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                                           田润德 编译 文/图 2020-01-10  16:36




普罗科菲耶夫《D大调第一小提琴协奏曲》帕尔曼演奏 BBC交响乐团 Prokofiev 



普罗科菲耶夫最早的作品,是五岁时即兴弹出来的曲 子,是母亲替他记下来的。
在父母细心的培育下,普罗科菲耶夫的音乐才能得到了发展。1900年1月他跟双亲第一次来到莫斯科,观看了古诺的歌剧《浮士德》、鲍罗丁的歌剧《伊戈尔王子》、柴科夫斯基的舞剧《睡美人》而大开眼界。第二年再到莫斯科时, 普罗科菲耶夫在著名俄国作曲家塔涅耶夫(1856-1915)面前,信心十足地弹奏自己的作品歌剧《无人岛》的序曲。对此塔涅耶夫颇有好感。后来经塔涅耶夫介绍,从1902年夏夫 开始,普罗科菲耶夫跟格里爱尔(1875-1956)学了两年作曲与钢琴。那时普罗科菲耶夫才十一二岁,格里爱尔二十八.九岁。后来就任基辅音乐学院院长的格里爱尔,是普罗科菲耶夫最好的启蒙老师。四十年后,普罗科菲耶夫曾说:“跟格里爱尔学过的人都有着美好的回忆。他是一位连学生心灵深处都能掌握住的出色的教育家。他并不勉强学生去学那些枯燥无味的学科。学生对什么有兴趣他一清二楚,他循循相诱,把学生引向正确的方向”。他们从第一次见面后就始终保持着亲密的友谊。



Today in music history

Sergei sergeevich prokofiev (April 23, 1891 -- March 5, 1953) was a Russian composer and pianist.He began to study music at an early age and later entered the st. Petersburg conservatory of music. He held his first solo concert at the age of 20. From 1918 to 1936, he lived in the United States and France and engaged in creation and performance.In 1947, he was awarded as the people's artist of the Russian federation.From 1943 to 1951, he was awarded the national prize of the Soviet union for 6 times and the Lenin prize (posthumously awarded) in 1957.

According to prokofiev's autobiography, he was born in 1891.Its birthplace, songdrovka, is in the donbas region of Ukraine, about 40 kilometers from 21st-century linnetsk. It is a large village at the confluence of two rivers.

His father, an agronomist, had been hired by a college classmate, dimitri sondroff, to manage the land.When her mother, maria gregoryevna, arrived in sondrovka, she set up a school to teach the children of poor peasants free of charge.

Prokofiev's first work was an impromptu song written by his mother at the age of five.

Under the careful cultivation of his parents, prokofiev's musical talent was developed.In January 1900, he and his parents came to Moscow for the first time and saw cournot's Faust, borodin's prince igor and Tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty.When he returned to Moscow the following year, prokofiev confidently played the overture to his opera "no man's land" in front of the famous Russian composer nikolay tanneyev (1856-1915).Mr Taniyev likes it.According to tanneyev, prokofiev studied composition and piano with grier (1875-1956) for two years, starting in 1902.Prokofiev was only eleven or twelve years old, and grier was twenty-eight and nine.Grier, who later became President of the Kiev conservatory, was prokofiev's best abecedarian.Forty years later, prokofiev said, "everyone who studied with grier has fond memories.He is an outstanding educationist who can grasp even the deep heart of students.He does not force his students to study boring subjects.He knows what students are interested in, and he leads them in the right direction.They have maintained a close friendship since they first met.

Today's video: The great violinist Yitzhak Perlman performs Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1.



可能是我们这个时代杰出的小提琴家,伊扎克·帕尔曼以其出色的技巧,直接的解释和精确性而闻名。 帕尔曼先生的录音不仅包括所有标准小提琴曲目,还包括当代作曲家的曲目。他曾与世界各大乐团合作,在世界各地的音乐节,独奏会和音乐会上展示他的才华。坐下来的男人从来没有停止过为观众和真正的世界带来他的礼物。 帕尔曼先生于1945年出生于以色列的一名理发师。他患上小儿麻痹症并在四岁时失去了双腿。不久之后,他开始学习小提琴。在特拉维夫Shulamit高中学习小提琴后,他与以色列广播乐团合作演出。他与Ed Sullivan的明星大篷车一起巡回演出,这是一个有才华的孩子们的展示。他于1958年移居美国并获得奖学金,帕尔曼先生继续与Ivan Galamian一起在纽约着名的茱莉亚音乐学院学习。 1963年,佩尔曼先生在卡内基音乐厅演奏了Wienawski F-sharp小型协奏曲。他于1964年赢得了Leventritt纪念竞赛,为他辉煌的国际事业铺平了道路。 帕尔曼先生于1965年以惊人的八场音乐会回到以色列,并于1968年在伦敦交响乐团的Festival Hall首次亮相英国。 1986年7月4日,帕尔曼先生是罗纳德里根总统荣获自由勋章的12位美国第一代公民之一,以表彰他对美国的贡献。 2000年12月,克林顿总统授予帕尔曼先生“国家艺术奖章”。在以色列爱乐乐团的陪同下,帕尔曼先生在之前关闭的国家进行了几次着名的演奏会。 1987年11月,爱乐乐团和佩尔曼先生在华沙和布达佩斯演出。这是爱乐乐团和小提琴家第一次在东方集团演出。 1990年4月和5月,爱乐乐团和佩尔曼先生首次前往俄罗斯,在莫斯科和列宁格勒举行独奏音乐会。这次巡演的时间恰逢柴可夫斯基诞辰150周年,而佩尔曼先生则为这位作曲家致敬。 1994年12月,帕尔曼先生和以色列爱乐乐团在中国和印度演出,这是爱乐乐团在这两个国家首次演出。当他与传奇作曲家约翰威廉姆斯合作时,也许他作为艺术家的最伟大时刻之一来了。以帕尔曼先生为独奏家创作的电影配乐被用于电影_Schindler's List(1993)_,获得了奥斯卡奖。 1916年和1969年,Perlman先生曾经是一名教师和许多教职员,他参加了伦敦南岸夏季音乐系列。1970年,他在美国的Meadowbrooks音乐节上创作了一个小提琴大师班。帕尔曼先生和他的妻子于1998年创立了帕尔曼音乐课程,以培养11-18岁的年轻音乐家。该计划成本高昂,但有四分之三的儿童获得某种经济援助。它包括全年指导和辅导,在纽约谢尔特岛举办的为期六周的夏季住宿以及一年一度的国际学习/表演之旅。 在先生50岁生日的时候,他在伦敦的一个特别音乐会系列中演奏了主音小提琴。那一年是为纪念他的诞生而推出的新版本。这套光盘于1995年5月发行。它是由先生自己挑选的,还包括了他最喜欢的一些的萨拉萨蒂, 维尼亚夫斯基,克莱斯勒和柴可夫斯基的作品。那年晚些时候,EMI与马友友和柏林爱乐乐团合作发行了贝多芬三重协奏曲的现场录音。哈佛大学,耶鲁大学和Yeshiva大学的荣誉学位的持有者,以及Itzhak 帕尔曼对音乐的热情向世界推荐他。制作音乐的乐趣很少被翻译得如此之好,正是这种才华与个人魅力的结合使他成为如此优秀的小提琴家和当代最伟大的小提琴演奏家。

