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                                          田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-24  16:36



  路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven 1770—1827      


  Wellingtons sieg, ober Die Schlacht bei Vittoria是1813年为庆祝英国摄政王腓特烈率领军队击溃拿破仑所做,



1823年2月24日,贝多芬写信给英王乔治四世:“早在1813年,鄙人在旅居维也纳的英国公民的数次要求下,斗胆将作品《威灵顿的胜利》(Wellington's Victory)寄给陛下您.....时隔多年,鄙人仍心怀希望,陛下您能否慈悲地令我知晓作品是否安全抵达.....”

路德维希·凡·贝多芬1770年12月1 6日出生在德国国波恩的一个音乐世家。他的祖父路德维希(1712~1773)曾任皇家宫廷乐长,父亲约翰(1740~1792)是宫廷男高音歌手,母亲玛丽亚·玛格达勒娜(1746~1787)是宫廷厨师的女儿。贝多芬童年非常不幸,他的父亲是一个极为残暴的酒鬼,他剥夺了小贝多芬学习、休息与娱乐的时间,让年仅4岁的贝多芬一天到晚没完没了地练习钢琴和小提琴。他的父亲期望儿子能成为一名像莫扎特那样的神童轰动世界,成为摇钱树。贝多芬的母亲天性过于柔弱,面对凶狠的丈折磨儿子,毫无办法。


战争交响曲”《威灵顿的胜利》。2、 瓦伦蒂娜·莉莎演奏贝多芬的《 月光奏鸣曲》。

  路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven )      
  Today in music history
On 24 February 1823, Beethoven wrote to king George iv: "as early as 1813, at the request of several British citizens living in Vienna, I had the courage to send to your majesty Wellington's Victory...After so many years, I still hope that your majesty will kindly let me know whether the work has arrived safely..."
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770, into a musical family.His grandfather Ludwig (1712-1773) was a royal court musician, his father John (1740-1792) was a court tenor, and his mother maria magdalena (1746-1787) was the daughter of a court cook.Beethoven had a very unhappy childhood. His father was a very violent drunkard. He deprived Beethoven of time for study, rest and recreation.His father expected his son to become a child prodigy like Mozart, a world sensation and a cash cow.Beethoven's mother nature is too weak, in the face of fierce zhang torture son, no way.
The unhappy childhood life shaped Beethoven's deep, introverted and stubborn character and cultivated his rebellious spirit.He was always silent, sitting in front of the piano for a long time, tirelessly playing, practicing...Full of tears, but never let it flow down.
In addition to his deafness, he had had chronic rheumatism and mucositis for a long time;In the winter of 1816, he contracted bronchitis and then lung disease;Jaundice in 1821;In 1825 he contracted severe enteritis and hepatitis...At the side of the sick, another, fiercer and more familiar enemy strikes again-poverty!
Although the congress of Vienna in 1814 had brought him considerable income, his poor knowledge of life, his generosity to poor friends, his attempts by the cook to make a fool of him, and, above all, his nephew Karl, had led to his financial difficulties.
Success did not bring Beethoven any material benefits, he was poor and ill, embarrassed.But he was old, and diseases came on him.He had undergone four major operations in a short space of two months, and not only was he completely broken down, but he was nearly penniless financially.
On the afternoon of March 26, 1827, thunderous thunder rolled, and lightning tore the vast expanse of the sky!Beethoven closed his eyes forever in his sleep.
Due to the misfortune of his family, Beethoven took on the burden of life too early. He dropped out of school at the age of 11 and joined the theater band.
In 1787, Beethoven went to Vienna with a desire for knowledge and a vision of the future.Unfortunately, his studies in Vienna were soon interrupted when his mother became seriously ill and Beethoven returned to Bonn.Soon after his mother died, Beethoven lost the only family in his heart.Excessive grief led to a series of serious illnesses, one of which was smallpox, which permanently ruined his appearance.
In 1789, the bourgeois democratic revolution broke out in France, and the storm soon swept through Europe.At the time, Beethoven was a 19-year-old student in the philosophy department of the university of Bonn. The news of the victory of the great revolution was greeted with cheers on the campus and in the society.These vibrant new things are so full of vitality, to the young Beethoven laid a deep imprint, until his life.
In 1792, with Haydn's support and encouragement, Beethoven said goodbye to Bonn at the age of 22 and came to Vienna, the capital of music.With great piano skills and musical talent, as well as being a famous student of Haydn's, and as a musician to the uncle of the emperor Franz, he immediately won the warm reception of Vienna's high society.He began to have extensive contacts with the nobles. He was well dressed and fond of dancing.
The reality, however, is grim.Beethoven gradually found that the aristocratic society did not treat him equally, the fantasy of hot love was also repeatedly met with a wall, the desire to make a living on their own artistic creation in the publisher's cruel exploitation on the verge of disillusionment...He began to be dissatisfied with the reality, but the merciless fate is partial to play a trick on him, deliberately chose the musician the most vulnerable vital parts to strike, his hearing gradually lost.
Beethoven hid his disability for a long time, afraid and unwilling to admit the brutal truth.In 1802, an even greater blow came to him -- his beloved noble Juliet had deserted him!In great depression, Beethoven wrote the last words of "heiligenstadt" on the outskirts of Vienna, intending to commit suicide.The strange thing is that this was when he was writing his most brilliant symphony no. 2 in D major, and it was the art, the great art of music, that saved him!It was mission, divine mission that pulled him back from the brink of death!He overcame his own pain.In the years that followed, he became aware that he had no hope of becoming a great performer and devoted himself mainly to creation.
In the spring of 1814, an anti-french coalition captured Paris, forcing the restoration of napoleon to abdicate.Beethoven, who had been disdainful of the powerful, suddenly became an official musician.Many of his old works have been honoured with performances, new ones have been booked, splendid receptions have been held, money has poured in...However, Beethoven is no longer the young man he was 22 years ago when he first arrived in Vienna.
Beethoven's creative activities continued for 35 years, he in order to achieve the perfect state, the unremitting efforts.
Today's video: 1. "victory of Wellington", Beethoven's "war symphony" dedicated to king George iv.2. Valentina lisa plays Beethoven's moonlight sonata.


贝多芬月光奏鸣曲一二乐章 Valentina Lisitsa

  瓦伦蒂娜·莉莎(Valentina Lisitsa)      

  Valentina Lisitsa is a Ukrainian-born classical pianist. Born into a family of non-musicians in Kiev, Ukraine, she started playing piano at the age of three, performing her first solo recital only a year later. Despite her early disposition to music, her dream at that point was to become a professional chess player.
With more than 200 million YouTube views and some 500,000 subscribers to her channel, Valentina Lisitsa is one of the most watched classical musicians on the internet, using digital innovation to champion classical music and performance.



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