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                                           田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-07     16:36



  丽娜.卡瓦列尔丽(Lina Cavalieri,1874——1944      
  美丽到让人忘记歌声的绝世尤物Lina Cavalieri      
1944年2月7日,丽娜.卡瓦列尔丽(Lina Cavalieri)罗马歌剧院的票房红人、女神剧院的艺术家、大都会歌剧院和科文特花园剧院的明星女高音,因为想抢救自己价值300万的珠宝而冒险离开弗洛伦萨的防空洞,结果死于盟军轰炸。

丽娜.卡瓦列尔丽(Lina Cavalieri,1874——1944)意大利歌剧女高音歌唱家,女演员和歌剧歌唱家,在当时被称为“世界上最美丽的女人”,或“地球上的维纳斯”。
 她年轻的时候就去了法国巴黎,在那里她获得了该市一位咖啡厅音乐会歌手的工作。从那里她在欧洲各地的各种音乐厅和其他类似场所演出,同时仍在努力提高自己的声音。 1900年,她嫁给了第一任丈夫,俄罗斯王子亚历山大·巴列廷斯基(Alexandre Bariatinsky)。 1904年,她在蒙特卡洛歌剧院演唱,然后于1905年在巴黎的莎拉·伯恩哈特剧院(Sarah Bernhardt Theatre)演唱,卡瓦列里在翁贝托·佐丹奴歌剧《费朵拉》中与恩里科·卡鲁索对映。 1906年12月5日,她和卡鲁索将歌剧带到纽约,并在大都会歌剧院首次亮相。
 她的第一次婚姻很长一段时间,她与阿斯特(Astor)家族和达德利·温思罗普(Dudley–Winthrop)家族的成员罗伯特·温思罗普·钱勒(Robert Winthrop Chanler,1872-1930年)发生了一场旋风般的恋情。他们于1910年6月18日结婚,但在蜜月期结束时分居,离婚于1912年6月成为终局。离婚后, 卡瓦列尔丽回到欧洲,在那里她成为革命前的圣彼得堡最受欢迎的明星,在乌克兰她于1913年与法国男高音露西恩·穆拉托(Lucien Muratore)结婚。
 从舞台上退休后,卡瓦列尔丽(Cavalieri)在巴黎开了一家美容院。 1914年,她在《女性》杂志上撰写了有关女性化妆的建议专栏,并出版了《我的美的秘密》一书。在巴黎的Beauté学院,她获得了巴黎Parfums Isabey的许可,不仅销售Isabey香水,而且在1926年开发了一系列美容产品,并于同年推出了她自己的香水,显然是受达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的蒙娜丽莎(Mona Lisa)的启发,她称之为“蒙娜(Mona)”丽娜。
 与她的第四任丈夫保罗·阿凡尼(Paolo d’Arvanni)结婚后,她回到意大利与他住在一起。第二次世界大战爆发时,她已经六十多岁了,但是她还是一名志愿护士。卡瓦列尔丽(Cavalieri)在1944年2月8日的一次盟军轰炸突袭中被杀,炸毁了她在佛罗伦萨Poggio Imperiale附近的家,在那里她由于外籍丈夫而受到警方监视。

今日视频:“世界上最美丽的女人”丽娜.卡瓦列尔丽演唱的歌曲 。


  Music history of today      

February 7, 1944, Lina Lina Cavalieri, the box office star of the Roman Opera House, the artist of the Goddess Theatre, the star soprano of the Metropolitan Opera House and the Covent Garden Theatre, risked leaving the air raid shelter in Florence because she wanted to save her jewelry worth 3 million yuan, and died in the Allied bombing.

Italian opera soprano singer, actress, and monologist, in her time referred to as the "world's most beautiful woman."

She lost her parents at the age of fifteen and became a ward of the state, sent to live in a Roman Catholic orphanage. The vivacious young girl was unhappy under the strict discipline of the nuns, and at the first opportunity she ran away with a touring theatrical group.

At a young age, she made her way to Paris, France, where she obtained work as a singer at one of the city's café-concerts. From there she performed at a variety of music halls and other such venues around Europe, while still working to develop her voice. In 1900, she married her first husband, the Russian Prince Alexandre Bariatinsky. In 1904, she sang at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo then in 1905, at the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre in Paris, Cavalieri starred opposite Enrico Caruso in the Umberto Giordano opera Fedora. From there, she and Caruso took the opera to New York City, debuting with it at the Metropolitan Opera on 5 December 1906.

Cavalieri remained with the Metropolitan Opera for the next two seasons, performing again with Caruso in 1907, in Puccini's Manon Lescaut. Renowned as much for her great beauty as for her singing voice (and acting ability), she became one of the most photographed stars of her time.

Her first marriage long over, she had a whirlwind romance with Robert Winthrop Chanler (1872–1930), a member of the Astor family and Dudley–Winthrop family. They married on 18 June 1910 but separated by the end of their honeymoon, and their divorce became final in June 1912. After the divorce, Cavalieri returned to Europe where she became a much-loved star in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg, Russia, and in Ukraine. She married French tenor Lucien Muratore in 1913.

After retiring from the stage, Cavalieri ran a cosmetic salon in Paris. In 1914, she wrote an advice column on make-up for women in Femina magazine and published a book, My Secrets of Beauty. In her parisian Institut de Beauté, she licensed Parfums Isabey Paris and not only sold Isabey perfumes but developed in 1926 a range of beauty products and launched the same year her own perfume, apparently inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which she called 'Mona Lina.'

In 1915, she returned to Italy to make motion pictures. When that country became involved in World War I, she went to the United States where she made four more silent films. The last three of her films were the product of her friend, the Belgian film director Edward José. Almost all of her films are considered lost films.

After marrying her fourth husband Paolo d’Arvanni, she returned to live with him in Italy. Well into her sixties when World War II began, she nevertheless worked as a volunteer nurse. Cavalieri was killed on 8 February 1944 during an Allied bombing raid that destroyed her home in Florence near Poggio Imperiale, where she was placed under police surveillance because of her foreign husband.

  You know Lina Cavalieri s face because the headstrong artist, Piero Fornasetti, fell in love with her flawlessness. Fornasetti would spend hours looking through old magazines and books. He stopped flipping when he discovered photos of The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. Lina had died 8 years prior. Her oddly inexpressive stare and flawless complexion bewitched him.      
  Beauty Culture
Frequently described as the ‘world’s most beautiful woman’, or ‘Venus on earth’, Cavalieri capitalised on her beauty and notoriety in a number of ways that give her a place in the history of Beauty Culture.
First, between 1909 and 1914, she put her name to hundreds of beauty articles published in American newspapers under the general heading ‘My Secrets of Beauty’. I doubt they were written solely or largely by her.

  1919年,丽娜·卡瓦列尔丽和她的第三任丈夫,歌剧男高音和电影演员卢西安·穆拉托雷[1876-1954]。由于她的 个子高,这对夫妇的照片不得不被摆拍。      
  1919 Lina Cavalieri and her third husband, the operatic tenor and film actor, Lucien Muratore [1876-1954]. Photographs of the pair had to be staged as she was taller.      

丽娜·卡瓦列尔丽 的美丽文化产业——美容学

  In 1928, the client entered the Lena Cavalleri Institute of Beauty and Hairstyles. The plush interior has been described as beautifully decorated in green and gold ivory ornaments, with yellow silk curtains and grey-yellow velvet cushions dotted with antique prints and porcelain vases.      


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