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                                           田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-26  16:36



  雅克·奥芬巴赫(Jacques Offenbach,1819—1880)      



1867年1月26日,英国高级交际花科拉.帕尔( Cora Pearl)在巴黎喜歌剧院上演的奥芬巴赫(Jacques Offenbach)轻歌剧《地狱中的奥尔菲斯》(Orpheus in Underworld)中饰演丘比特。此女娇艳欲滴,以至于亲王G形容她是感官愉悦之巅。她那细弱的声音可以被那些关注她其他魅力的上流公子们所忍受,但是数日之后学生们把她轰下了台。

雅克·奥芬巴赫(Jacques Offenbach,1819年6月20日—1880年10月5日),德籍法国作曲家,代表作品有歌剧《霍夫曼的故事》、轻歌剧《地狱中的奥菲欧》《美丽的海伦》。


奥芬巴赫是一共敏锐的,有着高度批评意识的歌剧作曲家,对于那个 他所赖以生存的社会有着本质的厌恶。在他的杰作中,看似荒诞的讽刺和喜剧手法没有只停留在使人发笑的境地,而是向着更深入的解剖和分析延伸,最终以一种乐观和超脱的精神做出总结。

Salzburger Festspiele 2019 Orpheus In Der Unterwelt 在雅克·奥芬巴赫诞辰200周年之际,萨尔茨堡音乐节上演了作曲家最受欢迎的轻歌剧《地狱中的奥菲欧》。 奥菲欧的神话中,他的自信和特殊的妻子欧里迪斯是人们关注的焦点,由巴里科斯基主持。 这位德澳导演以其色彩绚丽的作品而闻名。 这一次,他创造了一个“Offenbach Panopticon”,并将观众带入一个超现实的幻想世界。 在维也纳爱乐乐团的伴奏下,Enrique Mazzola确保了合奏中的节奏和神韵。 奢华的服装和特殊的舞台设计相结合,已经成为萨尔茨堡音乐节的一个非常特别的亮点;2、音画同步:奥芬巴赫创作的美妙动人女声二重唱《船歌》。


  Today in music history
Cora, British courtesan, 26 January 1867.Cora Pearl played Cupid in Jacques Offenbach's operetta 'Orpheus in Underworld' at the opera house DE la comte in Paris.The woman was so beautiful and sensual that prince G described her as the pinnacle of sensual pleasure.Her thin voice could have been tolerated by the high society who paid attention to her other charms, but the students threw her off the stage a few days later.
Jacques Offenbach (June 20, 1819 -- October 5, 1880) was a german-french composer whose representative works include the opera "the story of hoffmann", the operetta "opio in hell" and "beautiful Helen".
Offenbach is the founder and outstanding representative of French operetta.He took to the masses the tradition of the stage, the form of the comic opera, the broadbread of the boulevard DE Paris, and the folk song of the city.
Offenbach's operetta, on the one hand, was very popular with the general audience, but some severe critics never stopped criticizing and attacking its unconventional pop style and "vulgar" gags.
Offenbach was a keen, highly critical opera composer with an essential aversion to the society in which he lived.In his masterpiece, the seemingly absurd irony and comedy technique does not stop at making people laugh, but extends to deeper anatomy and analysis, and finally concludes with an optimistic and detached spirit.
Today's video: :1. Offenbach operetta "Orfeo in Hell" 2019 Salzburg Festival
Salzburger Festspiele 2019 Orpheus In Der Unterwelt On the 200th anniversary of Jacques Offenbach's birth, the Salzburg Festival staged the composer's most popular operetta, Orpheus in Der Unterwelt. In the myth of Orfeo, his confident and special wife Eurydice is in the spotlight, hosted by Barikoski. The German-Australian director is known for his colorful work. This time, he created an "Offenbach Panopticon" and transported the viewer into a surreal fantasy world. Accompanied by the Vienna Philharmonic, Enrique Mazzola ensures rhythm and verve in the ensemble. The combination of luxurious costumes and special stage design has become a very special highlight of the Salzburg Music Festival; 2. Synchronization of sound and picture: Offenbach's beautiful and moving female duet "Boat Song".
  雅克·奥芬巴赫(Jacques Offenbach)      

