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                                    田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-3  16:36



  德理格(Pedrini Theodoricus1670-1746)      
德理格(Pedrini Theodoricus1670-1746)以罗马教皇特使多罗(Tournon,Charles Thomas Maillard de)的随员的身份来华,抵达澳门,次年1711年2月5日(康熙四十九年十二月十八日)入居北京,同年3月22日(康熙五十年二月四日)觐见康熙皇帝并受皇帝之命担任宫廷音乐教师。(这一职务因徐日升去世已经空缺三年)德理格式继徐日升之后有一位以精通音乐著名的西洋传教士,他不仅擅长乐器,精通乐理,而且还是一位作曲家。
方豪在《中国交通史》第八章“音乐”中写道:“民国二十六年,北平北堂图书馆发现德理格遗作抄本一册,凡七十八页,28.5(21CM.德理格西名为Pedrini,但抄本故意加以错综颠倒,写作NEPRIDI,抄本提名为Sonate a Violin Solo col basso del Nepridi,Opera terza Parte Prima,此抄本见北堂图书馆目录,杂文(意大利文类)第三三九七号。”此抄本的谱面以五线谱高音谱表和低音谱表记谱。高音谱表为小提琴独奏谱;低音谱表为伴奏乐器的“数字低音”谱。这个抄本上没有注明任何日期,他应当是德理格来北京的1711年至逝世的1746年创作的,或者从欧洲带来的。这是日前发现的传入中国的最早的欧洲音乐作品,它在中国小提琴艺术发展史与中西音乐交流史上都是具有重大意义的。
小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》:西崎崇子(Takako Nishizaki)、盛中国(Zhongguo Sheng)共同演绎。

  身穿清朝官服的德理格(Pedrini Theodoricus1670-1746)      
  Today in music history
On January 3, 1710 (December 4, 1708), violin music was first introduced to China.
Pedrini theodoricus 1670-1746 came to China as an attendant of Tournon (Charles Thomas Maillard DE), the special envoy of the Pope, and arrived in Macao. On February 5, 1711 (December 18, kangxi's 50th year), he arrived in Beijing.After xu risheng, there was a famous western missionary who was proficient in music. He was not only good at Musical Instruments and music theory, but also a composer.
Fang hao writes in chapter eight, "music", of the history of Chinese traffic:"26 years of the republic of China, Beijing north hall library found Richard's posthumous manuscript of a book, on page seventy-eight, 28.5 (21 cm. DE gussie called Pedrini, but codex deliberately to complex, writing NEPRIDI, codex named Sonate a Violin Solo col basso del NEPRIDI, Opera terza Parte Prima, see the codex north don the library catalog, third 397 essays (Italian)."The spectrum of this transcript is recorded by the staff treble and bass spectrum.The treble spectrum is violin solo spectrum;The bass notation is the "digital bass" of the accompanying instrument.The codex, dated nothing, was supposed to have been written between 1711, when he came to Beijing, and 1746, when he died, or from Europe.This is the earliest European musical work introduced into China, and it is of great significance in the history of the development of Chinese violin art and the communication between Chinese and western music.

Today, I would like to introduce a music open class given by the famous contemporary violinist Sheng Zhongguo on CCTV
Sheng Zhongguo(1941-2018) was a Chinese violinist.
His playing style is warm and unrestrained, sweet and delicate, full of poetic and romantic fantasy.His performance is very individual, not only outstanding skills, but also a high level of musical accomplishment, playing a very wide range of repertoire, both classical and modern classical sonatas, concertos and various periods of fine essays, but also a Chinese violin.He combines music and personal life together, and his true feelings reveal with music, full of strong artistic appeal and vitality.

盛中国与国外签有许多演出合同, 1980年,他到澳大利亚的六个城市举办了十二场音乐会,演出轰动了整个澳洲,成为中澳文化交流史上的一个里程碑; 从1987年开始,盛中国每年都去日本演出,并将演出所得的一部分捐赠给世界各国留学生作医疗基金,日本政府授予他“文化大使”的称号。由于他在中日文化交流方面做出的杰出贡献,1999年获得日本政府颁发的外务大臣表彰奖。 与此同时,他经常到国内各大学演讲,积极推动中国音乐事业的发展。
  Sheng Zhongguo's father, sheng xue, was a famous Chinese violin professor, and his mother, zhu bing, was a vocalist.They raised eleven children, ten of whom majored in music and nine of whom played the violin.Sheng is the eldest son.From a young age by Chinese and foreign music edification and strict artistic training.When he was five years old, he began to learn the piano with his father. When he was seven years old, he played it for the first time in public. When he was nine years old, wuhan people's broadcasting station recorded his solo classic works of Mozart, Beethoven, schubert and others, which were broadcast to the whole country.In 1954, he was admitted to the attached middle school of the central conservatory of music with the highest score. In 1956, at the concert to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Mozart's birth, he successfully played Mozart's violin concerto in A major with the orchestra concerto conducted by li delun.In the same year, he participated in the national music week and played ma sicong's violin concerto in F major with the orchestra of the central conservatory of music.
In 1960, he went to the Tchaikovsky conservatory of music in Moscow, the Soviet union and studied under the famous violin master Lev kogang.In 1962, he took part in the second international Tchaikovsky violin competition in Moscow and won an honorable mention.After returning to China, he cooperated with the symphony orchestra of the central orchestra and successfully played the violin concerto of China and foreign countries and performed in Australia and other countries.After returning to China in 1964, he worked as a soloist in the central orchestra.
Sheng China has signed many performance contracts with foreign countries. In 1980, he held 12 concerts in six cities in Australia, which caused a sensation in the whole country and became a milestone in the history of sino-australian cultural exchange.Since 1987, sheng has performed in Japan every year and donated part of the proceeds to the medical fund for international students. The Japanese government awarded him the title of "cultural ambassador".In 1999, he was awarded the foreign minister's award by the Japanese government for his outstanding contribution to the cultural exchanges between China and Japan.At the same time, he often gave lectures to Chinese universities and actively promoted the development of Chinese music.
On hunan TV's "the true colors of celebrities" in 2002, sheng claimed to be one of the most famous "linchuan talents".
Over the past decades, he has been invited to many countries in Asia, Europe, Oceania, South America, Hong Kong and Macao to hold recital concerts, and many times with the symphony orchestra at home and abroad and world famous conductors, musicians together with Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and other famous music.
He has recorded and released more than 10 albums, CDS and 12 cassettes at home and abroad.
  Youtube-小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》:西崎崇子(Takako Nishizaki)、盛中国(Zhongguo Sheng)      


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