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莫扎特之旅 古典之旅 文化交流  斗转星移 我的小提琴 音乐教育 我的收藏 文化长廊 文化交流 滚动新闻 站长资料 莫扎特之旅




编译:莫扎特之旅  发表时间 :2018-02-10

The virtuoso concert violinist Bronislaw Huberman (1882-1947) made his professional debut at 12. How virtuosic was he? In 1896, he played the Brahms Violin Concerto with a much-impressed composer in the audience. “He had the best right hand of anybody!” the violinist and violist Pinchas Zukerman declares in “Orchestra of Exiles.” Huberman’s sound, adds violinmaker Amnon Weinstein, was “very intensive, like he was going to eat the violin.” 小提琴家布罗尼斯拉夫·胡贝尔曼(1882-1947)在12岁时首次亮相。他有多高超的技巧? 1896年,他演奏了勃拉姆斯小提琴协奏曲,在观众席上有一位印象深刻的的作曲家 “他具有所有小提琴家中的最佳的右手!”小提琴 家兼中提琴家平差可.朱克曼在“流亡乐团”中声明。胡贝尔曼的声音,增加了小提琴制作人Amnon Weinstein,“非常密集,就像他要吃小提琴一样。
I first encountered Stephen Hawking on the cover of the New York Times magazine. Inside, its pages told a story we all know today, but at the time it was a revelation: a Cambridge astrophysicist sought to solve the great mysteries of the universe, while he himself was trapped in a wheelchair by a progressive neurogenerative disease. I remember being struck by writer Timothy Ferris’s description of Professor’s Hawking’s shoes, their soles pristine, having never touched the ground. I tucked the article in my knapsack, and a few days later I finished reading it on my way to lunch with a literary agent. 我第一次遇到了“纽约时报”杂志封面的史蒂芬霍金。 在里面,它的页面讲述了我们今天都知道的一个故事,但当时它是一个启示:剑桥天体物理学家试图解决宇宙的巨大谜团,而他自己却被渐进性神经退行性疾病困在轮椅上。 我记得作家蒂莫西·费里斯(Timothy Ferris)对霍金教授的鞋子的描述感到震惊,他们的鞋底是原始的,从未触及过地面。 我把文章塞进背包里,几天后,我在去文学经纪人的午餐路上读完了。
    Mohammad Mohiedine Anis, 70, smokes a pipe in his destroyed bedroom listening to music on his vinyl player in Aleppo's formerly rebel-held al-Shaar neighborhood on March 9.     3月9日,70岁的穆罕默德.莫希丁.安尼斯,抽着烟斗,在阿勒颇的前叛军控制的阿尔沙尔社区他被炸毁房子里,听音乐他的黑胶唱片。  
  A great genius Tesla  

【莫扎特】d小调安魂弥撒曲 Mozart Requiem K626 (卡拉扬指挥)

    Mozart- Requiem K 626 with Manuscript (NOT on Period Instruments)        

谁是梅纽因(Yehudi Menuhin: Who Was Yehudi, 英文字幕)

    China's most expensive letter, sold for 200 million days        



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