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                                          田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-10  16:36



  伊格纳西·帕德雷夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski,1860-1941)      

The Romantic Piano Concerto (Hyperion) Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Piano

 Concerto in A minor, Op 17(1888) I. Allegro(快板)

 II. Romanza: Andante(浪漫曲,行板)

 III. Allegro molto vivace(非常活泼的快板)
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Conductor:

Jerzy Maksymiuk Leader: Geoffrey Trabichoff Piano: Piers Lane Recorded

in City Hall, Glasgow, on 3, 4 June 1991. Hyperion Records, CDA66452



1919年58岁的钢琴家、作曲家、爱国者伊格纳西·扬·帕德雷夫斯基( Ignacy Jan Paderewski)被任命为波兰独立后的第一任总理。同年,帕德雷夫斯基辞职,并在海外度过余生。

伊格纳西·帕德雷夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski,



从幼年时代起,在帕德雷夫斯基心目中,音乐是他最迫切需要的东西。五岁时他完全被父亲房间里一架古老的风琴吸引住了。他自己经常说: “在我的音乐演出中,没有象这第一次尝试那样使我喜悦的了”。七岁时,随一位提琴教师正式学习音乐,他的老师对钢琴懂得很少,但他把注意力集中在读谱和音乐基础知识方面。十三岁时,帕德雷夫斯基去华沙向雅诺莎和罗古斯基学习。四年后 ,十七岁时,获得了钢琴演奏一等奖,并在音乐学院担任讲师的职位。




  Today in music history
On January 17, 1919, paderewski was appointed Poland's first prime minister
In 1919 Ignacy Jan Paderewski, a 58-year-old pianist, composer and patriot, was appointed Poland's first independent prime minister.That same year, paderewski resigned and spent the rest of his life abroad.
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860 -- 1941) was a polish pianist, composer, statesman and diplomat. He was one of the world's greatest pianists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Born in padoria, Poland, on November 18, 1860, kurilovka became the world's most famous piano master at the age of 30.Later he abandoned the piano and signed a treaty at Versailles on behalf of his beloved country after world war I.He was Poland's first prime minister and turned Poland into a free country.But in his later years, paderewski once again saw his country ravaged by foreign invaders.
His involvement in the revolution was no accident.He was born with this personality. His mother was the daughter of professor novick of the university of Werner.When he was three years old, paderewski experienced a disastrous attempt to defend the country's freedom.He lost his mother, the village was burned to the ground, and many of the villagers were massacred, while his father, one of the survivors, was imprisoned by the cossacks.In those days, his father suffered a lot in prison, and paderewski was cared for by his sister, who was only two years older than him.
From childhood, music was paderewski's greatest need.At the age of five he was completely captivated by an old organ in his father's room.He himself often said, "nothing in my musical performance has pleased me so much as this first attempt."When he was seven years old, he began to learn music with a violin teacher. His teacher knew little about the piano, but he concentrated on reading music notation and basic knowledge of music.At the age of 13, paderewski went to Warsaw to learn from janossa and rokusky.Four years later, when he was seventeen, he won the first prize in piano performance and became a lecturer in the conservatory of music.
Seeking more knowledge, he came to Berlin to study composition with Frederick gere, and from there to Vienna, where he learned the piano for two years from theodor leschetsky, the teacher of many famous pianists.In 1887, paderewski made his debut in Vienna as a concert pianist, stirring the city.A joint performance with the ramonno orchestra in Paris and later throughout Europe were particularly successful.Paderewski's performance in 1890 shocked London like a storm;L891 came to the United States, in that vast land, by the music lovers warmly welcome.From then until his death in New York on June 29, 1941, his reputation as a pianist grew to miraculous proportions.
Paderewski's playing has deep and tender feelings, he emphasizes the poetic, romantic, mysterious and wonderful music, beautiful lines and moving syntax, sound exquisite, rich in color.
But the pianist paderewski lived in a period of great emphasis on individuality, a period of musical self-indulgence in which the performer was Paramount.After 1910, as his art declined, his playing style became manic and eccentric, and his eccentricities undermined his interpretation of music. Most notably, his hands were not playing together, but the poetry and sheer beauty of his playing could still be heard in many of his recordings and records.
Paderewski was a great patriot who gave almost all of his fortune to his native Poland during the two world wars.After the first world war, he signed for Poland at the Versailles peace conference and became Poland's first prime minister.When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, he became politically active again, campaigning for his country.Until his death in the United States in 1941.President Roosevelt gave him a special funeral and laid him to rest at Arlington national cemetery.


伊格纳西·帕德雷夫斯基 降B大调夜曲 Miscellanea丨Nelson Freire

  Nelson Freire joue le Nocturne en si bémol majeur extrait de Miscellanea, op.16, d'Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Pièce donnée en bis du cocnert du 26 avril 2019 à la Philharmonie de Paris.      


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