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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-23  16:36



  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar 1857—1934)      

【大协】杜普雷演奏 埃尔加E小调大提琴协奏曲

  Jacqueline du Pré and the Elgar Cello Concerto      

1934年2月23日,早晨7点半刚过不久,77岁的埃尔加爵士在沃切斯特逝世。当天稍晚的时候,在BBC的《一个男孩的诞生》(A boy was Born)在排练中,本杰明·布里顿(Benjamin Britten)结识了未来的终身伴侣彼得·皮尔斯(Perer pears)

爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar,1857年6月2日—1934年2月23日),出生于伍斯特郡英国作曲家

阿布拉米演奏埃尔加小提琴曲《 爱的致意》。

  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar )      
  爱德华·埃尔加(Edward Elgar,1857年-1934年),英国作曲家、指挥家,1857年6月2日在伍斯特郡莫尔文希尔斯区布罗德希思出生。他父亲是一个乐器店店主兼圣乔治教堂管风琴乐手。埃尔加成长在浓厚的音乐环境中。但主要靠自学,15岁的时候他想去德国莱比锡留学学习音乐,但是由于经费不够,只好在他父亲的商店工作,并参加了社区的一个音乐俱乐部,在乐队里当小提琴乐手。1885年继承父职任教堂管风琴师。在他29岁的时候,他认识了大他8岁的前市长亨利·罗伯兹爵士的女儿爱丽丝,3年之后两人结婚。在妻子的鼓励和疏通下,埃尔加集中精力进行音乐创作,1890年,以序曲《弗鲁瓦萨尔》引起人们的注意。并搬到伦敦发展,进入音乐圈子。但是初期并不成功。不久因为健康原因又返回家乡。
直到埃尔加将近40岁的时候,他才有了一些作曲家的名气。他为地方音乐节谱写音乐,并逐渐被人重视。1899年在他42岁的时候,他的第一部交响乐作品《谜语变奏曲》获得出版,并在伦敦由德国指挥家Hans Richter指挥首演,获得成功。1900年他又创作了清唱剧《杰龙修斯之梦》(根据红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的诗词谱曲)。这两部作品被誉为英国音乐开始复兴的标志。1901年他创作了他的5首《威仪堂堂进行曲》的第一首(最后一首创作于1930年),好评如潮,英国国王和王后也出席他的音乐会。这奠定了他作为当时英国最成功作曲家的声誉。此后他又写了序曲《在伦敦城中》(1901)、清唱剧《基督使徒》(1903)和《王国》(1906)等一系列作品。1902年到1914年之间,他四次访问美国。1904年他获得爵士称号。1905年到1908年他在伯明翰大学任教。1908年他的《第一交响曲》一年之内演出了一百场。1911年他的《第二交响曲》上演,同年他获得功绩勋章,此后专注于大型器乐曲的创作。如 《小提琴协奏曲》(1910)、交响练习曲《福斯塔夫》(1913)、《大提琴协奏曲》(1919)等。1912年他又搬到伦敦居住。1920年后,由于妻子去世,很少有重要创作。1924年被封为英王御前音乐教师。1931年成为从男爵。1934年2月23日卒于伍斯特。

  Edward Elgar (1857-1934) was an English composer and conductor, born on 2 June 1857 in broadheath, malvern hills, worcestershire.His father was an instrument shop owner and organ player at st. George's church.Elga grew up in a very musical environment.When he was 15, he wanted to study music in leipzig, Germany. However, due to lack of funds, he had to work in his father's shop, join a music club in the community and play violin in the band.He succeeded his father as church organist in 1885.At the age of 29, he met Alice, the daughter of Sir Henry Roberts, a former mayor, who was eight years his senior, and they married three years later.Encouraged and channeled by his wife, elga concentrated on composing music and, in 1890, attracted people's attention with the overture flouisar.And moved to London to develop into the music scene.But it was not successful at first.Soon he returned home for health reasons.
It was not until elga was nearly 40 that he became known as a composer.He wrote music for local festivals and came to be taken seriously.In 1899, at the age of 42, his first symphonic work, variations on riddles, was published and made a successful debut in London under the direction of German conductor Hans Richter.In 1900 he wrote the oratorio the dream of jerontius (based on the poems of cardinal John Henry Newman).The two works have been hailed as the beginning of a Renaissance in British music.In 1901 he composed the first of his five grand marches (the last was written in 1930) to rave reviews, and the king and queen of England attended his concerts.This established his reputation as the most successful English composer of his time.He wrote the overture in the city of London (1901), the oratorio the apostles of Christ (1903) and the kingdom (1906).He visited the United States four times between 1902 and 1914.He was knighted in 1904.He taught at the university of Birmingham from 1905 to 1908.In 1908 his first symphony was performed a hundred times a year.His second symphony was performed in 1911, the same year he was awarded the medal of merit, and he has since concentrated on large instrumental compositions.For example, violin concerto (1910), symphony etudes Falstaff (1913), cello concerto (1919), etc.In 1912 he moved to London.After 1920, due to the death of his wife, there were few important works.In 1924 he was appointed music teacher to the king of England.He became a baronet in 1931.He died in Worcester on 23 February 1934.
  杰奎琳·杜普雷(Jacqueline Mary du Pré)      
  杰奎琳·杜普雷(Jacqueline Mary du Pré)和丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆(Daniel Barenboim)      
杰奎琳·杜普雷(Jacqueline Mary du Pré,1945年1月26日-1987年10月19日),英籍大提琴家。
五岁即展现过人禀赋。十六岁开始职业生涯,才华与年龄的落差倾倒众生;1973年,被确诊罹患多发性硬化症,遂作别舞台,卒于盛年。 鲜花与不幸是同时降临到这个原本普通的家庭的。这个为音乐而生的人,非但走不出自身人格的阴霾,还因此而侵害到至亲:对母亲从倚赖到敌视。她用的最久的一把琴叫大卫朵夫(Davidoff),它就是现在马友友用的那把,知道马友友也拉过《埃尔加e小调协奏曲》。她的故事在1998年改编为电影《无情荒地有琴天》。


