – the colors of “reason”, “spiritual” colors. Based on this color perception, A.N. Scriabin combined musical and color scores in his musical compositions. For example, in 1910, he created the first in musical art light score on the symphonic poem “Prometheus”. Along with the instrumental parts for the orchestra, he writes out a separate party of color -Luce. It reflects not only the changing of tonal complexes in large parts of the poem, but also various tonal movements around one pillar in episodes of the form.


  To color the rainbow is simple: just take the right color and draw. The main thing is to remember the sequence. Is it possible to color music sounds and, if so, what and how? What is a musical paint? What colors can correspond to this or that sound?
First of all, the musical paint is not an individual sound, but a whole sequence of sounds, in simple terms – gamma. It forms a mode, major or minor, and tonality. Even the very word “tonality” comes from the word “tone”. In music it is sound, and in painting – color.
  音乐钥匙与颜色的关联。 色彩听觉与音乐与色彩不可分割的联系      
  Associations of musical keys with colors. Color hearing and the inseparable connection of music and color      
  斯克里亚宾确信,所有的人都觉得调性和他一样,并用他所做的相同的颜色来描绘他们。 当事实证明不是这样时,他非常惊讶。 亚历山大·尼科拉耶维奇并不是唯一一位有这样一种“色彩听觉”的作曲家。 除了他之外,贝辽兹、李斯特、瓦格纳、里姆斯基-科萨科夫具有相同的听力质量。 它们的颜色和声音都有不同的相关性。 例如,Rimsky-Korsakov完全不同地“听到”了色调的颜色:c大调对他来说是白色的,g大调-棕色的,但在蓝色中,他“看到”了e大调(蓝宝石,闪亮)和e平大调(黑暗,阴郁,灰色-黑色)。      
  Scriabin was sure that all people perceive tonality the same as he did, and paint them in the same colors as he did. And he was very surprised when it turned out that it was not so. Alexander Nikolayevich was not the only composer who had such a “color hearing”. In addition to him, Berlioz, Liszt, Wagner, Rimsky-Korsakov possessed the same quality of hearing. And they all differently correlated color and sound. For example, Rimsky-Korsakov quite differently “heard” the colors of tonalities: C major for him was white, G major – brown, but in blue colors he “saw” E-major (sapphire, shining) and E flat major (dark, gloomy, gray-bluish).      
  Matching colors and tonalities according to Scriabin (‘Prometheus’)      
  A circle of fifths depicts the relationship with the visible spectrum in Scriabin’s variant of synesthesia      



Andris Nelsons Beethoven Dean Skryabin


Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Andris Nelsons (Conductor)
Håkan Hardenberger (Trumpet)
Pierre-Laurent Aimard (Piano)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)
The Creatures of Prometheus, Op. 43

Brett Dean (né en 1961)
Dramatis personae

Alexander Skryabin (1871 - 1915)
Prométhée, le poème du feu

Recording: January 17 2020 - Concertgebouw | Amsterdam
Director: Dick Kuijs

2、布雷特•迪恩(Brett Dean,1961-),澳大利亚作曲家、中提琴家、指挥家,曾在柏林爱乐乐团担任中提琴手14年。1988年开始作曲,最初专注于实验电影和广播项目,并且是即兴表演者。他的单簧管协奏曲《爱丽儿的音乐》(1995),该作品获得了联合国教科文组织国际作曲家奖; 2000年,Dean回到自己的祖国澳大利亚,专心创作音乐,现在他在墨尔本和柏林的之间从事艺术活动。 
3、斯克里亚宾第五交响曲-《普罗米修斯“火之诗”》 Op.60 


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