- IMDb迷你传记作者 

  Itzhak Perlman
Probably the pre-eminent violinist of our time, Itzhak Perlman is known for his brilliant technique, direct interpretation and precision. Mr. Perlman's recordings include not only all standard violin repertoires but those of contemporary composers. He has appeared with every major orchestra in the world, showcasing his talent at music festivals, recitals, and concerts around the world. The man who plays sitting down has never ceased to bring audiences and truly, the world, to its feet in appreciation of his gifts. Mr. Perlman was born to a barber in Israel in 1945. He contracted polio and lost the use of his legs at the age of four. Shortly after, he began to study the violin. After learning the violin at Shulamit High School in Tel-Aviv, he was performing with the Israel Broadcasting Orchestra. He toured with Ed Sullivan's Caravan of Stars, a showcase of talented children. He emigrated to the US in 1958 and under scholarship, Mr. Perlman went on to study at the prestigious Juilliard School of Music in New York with Ivan Galamian. Mr. Perlman made his professional debut playing Wienawski F-sharp minor Concerto at Carnegie Hall in 1963. He won the Leventritt Memorial Competition in 1964, which helped paved the way to his illustrious international career. Mr. Perlman returned to Israel in 1965 with a stunning eight concert and in 1968, made his British debut at Festival Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra. On the 4th of July in 1986, Mr. Perlman was one of 12 first-generation US citizens to be honored with the Medal of Liberty by President Ronald Reagan, in recognition and appreciation of his contributions to America. In December 2000, President Clinton awarded Mr. Perlman the "National Medal of Arts." With the Israel Philharmonic, Mr. Perlman performed several notable recitals in countries previously closed off. In November of 1987, the Philharmonic and Mr. Perlman performed in Warsaw and Budapest. It was the first time the Philharmonic and the violinist had performed in the Eastern Bloc. In April and May of 1990, the Philharmonic and Mr. Perlman journeyed to Russia for the first time, performing recitals in Moscow and Leningrad. The timing of this tour coincided with the 150th anniversary of Tchaikovsky's birth and Mr. Perlman honored the composer. In December 1994, Mr. Perlman and the Israel Philharmonic performed in China and India, marking the first time the Philharmonic played in either nation. Perhaps one of his greatest moments as an artist came when he collaborated with legendary composer John Williams. The film score that was created, with Mr. Perlman as a soloist, was used in the film _Schindler's List (1993)_ which won an Academy Award. Ever a teacher and holder of many teaching posts, Mr. Perlman participated in London South Bank Summer Music Series in 1968 and 1969. He created a master class in violin in 1970, at the Meadowbrooks Festival in the US. Mr. Perlman and his wife founded the Perlman Music Program in 1998 to nurture young musicians, ages 11-18. The program is costly but three quarters of the children receive some sort of financial aid. It includes year-round instruction and mentoring, a six-week summer residency on Shelter Island, New York and an annual international study/performance tour. In Mr. Perlman's 50th birthday year, he performed the major violin repertoire in a special concert series in London. That year was the launch of the Perlman Edition to commemorate his birth. The 20 CD set was released in May 1995. It was chosen by Mr. Perlman himself and included some of his favorite pieces by Sarasate, Wieniawski, Kreisler and Tchaikovsky. Later that year, EMI released a live recording of Beethoven's Triple Concerto with Yo-Yo Ma and the Berlin Philharmonic. The holder of honorary degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Yeshiva Universities, among others, it's Itzhak Perlman's passion for music that recommends him to the world. The joy of making music has seldom been translated so well and it is this combination of talent and personal charm which makes him such an outstanding violinist and the greatest violin virtuoso of our time.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: vishnu77


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