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                                                 莫扎特之旅整理 文/图 2017-03-14  16:26



  爱德华,施密德 Eduard Schmieder(1948~)      


  作为一名小提琴家、指挥家以及室内乐音乐家施密德曾经在巴黎音乐城音乐厅、耶路撒冷的皇冠音乐厅(Crown Hall)、圣彼得堡的爱乐音乐厅(Philharmonic Hall)、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅(Concertgebouw)、里加的瓦格纳音乐厅(Wager Hall)等世界著名音乐厅登台演出。与他合作的音乐家有伊达·亨德尔(Ida Haendel)、布鲁克斯·史密斯(Brooks Smith)、纳撒尼尔·罗森(Nathaniel Rosen)、乔恩·木村帕克(Jon Kimura-Parker)、埃里克·弗里德曼(Erik Friedman)、Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi、罗恩·伦纳德(Ron Leonard)、玛丽亚·克雷格尔(Maria Kliegel)、阿塔尔·阿拉德(Atar Arad)、约翰·佩里(John Perry)、戴姆·戴安娜·安德森(Dame Diana Andersen)、傅聪等。

  他是威尼斯国际小提琴学院(Venice International Violin Institute)以及莫斯科三重奏演奏小组(Moscow Trio)的发起人及音乐总监。在达拉斯,他成立了帕尔皮蒂室内乐团(I PALPITI Chamber Orchestra)。现在,该乐团已经成为世界著名乐团,在荷兰和加利福尼亚的贝弗利山(Beverly Hills)长期演出。在著名的阿姆斯特丹音乐厅(Concertgebouw),洛杉矶沃特·迪士尼音乐厅(Walt Disney Concert Hall)、东京日经堂(Nikkei Hall)进行的商业演出以及欧洲巡演和亚洲巡演中,乐团的表演都达到了登峰造极的境界。2005年,乐团受邀在萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐学院大音乐厅举行“莫扎特音乐季的首场演出。帕尔皮蒂室内乐团已发行了23张CD。

  作为当代最受尊敬的小提琴老师,爱德华·施密德目前在位于达拉斯的南卫理公会大学麦道斯艺术学院(Meadows School of the Arts)担任小提琴和室内音乐教研主任。他还作为指挥家和小提琴演奏家登台演出。此外,他还指导一个由世界各地小提琴天才组成的学习班。在到麦道斯艺术学院执教之前,他担任南加州大学的小提琴教授,其前任为雅沙·海飞兹(Jascha Heifetz)。施密德教授的学生在国际著名比赛中频繁获奖,并作为独奏家和室内音乐家进行演出,还成为一些欧洲、亚洲和美国乐团的主要成员。施密德教授现任费城的天普大学博伊尔音乐学院小提琴教授和学院音乐总监。






    ——摘自【英】玛格丽特·坎贝尔《不朽的小提琴家》 (张世祥译2015年)


Born and educated in Russia, Eduard Schmieder has been characterized as an “extraordinary musician of the late 20th century” (Henry Roth). As artist and teacher, Schmieder amalgamates and creatively transforms the great traditions of American and European art. He maintains a concert schedule as conductor and violinist and teaches an internationally selected class of students, who become winners of top prizes at the most prestigious international competitions, have established careers as soloists, chamber musicians, and hold leading positions in orchestras in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Schmieder has performed in prestigious concert halls worldwide and has collaborated with such musicians as Yehudi Menuhin, Ida Haendel, Martha Argerich, Brooks Smith, Jon Kimura-Parker, Erick Friedman, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, and many others. In 1996, Eduard Schmieder performed a recital in Genoa on Paganini’s famous Guarneri del Gesu “Il Cannone” violin.

One of the most highly regarded violin pedagogues of his generation, Eduard Schmieder holds the Temple University Carnell Chair Professor of Violin at Center of the Arts in Philadelphia where he is an Artistic Director for Strings. Prior positions were a Distinguished Algur H. Meadows Chair of Violin and Chamber Music in the Meadows School of the Arts in Dallas (1990-2006), and tenured professor of the violin at the University of Southern California, the position formerly held by Jascha Heifetz.

Dr. Schmieder has taught master classes in virtually every foremost conservatory in the world. Since 2004, he is on the faculty at the Mozarteum Summer Academie Salzburg. He frequently serves as a jury member at leading international competitions including Queen Elisabeth, Sibelius, Paganini, Sarasate, Lipizer, and ARD. Throughout the years he received numerous awards for his accomplishments as a Musician and Teacher and for his invaluable contributions to culture.

