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The eternal city-Roma,a city of faith 




编译:莫扎特之旅  发表时间 :2018-02-05

  Rome was known as the Eternal City even among the ancient Romans themselves. It was so called because the Roman people thought that no matter what happened to the world, no matter how many other empires might rise and fall, Rome would go on forever. Tibullus (54-18 B.C.), Roman elegiac poet, and Ovid (43 B.c.-iy AJX), one of the greatest of the Latin poets, as well as other Roman writers, refer to the city as eternal, and the thought is expressed in many official documents of the Empire in later days. In Vergil’s Aeneid Jupiter tells Venus that he will give the Romans imperium sine fine, “an empire without end.” The phrase was popularized by The Eternal City (1901), a novel by Hall Caine that deals with a Utopian state in Rome. “Rome was not built in a day” in one form or other is a very old saying. It is found in Latin as early as the twelfth century, and Pier Angelo Manzolli, Latin poet, quoted it in Zodiacus vitae about 1543, while John’ Heywood included -it in his collection of English proverbs in 1546. The saying, of course, refers to the fact that Rome was of slow but steady growth, that many centuries were required to make it the chief city of the world, and that great things are not achieved without much patience and effort.     罗马被称为“永恒之城”,甚至在古罗马人中也是如此。之所以这样说,是因为罗马人认为,无论世界发生了什么,无论其他多少帝国兴亡,罗马都将永远存在。提柏卢斯(公元前54-18年),罗马挽歌诗人,和奥维德(公元前43年),最伟大的拉丁诗人之一,以及其他罗马作家,认为城市是永恒的,这一思想在帝国后期的许多官方文件中得到了表达。在维吉尔的“埃涅德”中,木星告诉金星,他将给予罗马帝国以“一个永无止境的帝国”。这个短语被永恒之城(1901年)所普及,这是一部由霍尔·凯恩(Hall Caine)写的小说,讲述了罗马的一个乌托邦。“罗马不是一天建成的”,这是一句古老的谚语。早在十二世纪就有拉丁文,拉丁诗人皮尔·安杰洛·曼佐利(Pier Angelo Manzolli)在1543年左右的“黄道”中引用了这句话,而约翰·海伍德(John‘Heywood)在1546年的英语谚语集中收录了它。当然,这句话是指罗马增长缓慢但稳定,要使它成为世界上的主要城市需要许多世纪的时间,没有耐心和努力就无法取得伟大的成就。  
  Rome was. the accumulation of the products of knowledge, art and war for innumerable generations. Augustus Caesar is reputed to have said on his deathbed: “I found Rome brick and I leave it marble.” Claudius Clau[406] “”””Roman power slowly built, an unarmed traitor instantly overthrew.”     罗马是知识、艺术和战争产品的积累,是无数代人的产物。奥古斯都·凯撒在临终时曾说过:“我找到了罗马砖,把它留在了大理石上。”。克劳迪亚斯·克劳斯[406]“罗马政权慢慢建立,一个手无寸铁的叛徒立即被推翻。”。  
  In 1646 Sir, Thomas Browne wrote as follows in his Vulgar Errors: “It crosseth the proverb, and Rome might well be built in a day, if that were true which is traditionally related by Strabo; that the great cities, Anchiale and Trasus, were built by Sardanapalus, both in one day, according to the inscription of his monument.”     1646年,托马斯·布朗(Thomas Browne)在他的粗俗错误中写道:“它横越谚语,罗马很可能在一天内建成,如果这是斯特拉波传统上所说的那样的话;根据萨达纳帕勒斯的碑铭,伟大的城市安恰莱(Anchiale)和特拉索斯(Trus)都是在一天之内建成的。”  
  Fountains of Rome(Itlian:Fountains of Rome)is a symphonic poem written by the Italian com poser Ottorino Respighi. It is the first orchestral work in his”Roman trilygy”,followed by pines of Roma(1942) and Roman Festivals (1928).Each of the four moventsdepict one of Rome’s fountains at different times of the day.     罗马的喷泉(伊特利安:罗马的喷泉)是意大利作曲家奥托里诺·雷斯匹基写的一首交响乐诗。这是他的“罗马三部曲”中的第一部管弦乐作品,其次是“罗马 的松林”(1942年)和“罗马的节日”(1928年)  
  Fontane di Roma (The Fountains of Rome): I. La fontana di Valle Giulia all'alba     交响诗:罗马的的喷泉  

歌手:Antonio Pappano / Orchestra dell' Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Roma

所属专辑:Respighi: Roman Trilogy

  The Roman temple (Maison Carré) of Nimes, France, built 19-16 BCE.        



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