他的父亲艾萨克·尤达·埃伯斯特(Isaac Juda Eberst)是科隆犹太教堂的一名唱诗班歌手,他出生在奥芬巴赫。这位父亲被称为德奥芬巴赫,人们只知道他的假名奥芬巴赫。奥芬巴赫的父亲被巴黎对犹太人更宽容的态度所吸引,在他年轻的时候带他去了那里,1833年他被巴黎音乐学院招收为大提琴学生。1844年,皈依罗马天主教后,他娶了西班牙Carlist的女儿Herminie d Alcain为妻。1849年,在喜剧歌剧的管弦乐队演奏大提琴之后,他成为法国剧院的指挥。1855年,他开了一家自己的剧院——巴黎人剧院(Bouffes-Parisiens)。1866年之前,他一直担任该剧院的导演。奥菲斯在阴间)。随后,他在德国Ems创作了轻歌剧,并在维也纳创作了歌剧芭蕾舞剧《莱茵尼克森之死》(1864年;莱茵精神)。1864年回到巴黎后,他在杂剧剧院制作了他的成功的轻歌剧《美丽的海伦》(1864)。其他成功的作品包括《巴黎人的生活》(1866年)、《格洛尔斯坦公爵夫人》(1867年)和《伯里克利霍尔》(1868年)。从1872年到1876年,他执导了《盖特剧院》,并于1874年在那里制作了改版的《奥菲奥克斯》。当时被称为歌剧feerique(一种童话般的歌剧),这次冒险在财务上失败了。1876年他到美国作了一次旅行。他把余生献给了作曲。

他唯一的大歌剧《霍夫曼传》(Les Contes d Hoffmann)在他死后仍未完成。它是由恩斯特·圭罗精心策划和提供的朗诵,他还介绍了著名的船舶从雷因尼克森。它被描述为一部幻想歌剧,1881年2月10日在喜剧歌剧院首次上演。曼努埃尔·罗森塔尔(Manuel Rosenthal)编排的奥法巴赫(奥法巴赫)音乐组曲《巴黎人》(Gaite Parisienne)仍然是一个受欢迎的管弦乐作品,也是芭蕾舞曲。奥芬巴赫以流畅、优雅的风格和高度发展的人物塑造和讽刺意识(尤其是他对神话主题的不敬)而著称;我们香榭丽舍大街上的小莫扎特称他为Gioachino Rossini。事实上,他几乎和莫扎特一样多产。他创作了100多部舞台剧,其中许多超越了主题的关联,被保留在21世纪的剧目中。

  Jacques Offenbach, original name Jacob Offenbach, (born June 20, 1819, Cologne, Prussia [Germany]—died October 5, 1880, Paris, France), composer who created a type of light burlesque French comic opera known as the opérette, which became one of the most characteristic artistic products of the period.

He was the son of a cantor at the Cologne Synagogue, Isaac Juda Eberst, who had been born at Offenbach am Main. The father was known as “Der Offenbacher,” and the composer was known only by his assumed name, Offenbach. Attracted by Paris’s more tolerant attitude toward Jews, Offenbach’s father took him there in his youth, and in 1833 he was enrolled as a cello student at the Paris Conservatoire. In 1844, having been converted to Roman Catholicism, he married Herminie d’Alcain, the daughter of a Spanish Carlist. In 1849, after playing the cello in the orchestra of the Opéra-Comique, he became conductor at the Théâtre Français. In 1855 he opened a theatre of his own, the Bouffes-Parisiens, which he directed until 1866 and where he gave many of his celebrated operettas, among them Orphée aux enfers (1858; Orpheus in the Underworld). He then produced operettas at Ems in Germany and an opéra-ballet in Vienna, Die Rheinnixen (1864; Rhine Spirits). Returning in 1864 to Paris, he produced at the Variétés his successful operetta La Belle Hélène (1864). Other successes followed, including La Vie Parisienne (1866), La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein (1867), and La Périchole (1868). From 1872 to 1876 he directed the Théâtre de la Gaîté, and in 1874 he produced there a revised version of Orphée aux enfers. Described then as an opéra-féerique (“a fairylike opera”), this venture was a financial failure. In 1876 he made a tour of the United States. The remaining years of his life were devoted to composition.

His only grand opera, Les Contes d’Hoffmann (The Tales of Hoffmann), remained unfinished at his death. It was orchestrated and provided with recitatives by Ernest Guiraud, who also introduced the famous barcarolle taken from Die Rheinnixen. Described as an opéra-fantastique, it was first produced at the Opéra-Comique on February 10, 1881. Gaîté Parisienne, a suite of Offenbach’s music arranged by Manuel Rosenthal, remains a popular orchestral work as well as ballet score.

Offenbach is credited with writing in a fluent, elegant style and with a highly developed sense of both characterization and satire (particularly in his irreverent treatment of mythological subjects); he was called by Gioachino Rossini “our little Mozart of the Champs-Elysées.” Indeed, he was almost as prolific as Mozart. He wrote more than 100 stage works, many of which, transcendingtopical associations, were maintained in the repertory of the 21st century.





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