The founder and music director of iPalpiti since 1991, he conducted iPalpiti to sold-out and critically acclaimed performances in prestigious venues such as Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Mozarteum Grosse Hall (Salzburg), Nikkei Hall (Tokyo), Disney Hall (Los Angeles), YMCA Jerusalem, Carnegie Hall (New York), and is invited as ensemble-in-residence to festivals in Brazil, Slovenia, Israel, Carinthia, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, and Japan.

He has been written about in books by Henry Roth “Violin Virtuosos: From Paganini to 21st Century” and Margaret Campbell “The Great Violinists,” as well as three featured articles in The Strad magazine.



  爱德华.施密德在俄罗斯出生和受过教育,被誉为“20世纪末非凡的音乐家”(亨利·罗斯)。作为艺术家和教师,施 密德合并并创造性地改变了美国和欧洲艺术的伟大传统。他还担任指挥和小提琴演奏家的一个音乐会时间表,并教授一批国际选拔的学生,他们在最负盛名的国际比赛中获得最高奖项的获奖者,确立了独奏家,室内乐演奏家的职业生涯,并在欧洲,亚洲的交响乐团担任领导职位和美国。

施米德曾在世界各地着名的音乐厅演出,并与诸如耶胡迪梅纽因,伊达亨德尔,玛莎阿格里奇,布鲁克斯史密斯,乔恩木村帕克,埃里克弗里德曼,堤井刚等音乐人合作。 1996年,Eduard Schmieder在帕格尼尼着名的Guarneri del Gesu“Il Cannone”小提琴演奏会上在热那亚举行了一场独奏音乐会。

作为他那一代最受尊重的小提琴教师之一,Eduard Schmieder在费城艺术中心担任坦普尔大学卡内尔讲席教授,并担任弦乐艺术总监。此前的职位是达拉斯草地艺术学院小提琴和室内乐的着名Algur H. Meadows主席(1990-2006),以及南加州大学小提琴终身教授,此前由Jascha Heifetz 。


自1991年以来,他一直是iPalpiti的创始人和音乐总监,他曾在阿姆斯特丹的Concertgebouw,萨尔茨堡的Mozarteum Grosse Hall,东京的日经大厅,洛杉矶的迪斯尼音乐厅等知名场所进行了iPalpiti的拍卖和广受好评的演出。 ,耶路撒冷基督教青年会,卡内基音乐厅(纽约),并被邀请作为在巴西,斯洛文尼亚,以色列,克恩顿州,比利时,意大利,波兰,荷兰和日本举办的节日聚会。

他在亨利罗斯的“小提琴演奏:从帕格尼尼到21世纪”以及玛格丽特坎贝尔的“伟大的小提琴家”以及The Strad杂志中的三篇专题文章中都有描述。
  Eduard Schmieder is conducting the band 爱德华.施密德在指挥      

“Among (violin pedagogues) I consider to be of elite caliber I would, without hesitation, include the name of Eduard Schmieder. He is a born educator who possesses the rare ability to blend the finest precepts of modern Western violin pedagogy and musicianship with the virtuoso proclivities of the brilliant Soviet school. Equally important, he has intimate knowledge of and respect for the great violinistic traditions of the past, which further contributes to the extraordinary scope of his cognition”–Henry Roth, Music Critic, The STRAD, Author of books “Great Violinists in Performance”, “Violin Virtuosos, From Paganini to the 21st Century”, and other.

““… He elicits great dynamic from the orchestra…altogether, all the participants are wide awake and in fact, honor and wait anxiously for the conductor’s wishes… predominant excitement brought out by Schmieder.” –Eberhard Iro, Review on Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Landshuter Rathausprunksaal

“Eduard Schmieder is a distinguished musician… his coming in Bucharest was an inspiring one… connected musical life from here to the world standards…” — Fred Popovici, Romania Liberia

“…conductor Eduard Schmieder elicited a lively pulse…the ensemble was particularly noteworthy for its unity of purpose and blend. It was as if the musicians’ hearts were beating to the same buoyant rhythm…lustrous, polished tone and graceful phrasing.” –Vivien Schweitzer, New York Times (2007)

“..rich sonorities [of iPalpiti] audibly took the audience’s breath away – especially whenever concertmaster Peter Rainer, whose technically immaculate tone throughout the night was sweet and thrilling, had a few bars to play – showed that iPalpiti had charms to soothe a hall well filled –STRINGS Magazine (2005)

“… a serious and resourceful podium personality.” –Daniel Cariaga, Los Angeles Times

“… The virtues of Mr. Schmieder as a sensitive and true musician inspired the players to create a very deep and emotional interpretation which kind of magnetized all its sensual harmonies and well phrased performance. This was a concert which could be titled as ‘pearls of music” from any point.'” -– Ora Binur, Ma’ariv Jerusalem Daily.


