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                                         田润德 编译 文/图 2020-02-02  20:20



  弗里茨·克莱斯勒(Fritz Kreisler 1875-1962)      

克莱斯勒《中国花鼓》,文格洛夫Maxim Vengerov演奏,西方人创作的中国风音乐!

Fritz Kreisler诞生。
无独有偶,二十世纪两位小提琴大师生日都是2月2,令人不可思议?1912年10月的一天,当来自俄罗斯的11岁的小男孩海菲兹和著名的指挥家尼基什领导的柏林爱乐乐团的协奏下,以出人意料的成熟演技演奏了柴可夫斯基D大调协奏曲,在场的观众有一个蓄着小胡子,目光炯炯的中年人-克莱斯勒,这位创一代风气之先的小提琴大师怎么也按捺不住自己激动的心情,对坐在身旁的一位小提琴家津巴利斯特赞叹道:“你我也许应该怀着多么满意的心情马上砸碎自己的小提琴啊!”克莱斯勒与海菲兹,两位20世纪小提琴巨人,虽然他们分属两代人,但都是自我一代的佼佼者。他俩不仅在提琴界的地位旗鼓相当,并且两人的生日也恰恰是在同一天-2月2日! 莫非冥冥中有意在这一天来造就人间的琴圣吗?而且两人历经磨难,都参过军,都是战争的幸存者,都成为了小提琴舞台的巨星。 俗语说是龙不是虫、是虫变不了龙,也许也是应了中国二月二龙抬头的吉言,这两条巨龙都在2月2出生,所以注定后日的一飞冲天。


海菲兹演奏霍拉舞曲 [高清版]/Jascha Heifetz plays Hora Staccato

  Today in music history
Fritz Kreisler was born on February 2, 1875.
Jascha Heifetz was born on February 2, 1901.
Coincidentally, two of the great violinists of the 20th century both had birthdays on February 2nd.Day in October 1912, when the 11-year-old boy from Russia Philippine sea and the famous conductor nicky under the leadership of the Berlin philharmonic gracious, with surprisingly mature acting played Tchaikovsky in D major concerto, the presence of the audience have a wore a moustache, gazes out of the middle age - Chrysler, the endeavor and the generation of a master violinist never succumb to the excited mood, sitting on the side of a violinist almost lister praise way: "you and I may be with the feelings of how satisfied immediately smashed his violin!"Chrysler and heifetz, two of the great violins of the 20th century, are the best of my generation, though they belong to two generations.Not only do they have equal positions in the violin world, but their birthdays also happen to be on the same day -- February 2nd!Is it possible that there is a purpose to create a lute saint on this day?Both had been in the military, both had survived the war, and both had become stars on the violin stage.As the saying goes, "the dragon is not a worm, but a worm cannot change into a dragon." this may also be a response to the good news that China's two dragons raised their heads in February.
Today it's 20200202, a magic number that comes once in a blue moon.Good memory is wealth, terrible memory is also wealth, after the tang dynasty Lord li shimin cloud: "husband with copper as a mirror, can be dressed;Take history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs;People are the mirror of success and failure."Sometimes history repeats itself, or we have to remember.Taking the successes and failures in history as an example is called "taking history as a mirror".
Today's video: 1. Vingelov playing Kreisler 's "
China Flower Drum"; 2. Heifetz   Hora Stacato.
  弗里茨·克雷斯勒 哈罗德·鲍尔,帕布洛·卡萨尔斯,沃尔特·达罗斯奇在卡内基音乐厅(1904)      
  Fritz Kreisler Violinist Friedrich "Fritz" Kreisler was an Austrian-born violinist and composer. One of the most noted violin masters of his day, and regarded as one of the greatest violinists of all time, he was known for his sweet tone and expressive phrasing. Like many great violinists of his generation, he produced a characteristic sound which was immediately recognizable as his own. Although it derived in many respects from the Franco-Belgian school, his style is nonetheless reminiscent of the gemütlich lifestyle of pre-war Vienna.      
  Jascha Heifetz Violinist Jascha Heifetz was a Russian-American violinist. Many consider him the greatest violinist of all time. Born in Vilna, he moved as a teenager to the United States, where his Carnegie Hall debut was rapturously received. He was a virtuoso since childhood Fritz Kreisler, another leading violinist of the twentieth century, said on hearing Heifetz's debut, "We might as well take our fiddles and break them across our knees.      
与Victor Talking Machine Company签订独家合同的人
  Jascha Heifetz Violinist Jascha Heifetz was a Russian-American violinist. Many consider him the greatest violinist of all time. Born in Vilna, he moved as a teenager to the United States, where his Carnegie Hall debut was rapturously received. He was a virtuoso since childhood Fritz Kreisler, another leading violinist of the twentieth century, said on hearing Heifetz's debut, "We might as well take our fiddles and break them across our knees.      
  Jascha Heifetz是一位俄裔美国小提琴家。许多人认为他是有史以来最伟大的小提琴家。他出生在维尔纳,十几岁时移居美国,他在卡内基音乐厅的首演受到热烈欢迎。弗里茨·克莱斯勒是二十世纪另一位杰出的小提琴家,他从小就是一位演奏家。      



简介补充: 本视频是海菲兹1970年最后一次赴法演出时的幕后,





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