杰姬出生的前一夜,是五十年来最冷的一天。当初妈妈怎么也怀不上她,弗雷泽医生给她开了一种雌激素之类的血清。注射的时候,医生打趣道:“这孩子会成为赛马冠军!” 打我记事起,妈妈就用音乐同我们姐妹俩嬉戏。一天,无线电里正在播一档介绍管弦乐器的节目。妈妈随着音乐的节奏将熨斗移来移去,杰姬也随着妈妈的动作来回摇摆着。长笛,双簧管,单簧管逐一上场,紧跟着的是小提琴。随着大提琴声飘满房间,杰姬开始安静下来,她听得出神了,跳了起来,抱住妈妈的腿说道,“妈妈,我要发出那种声音。”妈妈一阵激动。于是,在杰姬五岁生日(1950年1月)的前一晚,她悄悄在杰姬床头放了一把小一号的大提琴。第二天一早,惊喜若狂的杰姬把一家人都闹醒了,“妈妈,屋里有个庞然大物!” 学琴后不久,妈妈带她上伦敦第一次参加音乐节。妈妈用钢琴为她伴奏。她别提有多兴奋了。最后一小段结束时,妈妈正要站起来,可杰姬又开始拉了。妈妈赶快坐回去,再给她伴奏一遍。重复一次对杰姬来说还不够,她再一次拐回去从头拉,好在妈妈这回已有准备。显然,杰姬觉得演奏三遍刚刚好。观众席上爆发出一阵掌声和笑声。 杰姬对音乐的早慧令所有人吃惊。她几乎从不练琴,记谱子也不费事,再难的曲子听一遍就能凭记忆流畅地拉出来。老师比尔认定她具有一种令人费解而又永无止境的天赋。有一次在BBC电视台录节目,我们荣幸地被引见给演播室的嘉宾查尔斯王子安妮公主。查尔斯王子,当时才八岁,想玩玩杰姬的琴,说罢一下子就骑了上去,死死地抓住琴,手指在弦上上上下下地滑动着。“别这样动我的大提琴,”十二岁的杰姬说着,毫不客气地就将琴夺了回来。“它又不是一匹马!” 


爸爸叫人将第二天早晨的所有报纸都送来。《泰晤士报》的醒目标题是:“十六岁的惊人的大提琴造诣”。文章写道:用前途似锦这样的字眼来评论她的演奏几乎算得上侮辱,因为以她的幼龄,能够有如此炉火纯青的琴艺,实在是令人叹为观止。《每日邮报》说:杰奎琳·杜普雷将使英国拥有一位举世无双的大提琴家。她就是为大提琴而生。杰姬一夜成名 。
  Shari abin's trip to China
Harbin was home to many white russians, and when sharyabin arrived, the whole city was seething with excitement, especially the Russian expatriates, as if welcoming a grand festival, as if welcoming a loved one.China street (today's central street) was plastered with posters of Shari abin, and the sound of horse-drawn carriages was "da da da", and people were riding in them to Shari abin's concerts.The singer came here, as if back to Russia...
After an exciting trip to Harbin, he set off for Shanghai.Shanghai literary and art celebrities immediately held a grand and enthusiastic
Summer in the bin
Summer in the bin
The tea party welcomes the distinguished guests.Halfway through the tea party, mei lanfang stood up to apologize to the guests, said there was a performance in the evening, we need to leave early.Shariabin was very surprised and asked, "why?Are you coming to the meeting today with a performance?"He looked and sounded very uncomprehending, almost reproachful, and then added: -- it is my custom never to go to a party before a performance, and to speak as little as possible.That way, when it comes to singing, you'll be fresh and articulate."A great singer this words let mei lanfang firmly in mind, later he told the young actors to listen to this matter, and warned them must take care of their voice a hundred times.
Shariabin's performances in Harbin and Shanghai had already spread to Beijing.The singer has not yet arrived in Beijing, where the world journal has already published many articles about her and the solo concert.The average ticket price for the concert was six yuan, which was quite expensive at the time, but it was still sold out.And the xia riabin oneself by this time absolutely did not expect, at that time the youth li delun of 20 years old is only, after watching his concert is infatuated with music, devote oneself to music from now on, become the first generation of conductor master of new China later.Shari abin became li delun's first teacher.Li delun said: it is the glory of his life to have heard the song of Shari abin with his own ears.
The last city on Shari abin's China trip was tianjin.The concert venue is located in the hall of yaohua school, which is very well-equipped in the British concession area of tianjin. The performance is as grand as Beijing, and the ticket price is the same as Beijing, ranging from 5 yuan to 10 yuan.Many people from the literary and art circles and music lovers came to see it.Shen xiang and cao yu, who later became masters of art, went to listen to the recitals.Cao yu recalled: I have long been familiar with the name of xialiabin, and know that he is a good friend of gorky.When I was at nankai middle school, zhang pengchun played the volga ferryman, a recording by Shari abin, as an art appreciation class.I was very impressed.Then she went to tianjin for a solo concert, and I went to buy a ticket.His volga ferryman is deep, rich, powerful and fascinating.I've never heard anything so beautiful.Western music has had a good influence on me.


Esther Abrami   Salut d'Amour (Edward Elgar)


Salut d'Amour (Edward Elgar) - Esther Abrami and Iyad Sughayer Esther Abrami


 Edward Elgar Salut d'Amour recorded by Mill Media Co at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. _

To support my music: https://www.patreon.com/estherabrami



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