“我认为,在我认为具有精英才能的小提琴教育家中,他毫不犹豫地加入了爱德华·施米德的名字。他是一位天生的教育家,拥有将现代西方小提琴教育学和音乐学的最好规则与苏联卓越学派的精湛技艺结合在一起的罕见能力。同样重要的是,他对过去伟大的小提琴传统有着深入的了解和尊重,这进一步促进了他认知的非凡范围。“ - 亨利罗斯,音乐评论家,STRAD,书籍作者”伟大的小提琴演奏家“ “Violin Virtuosos,从帕格尼尼到21世纪”等

“”......他从乐团中引出了巨大的动力......总之,所有的参与者都很清醒,事实上,他们非常荣幸地等待指挥的希望...... Schmieder带来的主要兴奋。“-Eberhard Iro,马勒室内管弦乐团评论, Landshuter Rathausprunksaal

“Eduard Schmieder是一位杰出的音乐家......他来布加勒斯特是一个鼓舞人心的音乐家......将音乐生活从这里连接到世界标准......” - Fred Popovici,罗马尼亚利比里亚

“......指挥爱德华·施米德引发了一个活跃的脉搏......该乐团因其统一的目的和融合而特别引人注目。这就好像音乐家的心跳在同样轻快的节奏中一样......光亮,优美的音调和优雅的语调。“-Vivien Schweitzer,”纽约时报“(2007年)

“帕尔皮蒂乐团丰富多彩的声音让听众无比振奋 - 特别是当整晚演唱会技术上完美无瑕、无懈可击,尤其是音乐会首席小提琴家彼得莱纳 的音色令人激动- 表现出帕尔皮蒂具有吸引人的魅力,可以使音乐厅整个充满舒缓的声音,大有绕梁三日不绝之感-弦乐杂志(2005)

“......一个认真而又足智多谋的领奖台人物。” - 洛杉矶时报丹尼尔卡里亚加

“...施米德先生作为一个敏感而真实的音乐家的优点,激励了演奏家们创造出一种非常深刻和情感化的解释,这种解读使得它的所有感官和谐以及措辞良好的表演都被磁化了。这是一场音乐会,从任何角度都可以被称为“音乐珍珠”。“ - Ora Binur,Ma'ariv Jerusalem Daily


  Eduard Schmider and Ida haendel  施密德先生和艾达.韩德尔      
  "Eduard Schmieder is one of the outstanding teachers of the violin. I have the highest admiration for his work, his dedication, and his integrity."                     -Lord Yehudi Menuhin  


  As violinist and conductor, Schmieder has performed in prestigious halls and has collaborated with great musicians. In 1996, Eduard Schmieder performed a recital in Genoa on Paganinis famous Guarneri del Gesu jl Cannone� violin which is only given for the performances to exceptional virtuoso violinists. On this rare occasion, it was a posthumous International Peace Prize ceremony given by the Italian government to Yitzhak Rabin.   作为小提琴家和指挥家,施米德在着名的大厅演出,并与优秀音乐家合作。 1996年,在热那亚使用帕格尼尼著名的瓜內利·基尔·吉苏举办了小提琴独奏会,这场小提琴只有著名的小提琴大师才能演奏。 在这个罕见的场合,是意大利政府给已故的伊扎克.拉宾颁发国际和平奖仪式的盛典上进行的。  
  Recipient of numerous awards, Violin Professor Schmieder has taught master classes in virtually every foremost conservatory and summer courses in the world, and represents the United States as a jury member at leading international competitions.   小提琴教授施密德曾获得多项奖项,几乎在世界上最重要的音乐学院和暑期课程中授课,并代表美国在国际著名的比赛中担任评审团成员。  
  "Among (violin pedagogues) I consider to be of elite caliber I would, without hesitation, include the name of Eduard Schmieder. He is a born educator who possesses the rare ability to blend the finest precepts of modern Western violin pedagogy and musicianship with the virtuoso proclivities of the brilliant Soviet school. Equally important, he has intimate knowledge of and respect for the great violinistic traditions of the past, which further contributes to the extraordinary scope of his cognition."   “在我认为具有精英才能的小提琴教育家中,我毫不犹豫地将爱德华·施米德的名字收入其中,他是一位天生的教育家,他拥有将现代西方小提琴教育学和音乐艺术的最优秀的规则与伟大的苏联学派的艺术倾向融为一体的罕见能力。杰作倾向,同样重要的是,他对过去伟大的小提琴传统有着深入的了解和尊重,这进一步有助于扩大他认知的视野。  
  Henry Roth, Music Critic, The STRAD, Author of books "Great Violinists in Performance," "Violin Virtuosos, From Paganini to the 21st Century,"

                           and others




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